
The Book of Arcana: Black blade

Even in the modern world, there are monsters that lurk in the dark, monsters that walk among us, and monsters that even control us. Only the knights and paladins protect us against such monsters. This is the story of Theo and his journey of becoming one of such protectors.

Judas_Xavier · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 14

Twelve years ago

Amidst the neon-lit streets, Gareth strode with the giddy excitement of a child who had just conquered a virtual world at his favorite arcade. The night air held a tangible thrill, promising adventures yet to be uncovered. Unbeknownst to him, destiny had far more chilling plans in store.

As Gareth meandered along the dimly lit road, the world suddenly shattered into chaos. The screeching of tires and the thunderous crash of metal meeting metal tore through the night. His head whipped around, locking onto a horrifying scene bathed in the eerie glow of flickering streetlights.

Two mangled vehicles lay in ruin, the remnants of a high-speed collision. Flames licked at the wreckage, casting ominous shadows on the asphalt. Instinctively, Gareth rushed towards the chaos, his heart pounding with the urgency of impending doom.

Upon arrival, his worst fears were confirmed. The two adults in the front seat of one car had succumbed to the unforgiving forces of fate. Their lifeless forms were a stark contrast to the maelstrom of pain and confusion that surrounded them.

But amidst the wreckage, a glimmer of hope emerged. A small child, barely clinging to life, was trapped in the back seat. With every second that passed, the inferno's greedy embrace threatened to consume him.

Gareth's determination surged. He fought through the tendrils of acrid smoke and the searing heat to reach the child. His hands trembled as he fumbled with the car door, finally wrenching it open. Sweat mingled with tears as he gently cradled the boy, now gasping for breath.

But in that pivotal moment, a nightmarish twist of fate descended upon Gareth. The boy's innocent eyes turned a malevolent shade of crimson along with his own, and a cold shiver raced down Gareth's spine. He was frozen in terror, unable to comprehend the sinister presence that had taken hold of the child.

It was not just any soul inhabiting this young boy, but the wraith-like spirit of Sir Lancelot, a name that carried the weight of centuries-old animosity. Memories flooded back, like a turbulent storm unleashed in Gareth's mind.

Long ago, in a distant lifetime, Sir Lancelot had been his tormentor. A formidable adversary whose swordsmanship had almost ended Gareth's existence. The scars of that traumatic encounter had etched deep into Gareth's psyche, leaving him with a lingering PTSD that had haunted his every moment.

As he stared into those malevolent crimson eyes, time seemed to blur, and the past merged with the present. Gareth was once again facing the relentless fury of Sir Lancelot. The ghost of their past duel loomed over him, a pace threatening to consume him once more.

But Gareth, driven by an innate sense of duty and compassion, couldn't let history repeat itself. In a surge of sheer willpower, he tore his gaze away from the boy's haunting eyes and reached deep within. With every ounce of strength he possessed, he pulled the child free from the twisted wreckage.

As he lay the boy on the cold, unforgiving ground, the specter of Sir Lancelot's rage dissipated like a dissipating mist. The boy, still gasping for breath but now free from the inferno, was miraculously saved.

Gareth sank to his knees, his trembling hands pressed against the asphalt. He stared at the boy with a mixture of fear and reverence, knowing that he had confronted not only a deadly accident but also the specter of his own traumatic past.

In that chilling moment, Gareth's life had once again intersected with the enigmatic forces of fate. He cradled the child in his arms, cold sweat streaming down his face, realizing that the past was not a chain that bound him but a challenge he had overcome.

And as the distant wail of sirens grew closer, Gareth whispered a solemn promise to the child, vowing to protect him from whatever dark forces might still lurk within.


Present day

In the shadowy confines of the abandoned docks, a haunting silence reigned, broken only by the faint creaking of old wooden boards and the rhythmic lapping of water against the pier. The moon cast a pale, ghostly light upon the battleground, revealing two formidable adversaries poised for an epic showdown.

