
Chapter 17

Being in the room for the whole day, Crystal decided she'd go down tomorrow, afterall what's the use staying indoor, she wasn't even prone to danger

Her staying indoor only means that Dean in a hundred percent prone to danger, would that even be possible? isn't he a Lycan, didn't they have pearls in them

But however something was wrong! her mother had showed her dean, when reaping a Gumiho of her kind, but when she remembered as well, she was with the baby and, absolutely such a baby wouldn't turn into a huge Shifter

What's going on? why is the last so confusing? what did the past even show her? Was that the first war? so this Lycan family has a senior son

Well where was he?

"What are you thinking?" It was Rose, she had suddenly appeared from behind the door

Crystal felt chills around her since she was shocked but however positioned herself well again

"The first son of The Alpha?"

Rose was quiet for some time, well in the past she wasn't even born, but she was this pack's witch so of course she would know

"Well, Kair decided that he didn't want to stay anymore, she didn't want to participate in wars, he just wanted a life on his own, he left after the third war they had with the Demons!"

It was now Crystal's turn to be quiet for a long time before nodding, "I just wish I could see that one!" She gave a corny smile before laying in the bed, it was however late


Opening her eyes she felt that the cold was too much, it seems like winter, but unfortunately this room feels a bit tighter was she kidnapped?

She saw a small boy by the corner "Ay, you're awake! thank goodness!" The little boy said and the door suddenly opened from the outside

A guy came inside he should be in his early 30's or late twenties, he was putting on a village clothe and she realized she was also doing same thing


"Calm down, I've noticed you're a Guardian angel, hmm? you know I guess, I saw you in the forbidden desert, thank Goodness the goddess showed you mercy, I'm Liam, a hunter in this village"

After the long speech Crystal cursed herself for wishing to be here! indeed her wish was granted by the moon goddess now she's here, she shouldn't have wished where there was a moon

"I... I don't know why I'm here" Crystal said confusedly and Liam nodded

"Wear this, cover your face, trust me and come with me I'll take you to my aunt, she's a witch, please, don't let any one see your face, you wouldn't want a husband now would yo"

Crystal did not understand the meaning of his last statement but however covered her face immediately, afterall she did not really want someone that's not Dean

"Let's go!" Crystal said after making sure her face was well covered except her emerald green eyes

"Good, Gal stay back here and take care of the house, I'll be home very soon"

The house was very small but she didn't care anyways, she had lived this kind of life before so she could cope

Coming outside she could see everywhere filled with snow and everyone talking and enjoying themselves, this was really really unusual in the future where she came from

There not everyone would know each other, but here everyone seems familiar with each other so things went quite well

"That is the Royal Castle, that.. is a supermarket, this is where clothes are sold, hairs are maid here, hmm and that small place is for jewelry, that large hall is where we have food together as Family once in a blue moon"

He pointed everywhere with his chin as they walked, this place was incredible, she wouldn't want to leave but she'll find a way to out herself in trouble so as to leave

Last time when Lucifer called her his bride she went back to the future, but what would happen to be baby? or would it all end??

Maybe if they try to give her someone as a husband, she'll go back to the future? she ought to get a husband here, but how

"How do I get a husband?" She asked and he turned to her in surprise

"Well, when nobody know you here, the king will soon get information and they'll being you to the castle with everyone around then find you a husband"

with everyone around? hmmph! so a husband wasn't looking for her? the King was looking for a husband for her? how disgusting is that?

Kair found the urge to laugh but didn't, this girl she was strange as hell!!

"Here we are!" He said and knocked on the door of his.... his aunt? right? which was a witch, well she'll be nice since all witches were nice except Serefina, but Serefina would be quite nice

"Come on in, fast!" she said and dragged them in... pratically Crystal

Liam followed inside and she shut the door

"How are you feeling, you've been asleep for two days, my brother saw you in the desert of no return, I wonder how the goddess showed you mercy

Sit sit, my husband will be back late, I told him about you already, also I'll get you some soup and good clothes with warm water to freshen up

hope no one saw you, it would mean danger don't you know, you'll have a husband, it isn't danger though, you will surely like them as they would always protect you,


Liam thought his aunt had been talking non stop, well her husband had been keeping her away from the world recently, so of course she didn't have much friends

"Aunt, I will go now, you can just take care of her, will uncle be okay?"

His Aunt went quiet for a while before leading Crystal away to the bathroom and coming back to meet her Nephew

"This morning he was angry about it, but he has to agree unfortunately, well make sure that she gets a husband, it'll be good that there's someone that will always protect her"

Liam thought about it for a while, agreed before going back home


While drinking the soup, Aunt kept staring at Crystal's white hair and Emerald eyes, anybody that gets this girl should treasure her Greatly

"My name is Tiara, and yours is Crystal, Liam told me about it, you indeed are the perfect structure of a Crystal shape!"

Crystal blushed at Tiara's compliments but continued sipping the soup, the soup indeed was so delicious

"So aunty, you said that I should get a husband...

Just then the door opened and a man came inside the house, he was in his late thirties if one would say and he didn't look pleased

"Oh you're back, Ken this is Crystal, she's the one I told you about, she's nice...

"Okay" He cut her up and stared to her holding her in his arms before whispering something to her ears and left to the side of the room

"Oh crystal, your room is that way, I'll come to you in a minute, he wants to eat, see they are not that bad, they are romantic still"

She smiled and left but Crystal felt something was strange, that man didn't even consider her one bit, he wasn't pleased


After about two days staying here she had decided that she would have a husband now!

"Okay okay, I'll get one let's go"

Crystal didn't want to continue seeing Tiara's husband, he couldn't hide the fact that he didn't like her staying here

It was so obvious that she didn't like him, or didn't try to however please him

"Fine let's go now!" She says as they strode out

The cold didn't bother her any more, she was putting on a comfortable sweater and it indeed made her really warm

After a long time talking with the king, crystal stayed at the Castle to wait till all the people in the village gather outside the large castle, it wasn't really nice if she'd say

Finally coming outside with the king, well he king didn't seem bad, he was nice

"From today onwards Crystal is joined together with Warrior Steve! Final"

A warrior? Crystal flinched, this king was wicked! won't a warrior beat her up some day? well then she'll leave here finally

She stared at the man who came outside to receive her, he wasn't bad, No actually he was nothing like she expected, no... how could she describe that he was handsome?


Written by Sharon Raj

Edited by Sharon Raj