
The Blue Whisper

Princess Shunde captured a jiaoren demon and wanted to find someone to tame it. The princess has three wishes: that the demon utters human words, that the demon’s tail turns into legs, and that his heart will never be rebellious. Everyone knows that the East Demon Island, the West Demon Mountain, the South Demon Valley, and the North Demon Terrace are the only four places in the world that permit people with the ability to control demons. And the Demon Valley in the south has the strongest Demon Controlling Master in the world. She was the most powerful demon master in the Demon Valley, but her heart was enchanted by a demon.

Lb_1975 · Fantasy
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248 Chs

Chapter 106: Twist

Ji Yunhe's hand struck forcefully onto the Grand Master's chest, then her eyes widened. It was as if her strike had landed on a ball of cotton, the force scattered away and his body glowed...

Changyi, standing outside Ji Yunhe's black aura, was shocked by what he saw. The bright light around the Grand Master's body quickly merged at his chest and took in all of the power she used on contact.

"Yunhe…!" Ji Yunhe felt a sharp pain in her palm before Changyi's cry reached her ears.

"Immortal seal..." She could not believe it, the Grand Master actually had an immortal seal protecting his body. Her arm shattered under the seal inch by inch and she was violently knocked back onto the wall again.

Both the black demonic aura and her tails disappeared. Ji Yunhe slid down the wall and fell lifelessly to the ground. Changyi charged in with his sword and aimed for the Grand Master's back. The Grand Master did not move or dodge. When the sword was about to pierce into him, a person covered in blood ran between them and blocked the blade.

Princess Shunde...

She had broken free of her confinement on the wall and shielded the Grand Master with her body. Changyi's sword pierced into her shoulder, but was then shattered by her bloody hand. He summoned the surrounding water and ice needles flew at both Shunde and the Grand Master. Shunde pulled the Grand Master and they fell to the ground together, dodging the needles. Her body stained his immaculate white robe with blood.

"Master... master..." Shunde's eyes trembled and looked frantic.

"I won't let anyone kill you, I won't..."

The Grand Master spaced out for a moment as he looked at the bloody face in front of him, and he gently stroked her cheek. Shunde shivered under his cool touch and the madness in her eyes receded. Her expression now had a calmness that had not appeared in a long time.

"Master..." Her voice seemed to have woken him from a trance.

"You are not her..." he said.

And Shunde's calmness was instantly torn to pieces. The Grand Master turned his head and looked at Ji Yunhe who had passed out from his seal. He narrowed his eyes.

"No one has seen her in decades, Ji Yunhe couldn't have either."

After fending off the two, Changyi slowly made his way to Ji Yunhe. His body was stiff and in a lot of pain from overusing his magic, but that did not keep him from reaching her side. He touched Ji Yunhe's arm and felt how weak and soft it was.

"Yunhe..." he called her name with a trembling voice. Ji Yunhe did not respond to him. The blood at the corner of her lips terrified him, as if he were back on that frozen lake, quietly sealing her under ice...

The pain that ripped through Changyi's heart did not linger long. A person in white stepped toward them and his footsteps brought an incredible force. The pressure made Changyi feel like he was under a mountain, but he did not bend. He turned his head to face him.

The Grand Master walked step by step closer to Ji Yunhe, his face full of killing intent.

"You couldn't have seen her." His voice was colder than the north.

Changyi stood in front of Ji Yunhe with his sword in hand. The Grand Master gave a cold snort in disdain, "Jiaoren, you can hardly protect yourself right now, let alone protect her."

"I can protect her." No nonsense, only determination.

The Grand Master formed a seal in his hand and waved his sleeve. A magic blade formed out of the ever changing wind and slashed at Changyi.