
The Book that Changed Me

Ten years ago, the world underwent a profound transformation. Humanity found itself bestowed with an extraordinary "gift" - the ability to shatter the once-confining limits of human potential. It became the fervent desire of every individual to lay claim to this extraordinary power. Although this newfound ability doesn't bestow the gift of magic upon its wielders, it endows them with unimaginable strength, enabling them to level buildings with a single punch. Regrettably, this gift is far from common; a mere one in fifty people can count themselves among the fortunate possessors. Even among this select few, their newfound abilities typically stretch only 1.1 to 2 times beyond the norm. And even if one boasts a favorable limit, it serves merely as an end point. True power demands unyielding dedication and relentless training. But that's not all; let's not forget about skills. These abilities are a rare commodity, enhancing statistics, unleashing specific attacks, and much more. Only one in a thousand gifted individuals is blessed with such skills, and a even a more minuscule fraction claim multiple. Destiny seems to follow a predetermined path, with combat-oriented skills giving rise to a surge in criminal activities. Only a select few police officers boast growth limits above the average, while an enigmatic "alliance" actively recruits promising talents. For some, the weight of this reality proves too overwhelming, driving them to contemplate the unthinkable – suicide. Yet, for Oren Hashigana, a broke, weak, and diminutive high school senior, life undergoes a seismic shift thanks to a fateful act of benevolence from an unknown force. The serendipitous discovery of a mysterious book grants him a power previously inconceivable – an infinite growth limit, surpassing all others in the world. Gradually, he begins accumulating strength and acquiring skills, embarking on a mission to dismantle the criminal empire that lurks in the shadows, threatening to corrupt the very fabric of reality.

CallMe_MFor · Fantasy
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13 Chs

First Encounter

The first worker, a burly thug with a grimy bat, charged at me with a menacing look in his eyes. His cracked leather jacket creaked as he lunged forward. With lightning reflexes, I ducked and dodged his attack, my excitement tingling in the tense moment. In a swift countermove, I unleashed a powerful punch that connected with his right cheekbone. The force of my blow sent him hurtling through the air, and he landed with a resounding thud on the unforgiving dirt. Groaning in pain, he slowly struggled to his feet, wiping the blood trickling from his battered face.

As I watched him stagger upright, a nagging thought came forth. How was he able to withstand my blow like that? Was this the level of resilience and strength even a mere lackey in the Alliance possessed? It was a sobering realization that the threats I faced were more formidable than I had initially anticipated.

Just as I pondered this, another adversary emerged from my right, brandishing a gleaming knife. In a split-second decision, he thrust the blade toward me, and it pierced my arm, sending a searing wave of pain through my body. With a cry, I executed a swift roundhouse kick, knocking the knife-wielding assailant backward. As I backed away, clutching my wounded arm, I could feel the warmth of blood soaking through my fingers. It wasn't a life-threatening injury, but the pain was intense.

"S**t!" I cursed under my breath, beads of sweat forming on my forehead as I grimaced, "That knife might not have pierced my bone or muscle, but it tore through the skin like hell." I tried to focus on the pain, reminding myself that it was more agonizing than dangerous. With a deep breath, I steadied my nerves.

Health: 1200 (-100)

As the last two adversaries closed in on me they seemed to be driven by an unyielding drive for violence, paying no heed to their own safety. The first among them continued his headlong charge, displaying a relentless resolve that was both admirable and concerning.

With a quick assessment of the situation, I calculated my next move. As he soared through the air in a daring leap, I felt my muscles tense in anticipation. My right fist was poised, ready to strike with precision. The moment he reached the apex of his jump, I unleashed a powerful punch, aimed squarely at his face. It was evident that he was the weakest link in their group, as he offered no resistance, making it easy for my fist to connect.

Amidst the chaos of the confrontation, I couldn't help but think about my skill cooldown. It had been an agonizingly long time since I had last used it. The thought crossed my mind that it would be incredibly frustrating if, once activated, it decided to display an obtrusive notification right in front of my field of vision every time. However, I can just assume that that won't happen.

