
First Day

Melody entered the bar. Elliot was standing behind the bar, cleaning some cups. "You seem to have a bad reputation with some people." Elliot looked up at Melody as she threw the bag of herbs on the bar counter. "Yeah well, people don't come here to like me, they come here for the booze." Melody sat on the bar counter as Elliot put back the last clean cup "There's chairs for a reason" Elliot side glanced towards Melody. "When does this place open?" Elliot sighed before walking over to the wall and flipping a switch, the open sign then lit up in the window. Melody jumped up, waiting for people to arrive. It took a bit, but people soon started coming in, Melody served people the alcohol they wanted and listened to others complaints even though she didn't really care. She went to the bar and sighed "Wow your a natural when it come to being a waitress." Melody looked up at Elliot who was pouring more alcohol for Melody to serve out "I'm used to being a errand girl so this is nothing different." Elliot handed her the mug and she brought it to the person who asked for it. Eventually the bar grew more and more empty until there was nobody left. Elliot went and switched off the open sign, Melody went and looked out the window "It's already night?!" Elliot went to go clean the mugs and glasses "Yeah..? It's around 10 O'Clock." Melody turned to look at him "Really? Jeez, time really does fly by when you're being productive." Elliot looked over to her "Yup, and you'll be doing this all week so you better get used to this." Melody nodded and headed upstairs to her room. She sat on her bed and smiled to herself "Finally, something different to do." She laid down on her bed and stretched her arms up to the ceiling. A knock came upon the door and melody sat up "Yes?" Elliot opened the door "If you're hungry I got some ramen." Melody smiled and walked over to him, patting him on the head "Aw, how sweet, but, I can only eat certain foods, and ramen isn't one of them." Elliot brushed Melody's hand off his head "That's fine, but just a little FYI, I'm not a dog" He then turned and walked down the stairs back to the bar area. Melody shut her door and went back over to her bed "I like that human."