

Milos looked very wary and surprised by this statement, and clearly expected me to explain further.

- My King, did something happen that influenced your decision? Not that I disapprove or try to challenge, but… This has always been our trump card. In any war we have participated in, night is the best companion for our soldiers. They will need more time to rebuild their regime. And of course, this will reduce their productivity. - he was alarmed, although he tried to hide it behind a stern facade of his face.

- I completely understand your indignation, Nils. I leave the soldiers to your discretion, choose a schedule that suits them. The army must remain combat-ready at any time of the day. But now it's more about the internal order of the castle – servants, guests and even you. I need you all during the day, as I also plan to… In general, why talk in vain, do you understand everything. – Count Milos did not argue anymore and obediently accepted the order for execution.