
The Book that Changed Me

Ten years ago, the world underwent a profound transformation. Humanity found itself bestowed with an extraordinary "gift" - the ability to shatter the once-confining limits of human potential. It became the fervent desire of every individual to lay claim to this extraordinary power. Although this newfound ability doesn't bestow the gift of magic upon its wielders, it endows them with unimaginable strength, enabling them to level buildings with a single punch. Regrettably, this gift is far from common; a mere one in fifty people can count themselves among the fortunate possessors. Even among this select few, their newfound abilities typically stretch only 1.1 to 2 times beyond the norm. And even if one boasts a favorable limit, it serves merely as an end point. True power demands unyielding dedication and relentless training. But that's not all; let's not forget about skills. These abilities are a rare commodity, enhancing statistics, unleashing specific attacks, and much more. Only one in a thousand gifted individuals is blessed with such skills, and a even a more minuscule fraction claim multiple. Destiny seems to follow a predetermined path, with combat-oriented skills giving rise to a surge in criminal activities. Only a select few police officers boast growth limits above the average, while an enigmatic "alliance" actively recruits promising talents. For some, the weight of this reality proves too overwhelming, driving them to contemplate the unthinkable – suicide. Yet, for Oren Hashigana, a broke, weak, and diminutive high school senior, life undergoes a seismic shift thanks to a fateful act of benevolence from an unknown force. The serendipitous discovery of a mysterious book grants him a power previously inconceivable – an infinite growth limit, surpassing all others in the world. Gradually, he begins accumulating strength and acquiring skills, embarking on a mission to dismantle the criminal empire that lurks in the shadows, threatening to corrupt the very fabric of reality.

CallMe_MFor · Fantasy
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13 Chs

A Blessing

After the intensity of the situation finally eases, I find myself standing amidst a sea of emotions, still reeling from what just transpired. A policeman approaches, his presence a mixture of authority and empathy. He places a hand on my shoulder and utters, "I saw what happened. I'm sorry that we police are unable to do anything about this. Gifted people are a protected class, sometimes even policemen who are also gifted are unable to intervene."

My response trembles with a mix of frustration and understanding, "Whatever. I would be terrified too. But at our level, we should still be able to be hurt by bullets?" His eyes meet mine, and he replies with a sigh, "It doesn't matter. You're both kids. Who would support using guns against kids?" Attempting to steady my racing heart, I muster the courage to ask, my voice wavering, "I'm not in trouble, right? He was going to.."

A small smile forms on the policeman's face as he reassures me, "You did well. We overheard nearly everything and even if we couldn't stop him, we could gather evidence. He's going to jail for a while." A surge of relief floods through me, and I take a deep, shuddering breath. My gaze inadvertently sweeps over the surroundings, and I realize that a multitude of onlookers had their phones trained on us. The weight of the moment sinks in – what a troubling day this has been. The inevitable aftermath of this incident echoes in my mind. How will I face school tomorrow? The news will undoubtedly spread, at least within the local community. It's unsettling to think that some of these bystanders might have let the events unfold simply to capture a sensational video.

As I'm lost in my thoughts, Aroha, my steadfast friend, grasps my arm, her touch grounding me in the present. "Hey. Let's go home. We didn't get in trouble, right?" she offers, attempting to pull me along. However, my newfound strength prevents her efforts from budging me even an inch. I meet her gaze and can't help but jest, "Did you forget I'm stronger now?" With a light chuckle, I start walking beside her.

We make our way through the dispersing crowd, the air still thick with unease. Walking in silence for a while, the mood somehow manages to alleviate some of the tension. Yet, curiosity eventually overtakes me, prompting me to question our direction. "Aroha, I don't live with you, and my apartment is in the other direction. Where are we going?"

Aroha leans her head onto my shoulder, a sense of comfort emanating from her gesture. "You fool," she playfully chides, her voice carrying affection. "How do you not realize it? Starting today, you're living with me. Your stuff has already been moved to my house." A blush creeps up my cheeks as her words sink in. I stammer out, "Realize what? What made you think I would agree to this?"

