
Chapter 45-heirs!

Chapter 45


The audacity of the Vealryons had caught them all by surprise. The House was considered the sister House of the Royal family, one that had served on the King's council for the longest time, married into the Royal family many times, and then turned around and stabbed them in the back, allying itself with foreign slavers as it displayed its hungry ambitions.

An ambition which had been whispered around the court for more than a decade was now on full display as Corlys Velaryon sought to overturn the presumed wrong that had been done to him and his House at the great Council of 101 AC.

Her father's response had been swift and ruthless as well, and House Velaryon had seen its taxes and tariffs doubled and even tripled in some cases as the King removed Lord Corlys from his council, replacing him with the aged and experienced Lord of the Arbor.

House velaryon had been turned into a pariah, and would see its confers suffer massively because of this, and would bleed gold and trade to their competitors.

But all this had a major drawback as well, one which everyone thought of but few had the courage to mouth.

And it was about what would happen if Corlys Velaryon managed to do the impossible again. What if the Sea Snake could replicate the miracle of his Nine Voyages and conquer the Stepstones, an arduous and tremendous task which had devoured even her own uncle Daemon?

And truth was that Rhaenyra could scarcely imagine the consequences of this. Though she really did not have to, as her eyes turned towards her only other companion in the air, Silverwing tore through the skies in front of her, its saddle unlike that of her Syrax seating two people.

Jeyne had decided to answer her father's call and had chosen to ride with them to the capital, and despite her protests she had decided to ride on Silverwing given its larger size and docile nature.

Her father had summoned all the lords of the realm to his castle. The missive came as soon as the news of Lord Corlys's treachery had come, and despite not being mentioned, both she and the lords of the realm were able to read his intentions.

Marriage and a declaration of fealty.

With the Crown's own plans of going to war in the Stepstones put into jeopardy by House Velaryon's overstep, her father wished to cement the succession, and the best way to do that was through the official marriage between herself and Aegon, hence bringing together his own and Daemon's line.

As they finally reached the city, Rhaenyra smiled ruefully. She had been at home once more, and yet it did not feel like it. Looking at the massive Red Keep, she thought of all the politics and games that were set to begin. She hardened her heart as Silverwing began its descent, heading towards the massive dome-like structure that was the dragon pit before its feet finally touched the ground.

"ROAARR!" the dragon roared as the Dragonkeepers approached it and began to try to calm it down, not that it was needed given its nature.

And then her own Syarx's feet touched the ground, and as it calmed down, she jumped off of it herself, handing the reigns to the Dragonkeepers.

"Feed her well. She has ridden long," she ordered as the man nodded as he rubbed off her dragon's nose as she took off her gloves, and she jumped towards Aegon and Jeyne.

"So how does it feel?" she asked her blue-eyed cousin, who seemed to be having some trouble keeping herself upright on her feet.

"It was surreal," Jeyne answered as Aegon chuckled.

"You could not stop screaming for nearly half the time," he teased as Jeyne punched him in the arm.

"I thought I told you to keep your mouth shut," and Rhaenyra chuckled, having expected such a thing.

"It seems father has sent a carriage for us," and indeed, a rather substantial retinue had come to greet them, one which was led by Ser Harrold Westerling, and Aegon's substitute for his position as Master of Laws—his Royce cousin, Ser Willam.

"It is good to see you, Princess," the brown-haired man greeted him as he led them to the carriage.

"How have you been, Willam?" Aegon asked as he wrapped an arm around his cousin's neck, and the older boy grimaced.

"I will be better now that you are here," and it seemed to her that the duties of the Master of laws had taken a toll on the man as Aegon chucked.

"Unfortunately for you, cousin, I am not here for long. I have to ride for Braavos soon enough. You will have to hold down the fort until then," and the male cousin nodded as Aegon helped both her and Jeyne into the carriage.

"Yes, I know that," and Aegon himself rode a horse as both her and Jeyne took the carriage, as Rhaenyra found her eyes looking at the city around her.

As she looked at the buildings, the road, and the people, she could not help but compare them all to what she had witnessed in Vale, especially in Runestone and the budding city around its ports.

"The city seems full," Jeyne remarked, and indeed, she had noticed it as well.

"It must be from all the lords gathering up," she added, and Jeyne nodded.

"Indeed," and then she looked at her.

"And you know what that means?" she asked, and Rhaenyra nodded.

"I do, but a part of me feel it all a bit rushed. Especially if the Velaryons manage to conquer the Stepstones by some miracle," she voiced out her concern, one that Aegon had quickly put down.

His answer was equally cryptic and reassuring.

"They have the backing of Rogare Back from Lys, and their combined wealth and might should not be underestimated," she added as Jeyne raised a brow.

"I am not denying that, but if Aegon says that they will not succeed, then I am tempted to believe him," and there it was. The implicit trust that Jeyne held in Aegon was something that was both marvelous and scary.

"But how?" she asked, hoping that her blue-eyed cousin would know more.

"The truth is, I do not know myself," she answered, much to her surprise, as she looked out the window towards Aegon and Ser Willam, who rode a bit ahead of them, clearly bust conversing with each other as they rode through the gates of the Red Keep.

"And you need not think too much. If you ask him, he will give you the answer you seek," she added as her voice turned to a whisper.

"But the real question is, would you be able to stand it or not...."



Aegon and Rhaenyra's return to the capital had been swift, and the Lady of the Vale had come alongside them, as per his instructions, making the journey on dragonback. In a way, it was reminiscent of her own ancestor who had ridden on Vhagar alongside Visenya Targryen when the Arryns had bent the knee.

Jeyne Arryn was not the only lord paramount to answer his call. House Tyrell, House Lannister, and House Tully had all answered, and House Stark made to do the same, with its lords riding to the capital with its own retinue.

