
The monsters in the shadows

The mother yelled to her kids go to sleep honeys, The son and the daughter went to brush their teeth.The son and daughter went to say good night to the mother,then the both went to there rooms to go to bed.The son then was sleeping as a monster came from the foot of the bed slowly going into the blankets.As the monster was right next to the head of the child,the monster then opened it's jaw.The monsters breath was hot on the son's face,the child awoke and paralyzed in fear.The monster raised up its claw and cut off a piece of the sons face.The son was so terrified he could not scream in horror.The monster opened its jaw wider and wider,the son saw the rows of razor like teeth.The son knew he would die,The monster thrashed the head of the son quickly.And the blue blankets then turned as red as a sea of blool