
This Is The End For You

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


He tried to conjure a vortex but to no avail.

Sersi's eyes lit up with an azure glow as frost spread from her figure to the surroundings, turning the apartment into an icy domain in an instant.

General Reina's arm, which was connected to Sersi's neck, got frozen as well. Sersi freed herself from the General's clutches and conjured a bunch of icicles from mid-air.

She waved her hand forward, causing the icicles to shoot toward the triangular prison E.E was restrained in.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

The icicles did a bit of damage, causing the triangular prison to flicker a bit but it didn't manage to destroy it.

She conjured more but just as she was about to send them hurling forward, a loud shattering sound rang out behind her.

Sersi turned around to see a hand reaching for her throat.

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