With a deep and unwavering focus, I initiated the long-awaited activation of my skill.

Soul: 40 (-20)


Lvl. 1 Strength Booster - Increase your strength by 150% for three seconds. (Activated) The one minute cooldown has commenced.

In the heat of the moment, I clenched my fists, my heart racing as I assessed the aftermath of my impulsive actions. The man I had punched was stuck to my fist. I then forcefully slammed to the ground lay before me, his face grotesquely deformed, blood pooling around him. Panic surged through me, but I quickly realized that, despite the horrific sight, he was miraculously still alive, his faint pulse offering a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos.

I couldn't help but question the morality of the quest I found myself entangled in. Was it truly worth it to take these lives for mere points? The philosophical dilemma gnawed at my conscience, I know that even those who seemed like scum had lives that held intrinsic value.

My moment of contemplation was shattered as I glanced around, catching sight of another adversary hurtling toward me in a deadly axe kick. I instinctively stepped back, narrowly avoiding the ground-shaking shockwave unleashed upon impact. These terrorists were undeniably formidable, and I felt a newfound respect for their strength. I could see how they took over Hawaii.

A brutal punch landed squarely on my right cheek, sending me stumbling backward and crashing to the ground. My assailant wasted no time, launching another strike that left me dazed and struggling to regain my footing. Their triumphant voices echoed in the air as one of them declared, "We got him, guys!"

I fought through the haze of pain, attempting to rise to my feet, but I was immediately surrounded by my relentless assailants. They unleashed a torrent of kicks upon me, each blow causing excruciating pain. I desperately tried to defend myself, but their collective power left me helpless. These workers were all gifted, their abilities rivaling the likes of Jack.

Just when I thought my fate was sealed, a familiar voice pierced through the chaos. Aroha, my unexpected savior, burst through the doors and sprinted toward us with incredible speed. She shouted, "Get away from him, you bastards!" In her hand, she brandished a gleaming knife, her power radiating from every step she took.

One of my attackers turned to face her and barked orders to the rest. "Stay here, I'll take care of this. Grab him and take him to the car. The driver's waiting." Panic surged through me as I watched Aroha step up to defend me. "No, get back, Aroha!" I mustered every ounce of strength I had left, determined to save her from the impending danger that now threatened us both.

Health: 800 (-400)

That's what they would like me to say, but this was my plan. They really think they had me, huh? Each kick hurts, a sharp, searing pain that lances through my side, but I've faced far worse before. My body aches, and I can feel the stinging of the wound, but it's a sensation I've grown accustomed to.

I glance around, taking stock of my surroundings. They're all around me, like a pack of hungry wolves circling their prey. In the four cardinal directions, they stand, each one a potential threat. One's in front of me, glaring with malice in their eyes while kicking, while another lingers behind, waiting for the perfect moment to strike my head. To my left, the final adversary maintains his vigilance.

This should be easy. But there's something else at stake here, someone else. Aroha is getting too close for comfort, and I can't let her be in danger. I can see her silhouette in the distance, unaware of the peril that surrounds us.

With a quick, calculated movement, I enact the solution. My heart races, and every fiber of my being is focused on this single, critical moment. I execute my plan, a dance of strategy and skill. The odds may seem stacked against me, but I refuse to yield. I've faced adversity before, and I'll emerge victorious once again.

Soul: 20 (-20)


Lvl. 1 Speed Booster - Increase your speed by 150% for three seconds. 20 soul to use, one minute cooldown. (Activated) The one minute cooldown has commenced.

Quickly, as one of them aimed a kick at me, my reflexes kicked in, and I snatched his leg with my hand, using the momentum to flip him in mid-air. The assailant landed hard on the ground with a thud.

Crouching swiftly, I focused on incapacitating him. With precise force, I slammed my fist into his knee, causing an audible crack as it buckled beneath him. A grimace of pain contorted his face as they crumpled to the ground, writhing.