She tightens her grip on my arm, causing a twinge of pain. "Do you have to make me spell it out?" she teases, a playful glint in her eyes. "You're below the poverty line. I know you live in undesirable conditions. I'm not doing this entirely out of goodwill. After what you've done today, it cemented my decision. I love you, Oren."

Her confession startles me, and I find myself taking a step back, my gaze darting downward and then back up to meet hers. The question escapes my lips, almost incredulous, "You.. love me? It's not because I changed right? Can you name what you love about me?"

Aroha crosses her arms, her expression thoughtful as she begins to list my qualities. "I'll name your good traits. You're kind to everyone, you fight for those you love (as shown today), you're determined in said fights, you show your best self even when it's not to your advantage, you're honest when you give advice, you're creative in our arts class, you're self aware to other's pain, you're loyal to those who are good, your leadership is admir- actually.. I can name more, but you're already bright red!"

Embarrassment floods my face, and I can't help but cover my cheeks with my hands, my gaze averting. I stutter out a response, "A-Alright. I don't think I have the choice to say no, really. After all you've done for me."

Aroha's smile widens, a mixture of happiness and satisfaction dancing in her eyes. She motions for me to continue walking, her voice warm and inviting, "We're almost there, Oren."

As the sun begins to dip below the horizon, casting warm hues across the sky, the transition from day to night sets a serene backdrop for our journey. With each step, the bustling cityscape gradually transforms into quieter suburban streets. The ambiance shifts, and a sense of calm envelops us as we walk down a tranquil street. Aroha's voice breaks the silence, "We're here!"

Approaching the house, a newfound sense of awe washes over me. It's a stark contrast to my previous living conditions. The front yard is meticulously tended, surrounded by a pristine fence adorned with delicate vines. A small garden graces the entrance, radiating an air of welcoming charm. As Aroha opens the gate and I walk inside, a wave of unfamiliar cleanliness and freshness greets my senses. It's a far cry from my old place, which perpetually carried the weight of grime that dulled even my sense of smell.

Aroha swings the front door open, revealing a warm and inviting interior. "Welcome to your new home!" she announces, her smile lighting up the space. The gratitude I feel bubbles up, and before stepping inside, I pause to express my appreciation, "Thank you.. Aroha. I don't know how I'll pay you back for this.. You've done so much for me."

Knowing that Aroha lives alone due to the upheaval in Hawaii, a sense of uncertainty tugs at me. I wonder how well I'll adapt to sharing a living space after being on my own for so long. The question of where I'll sleep lingers at the back of my mind. Aroha, sensing my thoughts, moves further inside and suggests, "I'm going to cook us some dinner, burgers sound fine?"

The idea of a warm meal is comforting, and I respond with a smile, "Yes, that sounds perfect. Where is my room?" My gaze lands on the stairs to the right, and I point towards them, "Is it upstairs?"

Without missing a beat, Aroha grabs a skillet and continues the conversation, "Yes, first room on the left. Your stuff should be there." As I ascend the staircase and enter the designated room, a sense of belonging gradually takes hold. The room's red and white palette imbues a sense of tranquility, and my suitcase rests near the closet, a symbol of the fresh start I'm embarking upon.

Curiosity leads me to open the suitcase, revealing a collection of my cherished belongings. Clothes, pictures, posters—each item carries its own significance. My fingers brush against the bottom of the suitcase, where a cherished family photograph rests. Despite the tumultuous circumstances, my affection for my family remains unwavering. I can't help but wonder about their well-being, especially my mother, who dedicated herself to ensuring my safety from the very beginning. Guilt washes over me, a lingering sentiment from my infancy when I required constant vigilance to protect my fragile health.

Deciding to make the room my own, I set out to decorate it with the limited possessions I have. Every item holds sentimental value, making the act of arranging them a deeply personal endeavor. With each placement, the room transforms into a reflection of my identity and history.

After giving the room a touch of my own personality, I decide to address another matter that has been on my mind. I place my backpack on the bed and retrieve the book containing my earned points from the recent fight. With a sense of determination, I flip through the pages, my gaze fixated on the possibilities that lie within these new points.

