
Chapter 1: A True Beginning

Two unequatably strong beings could be sensed.

One of who, was a tall pale skinned man, beautiful but raven-like.

He stood with a menacing back in front of a tree gazing at a small beautiful blue eyed infant, who was the second of the two.

He opened his mouth, but words wouldn't quite come out.

A man of evil like him, all he knows is cruelty, but this child deserves no cruelty.

This man was the devil himself, Lucifer.

And this child was.....unknown.

Lucifer crouched down and finally came up with a statement.

"You are cursed." Lucifer said to the infant.

It wasn't voiced in a subjective tone.

It wasn't even an accusation.

Just an observation of the sorry creature in front of him.

It was the sad tone of pity.

He looked at the boy with a grimace.

Lucifer normally has no other feelings other than bitterness and rage but he sympathized with this child or at least he thought so, they both shared sorry Fates.

Lucifer held the child up at eye level, the bronze skinned infants eyes were full of joy.

Almost like a calm breeze blowing right at you in the warm sun.

Bright blue eyes full of innocence.

To harm a child like this would have to be a sin not even a he could fathom.

He held the infant and in joy the child giggled reaching out for Lucifer's face.

Lucifer looked deeper in the baby's eyes, as you would've never believed that a baby as peaceful as this would have a fate so unbelievably full of pain and sorrow.

"Who shall you be?" Lucifer said in a neutral tone.

As he looked at the baby Lucifer contemplated on whether to kill this child and save himself from a future problem or to let this child grow into a worthy opponent who is but a mere mortal.

"What should I do with you?"