
The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

Have you ever spent twenty years wondering how your life could possibly become more perfect than it already is? Have you ever had that perfect life turned upside down by a chance encounter with a stranger? Emilia Snow has.. Within a short span of twenty-four hours, Emilia’s life goes from picture perfect like a dream come true, to a bloody nightmare filled with lies, betrayal, and the inability to trust anyone. Join us on this action packed adventure where a night out turns into a life-changing spiral of events as Emilia struggles with a new reality, a broken heart, and a journey to uncover the truth.

GoddessKarma · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Kill or Be Killed

Emilia replaces the punching bag with a new one and continues hitting and kicking it repeatedly until it bursts open. She goes to grab another one but Dietrich blocks her way and gives her a wink. 

"Take it out on something that can actually handle your strength, yeah?" He says while pointing to himself. 

"As you wish." Emilia responds calmly.

They step onto the sparring mat, both getting into a fight stance. Emilia is the first to act as she charges toward Dietrich and flips him into the air. He lands on his back with a THUD and looks to Emilia with surprise on his face. 

"Where the hell did you learn that? I know it wasn't me." Dietrich says while standing up. 

"They may not have taught me how to fight. But I still learned a thing or two from watching Winston and Ced wrestle." Emilia shrugs.