Book Level: 1

Name: Oren Hashigana

Health: 1000

Strength: 9

Speed: 9

Defense: 5%

Soul: 70 (+50)


Lvl. 1 Strength Booster - Increase your strength by 150% for three seconds. 20 soul to use, one minute cooldown.

Lvl. 1 Speed Booster - Increase your speed by 150% for three seconds. 20 soul to use, one minute cooldown.

Lvl. ??? Infinite Growth Limit (Passive) - No growth limit.

Points: 1500


Stats: 100p

Lvl. 1 Stealing Skills - 10% chance of stealing one skill from an opponent you defeat. 0 soul to use, one day cooldown. 1500p

Lvl. 1 Triple Strike - Attack three times in succession with enhanced speed and strength. 10 soul to use, thirty second cooldown. 500p

Upgrade Book: 1000p

A realization strikes me, causing me to snap my fingers as the pieces fall into place. The interval of regeneration appears to be ten soul points every thirty minutes—a steady cadence that holds a certain reassurance in its predictability.

With a quiet sense of satisfaction, I decide to leave this aspect of my statistics untouched for the moment; the level of rejuvenation it provides seems adequate. Yet, my curiosity is now drawn to the concept of upgrading the enigmatic book. Questions linger like sparks in my mind: What enhancements might lie within its pages? Could it reveal new avenues of power or knowledge? A sense of both caution and intrigue nudges me towards taking a chance on the upgrade, despite my reservations about the uncertainty it entails.

As I make my decision, a sense of anticipation fills the air. With a deliberate press of the button, the book—once a quiet object—ascends from my grasp, suspended in mid-air. It begins a graceful dance, drifting back to the center of the room. A transformation unfolds before my eyes, as the book transitions from its former state into a vivid hue of white, as if ignited by an holy fire. With a soft thud, it falls back onto the ground.

Cautiously, I pry open the pages, revealing the changes that the upgrade has bestowed upon it. Intricate symbols, once dormant, now shimmer with an otherworldly radiance. The text that once was static and blank now pulse with text of new skills that seems eager to be harnessed. Each line promises potential, beckoning me to explore the depths of this newfound power.

Excitement courses through me as I realize that this decision, this moment, has opened a door to unforeseen possibilities. The upgrade, though a risk, paid off.

Book Level: 2

Name: Oren Hashigana

Health: 1000

Strength: 9

Speed: 9

Defense: 5%

Soul: 70


Lvl. 1 Strength Booster - Increase your strength by 150% for three seconds. 20 soul to use, one minute cooldown.

Lvl. 1 Speed Booster - Increase your speed by 150% for three seconds. 20 soul to use, one minute cooldown.

Lvl. ??? Infinite Growth Limit (Passive) - No growth limit.

Points: 500


Stats: 97p

Lvl. 1 Stealing Skills - 10% chance of stealing one skill from an opponent you defeat. 0 soul to use, one day cooldown. 1250p

Lvl. 1 Triple Strike - Attack three times in succession with enhanced speed and strength. 10 soul to use, thirty second cooldown. 400p

Lvl. 1 Critical Hit (Passive) - Every hit you land on an opponent has a 0.003% chance of increasing the potency of the attack by an insane amount. 0 soul to use, one hour cooldown after proc. 450p

Lvl. 1 Sledgehammer - Attack in a downward motion in succession with enhanced strength. 20 soul to use, one minute cooldown. 200p

Lvl. 1 Cross-Arm Guard - Cross your arms when guarding and mitigate an extra 10% of damage. 1 soul to use, one second cooldown. 200p

Lvl. 1 Rage - Sacrifice your free will and attack anything in your sight for the next minute. In return, your speed is increased by 200%. 50 soul to use, one day cooldown. 1550p

Upgrade Book: 10000p

Wow, alright. As I contemplated the myriad of new options laid out before me, the concept of a critical hit caught my attention, seeming like a useful addition for later, though for now, others seem better. The sledgehammer skill also had its merits with its low cost and practicality, but it isn't needed yet. The notion of using the "Rage" skill hovered in my mind, but its potential harm to others acted as a deterrent. I found myself grappling with the overwhelming decision of which skill to acquire, realizing that hasty choices could lead to regret. I pondered the consequences of making the wrong choice, fearing a scenario where I'd be left wanting the skills I didn't invest in. My thoughts wandered back to the crucial points I had saved during the confrontation with Jack, a moment that now seemed like a pivotal turning point. With contemplation in mind, I opted for caution and chose to save my points for later use. Satisfied with my decision, I carefully closed the book and returned it to my trusty backpack.

