
The Bodyguard System

Jaden lived an ordinary life. This was the life that he had lived for several years now. This kind of life was one that had existed ever since the death of his parents. His parents died in an accident, leaving him an orphan. The moment that his parents died, his uncles came over and took over everything that was supposed to be taken by him. He tried going to court, trying to see if he could get back the wealth that belonged to his family, but due to the connections that his uncles possessed, he did not succeed. Completely abandoned by his relatives and friends that existed before the death of his parents, Jaden was left to fend for himself. He managed to get a job as a bouncer in a club. But as a coincidence, he ended up irritating someone that he was not supposed to offend. And with that, he was beaten and left in an alley to die. But it was at that exact moment that out of nowhere, he was bitten by a dog. Jaden could not believe it. He had never expected that he was going to die just like this. And even before dying from the wounds that he had suffered from the beating, he was going to be infected by rabies? But the strange thing that happened was the fact that after the dog bit him, a holographic screen appeared in front of him. [Congratulations on being chosen by The Bodyguard System.] And with that, Jaden's life changed completely. **** 300 Power stones = 1 extra chapter 100 Golden tickets= 2 extra chapters

Alan_Wafula · Urban
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201 Chs

{Bonus Chapter} Misunderstanding, Call for Help

"Okay, you kids can go ahead and enjoy yourselves. I am quite happy that you came to visit me." The old man stated. At the same time, he winked at Jaden.

Jaden could not help but be left speechless upon seeing the old man's antics. Was this old man not seeing that Scarlet seemed to be misunderstanding something?

He had already mentioned something about Scarlet being his granddaughter-in-law. Then, he whispered something to Jaden, and now, he was winking to him, when Scarlet was clearly observing.

And just as Jaden had expected, Scarlet seemed to be reacting, considering that she was blushing, something new to him. Additionally, she glared at him, making him wonder what he had done.

Since the old man felt that they should be going out, Jaden placed the plastic bag that he had come over with. This plastic bag contained fruits that they had purchased along the way.