
The Body Refiner System

A procrastinator who read a lot of novels with big dreams given the chance to live another life full of adventure, magic,cultivation, and a harem full of voluptuous women... Or so he thought until got crushed by what they call Reality. “Ah Goddess you must govern misery because you’re one son of a....”

PrinceOfBooks · Fantasy
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2 Chs

We’re not in... Where Am I?

A grey orb spoke in front of another being somewhat transparent of a human, confused by his situation asked.

"Who? What? Where am I? What three wishes?" Said the human.

"You have died and I have decided to pull your soul, speak your wishes and you shall be transported" The grey being replied somewhat annoyed.

There the human is shocked, but before he could express himself the grey being released a pressure as if the world responded to its commands.

"I am the Governor of Fortune and Misfortune and you have been lucky to be given a chance mortal, now speak!"

The human visibly scared but regained his composure and said briefly.

"What type of world am I being transported to?"

"A magical one where all your dreams can be realized"

"Then I choose to... a RPG System, Talent related to that world, and limitless growth potential in everything!"

"Then it is done"

The human vanished as if never being there in the first place and the grey orb seemed to smile menacingly.

"I hope you can provide me with entertainment Mike Hunt or should I say.."