
The Bloodied Rose: Emilia Snow

Have you ever spent twenty years wondering how your life could possibly become more perfect than it already is? Have you ever had that perfect life turned upside down by a chance encounter with a stranger? Emilia Snow has.. Within a short span of twenty-four hours, Emilia’s life goes from picture perfect like a dream come true, to a bloody nightmare filled with lies, betrayal, and the inability to trust anyone. Join us on this action packed adventure where a night out turns into a life-changing spiral of events as Emilia struggles with a new reality, a broken heart, and a journey to uncover the truth.

GoddessKarma · Fantasy
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120 Chs

Dietrich's Past

Emilia wakes up and reaches behind her for Dietrich's hand. Upon feeling an empty space, she sits up and looks around the room. She begins to stand up to search for him when she hears the bathroom door opening. Dietrich steps out with nothing on but a towel around his waist and water dripping down his body. Emilia gulps at the sight and struggles to tear her eyes away. 

"You should take a picture, it'll last longer." He teases when he notices her hungry gaze. "Very funny, I just wasn't prepared to have you naked in my room the moment I wake up. Are you trying to seduce me or something?" Emilia teases back. "That depends, is it working?" Dietrich asks while giving her a sexy and mischievous grin. "You wish." She laughs while tossing a pillow at his face.