
The Night The Old Theater Collapsed

Families from different backgrounds all came to watch the performance that was taking place in the Old Theater and they all walked inside the large building. It was a popular Theater meant for adults and restricted to children because of some of the erotic scenes.

In the dressing room, Ma’am Caitlin made sure that the attires fit well on the bodies of those who were to perform without any errors on it and she came to stop in front of Valencia who was doing finishing touches on the body of main lead.

Ma’am Caitlin smiled and spoke to her, “We are waiting for you Valencia. We wouldn’t want to delay those who are already seated to watch us perform, do we?”

“I am done, Ma’am Caitlin,” Valencia replied and dismissed the lady who stood up immediately.

“You are doing really great,” Ma’am Caitlin appreciated her and Valencia smiled.