My attention shifted to the second aggressor. I deftly dodged a punch from him, and in a fluid motion, I executed a downward chop to their extended arm, snapping his elbow. Taking advantage of his momentary vulnerability, I grabbed his nose, causing them to lose balance and tumble to the ground.

Meanwhile, the last attacker who was a bit further away tried to make a run for it, but I couldn't allow any witnesses to escape. My instincts took over, propelling me forward in an instant. I executed a perfect leg sweep, sending the fleeing assailant crashing backward onto the pavement. With a final, decisive stomp to the face, they too were rendered unconscious, effectively neutralized.

As I surveyed the scene, it was clear that the immediate threat had been dealt with, and the assailants were incapacitated, awaiting the arrival of the police. I could feel the sting of my own injuries; there was blood trickling from a few wounds, and my school uniform was tattered.

Turning to Aroha, I reassured her, "Don't worry, this was planned."

Aroha suddenly halted in her tracks, dropping the knife, her gaze fixed on something behind me. Before we could exchange any further words, the sound of the van's engine starting up caught my attention. Panic surged through me yet again. The driver! They talked about him! He watched his own team get beat up? Someone was in that van, and I hadn't planned on leaving anyone who could potentially inform their higher-ups. I was about to give chase when I felt Aroha's arms wrap around me from behind. Her hug was a poignant reminder that I needed to prioritize my own well-being.

I stopped, the weight of Aroha's touch stopping me from moving. Her grip on my shoulders was firm yet filled with undeniable concern, a complex mix of emotions that shone through her expressive eyes. Her normally warm and caring gaze was now clouded by a storm of worry and frustration, mirroring the tumultuous thoughts racing through her mind.

As she turned me around to face her, I could see her lips trembling slightly, her voice quivering as she struggled to convey the depth of her emotions. Her words carried a raw intensity that left no room for ambiguity, and her tone, though laced with anger, was driven by love and desperation.

"Are you f*****g stupid?!" Aroha exclaimed, her voice cracking with each word. She didn't mince her words, and I could sense the fear and exasperation that had built up within her over time.

She continued, her voice growing louder with each repetition of the word "idiot," as if trying to shake some sense into me. It was as though she believed that by sheer force of will, she could make me see the consequences of my actions, "Why aren't you taking care of yourself?!" Aroha pleaded, her frustration giving way to desperation. She couldn't comprehend why I was putting myself in harm's way when there were alternatives, safer paths I could choose. If only I could tell her. Her voice quivered as tears welled up in her eyes, her love for me shining through the cracks in her tough exterior, "I care for you, you know that?!"

She confessed, "I love you, I love you so much!" my consciousness hung, a powerful testament to the depth of her feelings. "Do you have to do this?" Aroha implored, her voice now tinged with a heartbreaking sense of resignation. "Why can't you just relax and hang out with me?" She longed for normalcy, for us to enjoy life together like teenagers, without danger looming over us.

"Live normally!" Aroha's voice softened to a whisper, her words laden with a profound longing. She wanted nothing more than for me to let go of my reckless tendencies and embrace a life free from unnecessary risks. "You don't have to be gung-ho," she said, her voice filled with tenderness, "Please... stop." Aroha's final plea was a heartfelt cry for me to reconsider my choices, to prioritize our well-being and the love we shared over the fueled path I had been on.

In that moment, I realized the profound impact my actions had on the person I loved most. Aroha's passionate outburst had left an indelible mark on my soul, and I knew that I needed to heed her words and find a way to strike a balance between my impulses and our shared future.

In the distance, the wailing sirens of approaching police cars grew louder. It was clear that the authorities were on their way to handle the situation. This chaotic encounter marked my first introduction to the Alliance, and it was an unforgettable experience that would leave a lasting impact on both me and Aroha.

Quest 3: Workers (COMPLETED)

Congratulations! You beat those workers up and demolished them!

The police should handle it from here.


2000 points (BONUS NOT ACHIEVED)


These people were evil but you were right. They were not deserving of death for mere points.