

A martial artist thinking he has nothing to worry about than to live a normal was given the resposility of reviving his sect and saving the world from an unprecedented evil

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21 Chs

What a Scheme

After paying the techniques onto Jackie, Mr. Lee went to see his wife. Good evening dear, welcome hubby replied the wife Mrs. Claire. we need to discuss said Mr Lee. am all ears have a sit she replied.

He sat down next to her and continued. Tomorrow is the contest, I am to face the Master of the Ming Sect, he is just a small fry to me, what I worry about is because I am sure that the sleeping master would show up.

I don't know the depth of his strength, I don't even know anything about him he is even part of the last Bloody Sun, that's what bother me the most.

But in case anything happens to me tomorrow. I have prepared for the worst. I am sure the mind sect would take over our sect if I died after the fight.

But don't worry when our son comes back, He would take over easily. The person the Ming Sect contacted to help kill me is my most trusted personal guard.

he reported to me the moment they contacted him. and I told them him to play along. he told them that he poisoned me. and if I used my martial arts, the position would kill me after an hour.

So everyone would think I died From obtaining severe injuries during the fight. that way he would rather their trust. immediately after I die, he would jail you up, first of all is to reassure them if his loyalty, secondly is to take their eyes off you.

You should learn how to Scheme because, I want you to take over all the jail guards and be their Commander in the shadows. no one would be aware of you might since you are in jail.

If anyone tries to molest you just mobilise the jail guards and kill him, destroy all evidences and claim the person never went to the prison.

My guard was promised a commanding position if he could help to kill me. you can seek help from him in dire situations.

He also would try to take over power in the army, all these preparations are to make it easy for our son to usurp power after he comes back.

In the fight tomorrow I will take the pill that absorbs ones life force to double his power, it works only when you use natural arts.

I will try my best to in the sleeping Master or even kill him in one move, I will then go the the secret chamber and hibernate, I will convert all the martial arts back to life force, after that I won't be a practitioner again.

but it would take Long so you just have to go with the plan, cremate someone's body in place of mine and show the world that I am death.

I have listened to everything you said hubby and I promise you I will act accordingly, but since I won't see you for a long time after tomorrow. fulfill my last wish let's be intimate for the last time before things falls apart

Wish granted Mr Lee replied, as he grabs his wife and laid her on the bed......