Suddenly, a voice sliced through the air, breaking my concentration, "Dinner's ready!" The unexpected announcement jolted me from my thoughts, and I leaped out of bed, eager to satisfy my growling stomach. The delightful aroma of sizzling burgers wafted through the air, an irresistible scent that instantly set my mouth watering. My feet carried me down the stairs, and I entered the warmly lit kitchen. The dining table was impeccably set, complete with plates and neatly folded napkins. One plate already held a burger, likely a brisket from its appearance. It was evident that Aroha had taken the time to curate a meal suited to our individual tastes.

Aroha's voice broke the silence once more, revealing her culinary preference, "That's yours; I've never been a fan of briskets. A classic cheeseburger does the trick for me." With a deft motion, she claimed the burger she desired and placed it onto her plate, ready to indulge. Seated at the table, she clasped her hands and directed her gaze upwards, a prelude to grace. "Let us pray," she began, her voice gentle and reverent, "for this bountiful food we're about to receive." With her eyes lowered and her hands pressed together, she invoked a sense of reverence that I couldn't help but emulate. As I mirrored her posture, I silently added my own inner plea to the prayer, seeking the strength I needed to fulfill my responsibilities, to safeguard those I held dear.

Suddenly, a profound, almost resonant voice cut through my thoughts, "My child." The sound was so deep, so commanding, that it seemed to emanate from a realm beyond. I was taken aback, uncertain of its origin. Could it be.. God? The voice persisted, engaging me, "Are you enjoying the tome I bestowed upon you?" My heart raced as I grappled with the realization that this could indeed be God. I struggled to comprehend, as I had shared no details about the book's contents with anyone. Gathering my thoughts, I dared to entertain the possibility, addressing the voice within my mind, "Is that you, God? Do you truly want me to wield the power within this book?"

The voice answered, His tone solemn and resolute, "I shall not reveal my motives for gifting you with that tome. However, your task must be made clear: eradicate all traces of 'stats' from the world." The proposition struck me like a bolt of holy lightning, the implications of such an endeavor staggering. I questioned whether I was being tasked with returning reality to a former state. The voice acknowledged my thoughts, explaining further, "Even in its fallen state, this world remains under my protection. If the current course persists, annihilation is inevitable. It wasn't I who granted the world stats; it was Lucifer."

Frustration and anger welled up within me at the revelation, for only a bastard like Lucifer's cunning could have engineered such a perverse system of manipulation. The voice continued, His instruction succinct, "In simpler terms, dismantle the Criminal Alliance—the name should be familiar. You possess the capacity to accomplish this. Remember, this dialogue is for your ears alone. You may share the existence of the book, but its divine source must remain hidden. Samson wielded a comparable force."

Feeling overwhelmed with the gravity of this exchange, I desperately sought more understanding, wanting to ask questions, to unravel the complexities that now enveloped me. But before I could articulate my thoughts, the voice receded, and Aroha's voice brought me back to reality, "Amen." With a start, I opened my eyes to find Aroha concluding the prayer and already beginning her meal. Joining her, I partook in the feast before me, the flavors dancing on my palate, momentarily distracting me from the ethereal encounter.

However, the tranquility of the moment was abruptly shattered as Aroha's palm thundered against the table's surface with a force that sent shockwaves through my being. Startled, I hastily finished chewing the bite I had taken and met her gaze, her eyes chillingly fixed on me. Her voice was piercing and insistent, "Did you honestly believe I would buy into that half-a***d story? Something happened to you, something you're not telling me. Explain how you changed."

Setting my half-eaten burger down, I took a deep breath, mustering my gratitude, "It's quite simple really. What happened to me? I guess you could call it a blessing."