
The Blue Whisper

Princess Shunde captured a jiaoren demon and wanted to find someone to tame it. The princess has three wishes: that the demon utters human words, that the demon’s tail turns into legs, and that his heart will never be rebellious. Everyone knows that the East Demon Island, the West Demon Mountain, the South Demon Valley, and the North Demon Terrace are the only four places in the world that permit people with the ability to control demons. And the Demon Valley in the south has the strongest Demon Controlling Master in the world. She was the most powerful demon master in the Demon Valley, but her heart was enchanted by a demon.

Lb_1975 · Fantasy
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248 Chs

Chapter 15: Speak Human Words

Ji Yunhe thought she would have to look forever, but she soon came upon a huge crater in the ground. Unlike the golden light that endlessly surrounded her, this depression in the land surprisingly consisted of grass, flowers, trees, a small babbling brook, and a cabin in the center.

If not for the golden void all around, Ji Yunhe would have thought that she had stepped into some small village in the south. Why did this piece of paradise sit in the middle of the Ten Square Formation? Ji Yunhe found it strange.

This could not have been built by the ten demon masters to make it comfortable for the jade phoenix, right? The only possibility was the demon bird had been trapped here for so many years that it had created a world for itself.

"She's a talented demon indeed." Ji Yunhe stepped onto the grass. The further she went inside, the more amazed she was. The sound of birds and the scent of flowers were certainly not lacking. But one could only hear the chirping. There were no birds other than the small stone carvings on the ground. A golden "dog" sat motionlessly in the distance and barked out from behind a tree.

There were sights and there were sounds, but there was no life. Ji Yunhe walked in this odd paradise for a while. After the initial curiosity and novelty passed, what followed was an overwhelming sensation of loneliness that seemed to have lingered here since ancient times.

Everything here was fake. The jade phoenix had spent decades here carving out a world of her own, but she could not create anything that had life like herself.

These stone birds and stone dogs... The more vivid their sounds, the lonelier it felt. Ji Yunhe spaced out for a while. If she were also trapped here forever...

The thought gave her chills down her spine. She turned her head and looked at the red string linking her to the jiaoren. Without hesitation, Ji Yunhe went up to the brook and touched it with her hand. This stream that seemed to have no point of origin was actually real.

She took off her jacket and threw it in, soaking it full of water. Then she followed the red string. Going back seemed much easier than going forward. Ji Yunhe felt like it only took her half the time to find the jiaoren again.

He was still the same as when she left, lying on his side with his fingers curled around the red string. He had not even moved a muscle. When she saw him, all of the loneliness and despair instantly washed away.

Ji Yunhe did not tell him about her emotional disturbance just now. She squatted down and began squeezing the water from her clothes onto his tail.

"Do you need some on your back?" He nodded,

"Yes." Ji Yunhe looked at his gruesome wound.

"I'm not very good at this, if I accidentally cause you pain, just bear with me."

"You are very good at this." Ji Yunhe did not expect that from him. In the short time they had known each other, this was already the third time she was helping him treat his wounds. The first time was in the prison where she gave him medicine. The second time was when she tricked him in order to touch his head.

"All I did was give u some medicine, cast a spell, and draw some water," Ji Yunhe said while wringing the water from her clothes onto his back.

The water beaded down his skin and flowed into the gaping wound. His body trembled a bit as if absorbing the pain. After a while, he opened his mouth again, his voice as calm as ever, "All very effective."

This fish...

Ji Yunhe watched the side of his face and saw he was not joking in the least bit... He really did feel that her "treatments" on him were effective...

So when she touched his head, had it also been effective? Ji Yunhe suddenly began to wonder if there really was a spell in this world called "touch it and it will get better"...

She pulled back her clothes after the last drop of water was squeezed out.

"Rest for a while. Once the pain subsides a bit, I will take you over to the front. Your predecessor left some... property there." Ji Yunhe searched for a term that best described the world created by the jade phoenix.

The jiaoren obviously had little concept of the term. He just sat in silence for a while then said,

"Let's go."

Ji Yunhe saw him sitting up and was a little alarmed.

"You don't..." She turned her eyes to check on his back, and found it in much better condition now after being moistened by water.

Good... Ji Yunhe was impressed. So there really was a "touch it and it will get better" spell? She raised her hand and touched the top of her head, trying to feel some of the spiritual power she had somehow lost. But after two strokes, Ji Yunhe thought she was probably being stupid.

She was a human, and he was a demon. The jiaoren tribe was well known for their remarkable longevity. In fact, the oils from their body could be made into everlasting lamps that never burned out. Faster healing was probably another advantage they enjoyed.

"You jiaoren are pretty healthy."

"Just diligent in cultivation." Another sincere answer to her nonsense. Ji Yunhe smiled and felt this fish's honesty made him adorable. She reached out to hold his arm in support.

"Big-tailed fish, can you walk?" He lowered his head and looked down, Ji Yunhe followed his gaze. His huge lotus-like tail fins sprawled out on the ground, flowing round and round.

Beautiful, but could not walk... Flashy but not practical! Ji Yunhe concluded silently in her mind. The big-tailed fish was also somewhat silent. The two stood around dumbfounded for a while, and the big-tailed fish said, "There is a formation here that blocks me from using magic."

"Me too." Ji Yunhe took a step forward and squatted down with her back pushed out toward him.

"Come, I will carry you." He looked at Ji Yunhe's back. Her back was straight as if she was full of strength, but her frame was still girlishly thin.

The jiaoren stretched out his hand, his arm was as thick as Ji Yunhe's neck. She waited for a long time and felt no movement from him, so she turned her head to take a look. He was staring at her back in silence.

Ji Yunhe asked him, "What's wrong? Afraid I can't carry you?" She smiled, overflowing with confidence. "Relax, I am also diligent with cultivation."

Ji Yunhe asked him, "What's wrong? Afraid I can't carry you?" She smiled, overflowing with confidence.

"Relax, I am also diligent with cultivation."

"Diligence in cultivation is very good," he acknowledged her efforts.

"Then hurry up and come, I'll carry you, no problem."

"But you're too short."


Why not just tie him up and drag him... Ji Yunhe thought. This fish could be a bit too blunt.

"Just make an effort to lift the tail yourself!" Ji Yunhe snapped at him, no longer in good temper.

"Why grow such a big tail anyway? Come!"

The big-tailed fish stopped stalling after being yelled at. He stretched his arms over Ji Yunhe's shoulders and she pulled them around her neck.

"Hold on tight, hold on well!" He listened. Ji Yunhe's hands reached behind her back and scooped up under his tail so he "sat" on them. When her hands cupped his "bottom", the jiaoren abruptly stiffened.

"Did I hurt you?" Ji Yunhe thought maybe she had accidentally stretched his wound.

"No… it doesn't hurt." The honest and sincere fish suddenly stuttered a little. Ji Yunhe did not ask more questions. She breathed out and lifted him up against her back in one swift motion.

She felt proud. Although the hidden pulse had disappeared and she lost her spiritual power, in terms of physical prowess, she was still one of the strongest in the Demon Valley.

"See, told you I could carry you!" She stepped forward. The end of his tail dragged on the ground, leaving a swish swash swish sound as they walked. He seemed very uncomfortable hanging on her back, and took a long while to grow accustomed enough to recollect his thoughts.

"I didn't say you couldn't carry me. I just said you're too short."

"... Just stop talking..."

Ji Yunhe felt like if Princess Shunde knew he talked in such a manner, probably she would regret making her first wish. The wish to have him speak human words. His words could really choke a person.