The other smaller lords had all sent their representatives as well, most of them except those who had chosen to ally themselves with House Velaryon.

The news from the Stepstones was scarce yet. However, Corlys Vealryon was showing no sign of stopping and had set his mind on conquering the islands. And apart from the insult, there was one big concern for him and, more specifically, House Targaryen over this whole affair.

What would happen if he won?

And the mere thought of this scenario made his blood boil, for he could scarcely imagine the implication behind such a thing.

"Are you certain of this?" he questioned the boy who stood infront of him, emotionless as always, and yet his words filled with confidence that he had once aspired to have. It was in some ways even reminiscent of his father, Daemon, and yet Daemon would scoff, insult, and make faces.

And yet his son was far more cold. There was no mockery or insults. But the result would be the same. Just as Daemon had come to his aide against Corlys before the council of 101AC, now his son stood in his solar, reassuring him of his support.

"Wars are dangerous to predict, and while I cannot say this with a hundred percent of certainty, I am positive that House Velaryon will not succeed in its campaign and will need to turn toward the Crown for its salvation, perhaps later rather than sooner. But it will happen," and there was conviction in that tone.

And as he thought of the boy's words and looked into his eyes he had a suspicion, one that he did not wish to voice out.

"Cragas Drahar will die, and my father and your brother will be avenged. But it will be through my blade, or perhaps even your own, and not by the blade of Lord Velaryon. Lord Corlys underestimates the might of Drahar and his forces while overestimating his own. The Stepstones cannot be conquered in a swift operation," the boy added as he turned towards the map and began to move the ships around.

"At least not in such a straightforward offensive. To bring the pirates there to their heel, one must first strike. Behind them, at Myr and Tyrosh, for it is from there that Drahar gets his men and his supplies," the boy added, and Viserys understood the boy's reasoning.

"But he has dragons. Three of them," he added, and that was the concern being voiced out by a few in his council, who were now cautioning him about the potential match between Aegon and Rhaenyra, hoping that he would abandon it and look towards the Sea Snake in hopes of stabilizing the realm.

"And the Stepstones have a great network of caves that render them useless. It was what ultimately led to the demise of Daemon's offensive. Dragons matter little there. That should be apparent from what became of Ceraxes and Daemon," and Viserys sighed as he thought of the boy's words.

"That means you still wish to fly to Braavos," and the boy nodded.

"I do, and with this, it even gives us more time to build our own shipyards rather than depending on Braavos to provide the base for the new Royal Fleet. I have already set the plans in motion, and contracts have been drawn up," and that was quick, and he could see why Lady Jeyne had often sung praises of the boy and had been so reluctant to let go of him.

Should he do the same as her and put his trust in him?

The truth was that he did not really have any other option.

"Then so be it, but given the delay in the war, you must wed Rhaenyra and solidify the succession," he announced as the boy's lips thinned.

"As you wish, your grace," he answered, and Rhaenyra herself had agreed to the proposition.

"You shall wed Rhaenyra upon tour return from Braavos. I shall be making the announcement soon," he added with a smile as he put all this damned business in the back of his mind.

"It is time enough for these Halls to see some festivities," and he could remember the days when there would be a feast or a tourney every other week as laughter filled these Halls.

Yet it had all been taken from him. But no more.

It was time to move on.

It was time for the future.



Aegon had found himself stretched rather thin even after his arrival from the capital as he juggled all his duties. The most important of them all had been setting up the Velaryons for failure in the Stepstones, and it was not as easy a task as one would think.

Corlys Velaryon was not dumb, despite his inflated sense of self-importance, the man was level-headed when it came to matters of war and trade. So, Aegon had been both covert and cautious in his little ploy to bring down the man, yet thankfully, he had predicted this thing and had been able to make a move prior to this.

Before his departure, he had ordered Larys to recruit loyal men into the Velaryon forces, and the man was quick to follow through on his command, and now he had important informers in the Velaryon ranks.

And now it was all but a game of dwindling down his forces, eating away at him advantage through various means, as House Velaryons bled gold because of the King's new taxes and tariffs.

And soon enough, they would fail.

But before then, it was time for him to cement his own position as the Heir and declare his marriage and ascension as the Prince of Dragonstone. He found himself dressed in ceremonial garbs, as he wore the finest doublet, made of the finest black cloth, with the symbol of House Targaryen embroidered into it with red thread.

The red of his thread and rubies matched the red dress of the girl beside him as he saw for himself why Rhaenyra Targaryen was called the Realm's Delight. Rhaenyra, in her sharp and skin-hugging red dress and ornate jewelry, cut the figure of a true Royal Princess as she stood beside him infront of the massive doors that led to the Royal Throne room.

"You look rather beautiful, Rhaenyra," he complimented as her face flushed.

"Thank you," she added with a smile as she looked him up and down.

"You are looking rather fine yourself," she added as he shrugged. They both took a deep breath, acutely aware of just what awaited them beyond this door. For after today, their fates would be sealed as one.

"So, this is it," he asked, and she nodded.

"Yes, I believe it is," she whispered back as they looked into each other's eyes, and she seemed a bit troubled for some reason before she finally opened her mouth.

"I wish to ask something of you?" she began, and he raised a brow.

"When you say that the Velaryons would lose this war, you say it with such certainty," she added as she looked him into his gaze.

"You say that because of your own assessment of the situation or...." and she gulped down as she whispered the next words.

"...do you plan that to make that happen yourself?" and that was sharp of her, as he smiled.

"You do understand what is at stake here?" he asked, and she nodded.

"I do."

"So, if I said yes to the later part, would it change anything?" he asked, and she seemed to think for a second about its implications. And then answered with a shake of her head.

"No. No, it will not....."


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