Gareth stood like a formidable titan, his form encased in an otherworldly, impenetrable blood armor. The crimson hue of his armor seemed to pulse with malevolent power. His hands were adorned with blood Gauntlets, menacing appendages that glimmered with a dark, ominous energy. A potent blood aura enveloped him, a sinister shroud that seemed to thicken the air around him.

Opposite him was Theo, a figure equally imposing, with an aura of anti-magic that seemed to repel the very essence of sorcery. His physique was that of a demigod, his muscles honed to perfection. In one hand, he clutched a long sword of exquisite craftsmanship, a weapon forged in an age long past, brimming with latent power.

Theo took the first step forward, his eyes locked onto Gareth's imposing figure. In a blur of movement, he lunged forward, his sword slashing through the air with blinding speed. Gareth, ever vigilant, raised his blood Gauntlets to meet the blow. The clash reverberated through the still night, sparks of energy erupting from the point of contact.

Gareth retaliated with a devastating punch, his blood Gauntlets surging with energy as they rocketed towards Theo's chest. Theo sidestepped the attack with uncanny agility, narrowly avoiding the impact. With a swift pivot, he swung his long sword in a horizontal arc, aiming to cut through Gareth's armor. The blade grazed Gareth's side, drawing a trickle of dark, ethereal blood.

Undeterred, Gareth channeled his blood aura, causing the very air around him to thicken. He charged at Theo, his movements fluid and unnatural. Theo braced himself, the anti-magic field he emanated acting as a protective barrier. Gareth's fists met this invisible wall with a thunderous impact, cracks forming in the air itself.

Theo seized the opportunity, surging forward with a barrage of slashes and thrusts, his long sword moving like an extension of his will. Each strike sought to find a chink in Gareth's formidable armor. Gareth parried and blocked with his blood Gauntlets, but Theo's strikes were relentless, testing the limits of Gareth's defenses.

Theo's sword carved arcs of light through the darkness as he danced around Gareth, striking with precision and grace. He managed to land a few blows, the ancient weapon cutting through the impenetrable blood armor, causing Gareth to wince in pain. The dark blood oozed from the wounds, evaporating into crimson mist as it touched the ground.

Gareth responded with a furious flurry of punches, sending shockwaves of blood-infused energy towards Theo. Theo leaped into the air, his nimble form avoiding the brunt of the assault. With a powerful downswing, his sword carved a deep gouge into Gareth's armor, eliciting a roar of frustration from the blood-powered foe.

But Gareth was far from defeated. He unleashed a surge of his blood aura, a dark maelstrom that engulfed Theo. The anti-magic field around Theo faltered for a moment as he struggled against the overwhelming force. Gareth seized the opportunity, striking with blistering speed, his blood Gauntlets smashing into Theo's defenses.

Theo staggered backward, his anti-magic aura flickering like a dying flame. Gareth's blood armor seemed almost untouched, save for a few shallow cuts. With a final, bone-crushing blow, Gareth sent Theo sprawling to the ground, his sword clattering away into the darkness.p

Breathing heavily, Gareth stood victorious, his impenetrable blood armor gleaming ominously in the moonlight. He had weathered Theo's relentless assault and emerged triumphant. The docks remained shrouded in eerie silence, bearing witness to the clash of titans and the ultimate display of power.

As the minutes passed, Gareth's blood aura gradually receded, leaving the abandoned docks in an eerie calm once more. The impenetrable blood armor remained a testament to his dominance, and in the stillness of the night, it whispered of untold horrors and unimaginable strength.

Gareth had had enough, of these paladins, he was exhausted and in pain. His mind and body was a mess.

As he took a look at everything around him, he was greatly pissed at the damaged caused. But sadly, there was nothing he could do.

Before any other fighters pops out of any unknown crevice, Gareth thought the best action to take right now, was to leave the area.

Mustering all the energy within himself, he managed to put his thoughts together, before he could dematerialize into the night.