
The Bloodborne Heir

In the ancient city of Aetheris, Kurogane Alaric discovers he's the heir to the Dreadlords Clan, masters of fear and darkness. As he grapples with newfound powers and a prophetic destiny, Kurogane navigates a hidden world of vampire politics and dark conspiracies, uncovering family secrets and confronting a rising darkness that threatens both human and vampire realms. FAST PACED

Bartholome · Fantasy
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263 Chs


Alaric's days blurred together in a whirlwind of classes, homework, and secret research into his mysterious dreams. Each night brought him closer to the elusive truth hidden within his subconscious, yet with every waking dawn, the answers slipped further from his grasp.

At St. Gabriel's Academy, life continued its relentless pace. The school grounds buzzed with the usual chatter of students hurrying between classes, unaware of the supernatural undercurrents that surrounded them. Alaric moved through the hallways with a quiet determination, his thoughts consumed by the puzzle of his identity.

During lunch break, Alaric found solace in the library once more. Surrounded by the scent of old books and the soft rustle of turning pages, he delved deeper into his research. Ancient texts spoke of a prophesied "Chosen One," destined to unite the vampire clans and restore balance to their world. Could he be that chosen one?

As he pored over the dusty tomes, a familiar voice broke through his concentration. "Alaric."

He looked up to see Adrian Blackwood standing before him, his expression unreadable. Alaric felt a pang of unease at the sight of the vampire student, unsure of what Adrian knew or suspected.

"Hey," Alaric greeted cautiously, closing the book in front of him. "What's up?"

Adrian hesitated for a moment before speaking, his voice low. "I… wanted to apologize."

Alaric raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Apologize? For what?"

Adrian shifted uncomfortably, his gaze flickering towards the library entrance as if wary of being overheard. "For the other day. I sensed something… unusual about you, but I realize now it was just my imagination playing tricks on me."

Alaric studied Adrian's face, searching for any hint of deception. There was none. Adrian seemed genuine in his apology, though Alaric couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the vampire's words than he let on.

"Thanks," Alaric replied finally, offering a small, hesitant smile. "I appreciate that."

Adrian nodded once, his expression grave. "Just… be careful, Alaric. There are things in this world that you can't even begin to imagine."

With those cryptic words, Adrian turned and walked away, leaving Alaric to ponder their meaning. What did Adrian know about the supernatural forces at play? And more importantly, how did he fit into the ancient prophecy that seemed to haunt his dreams?

Days turned into weeks as Alaric continued his dual life at school and in pursuit of his true heritage. His dreams grew more vivid, each one offering glimpses of a power waiting to be unleashed. But every time he reached out to grasp it, he woke with a start, the vision slipping away like sand through his fingers.

One afternoon, as Alaric walked home from school with Lucy skipping beside him, a sense of unease settled over him. He couldn't shake the feeling that danger lurked just beyond the edge of his awareness, waiting to pounce.

"Alaric?" Lucy's voice interrupted his thoughts, her brow furrowed in concern. "Are you okay?"

Alaric forced a smile, ruffling her hair affectionately. "Yeah, Lucy. Just thinking."

Lucy scrunched up her nose in mock annoyance. "About vampires again?"

Alaric chuckled softly, the sound carrying a hint of melancholy. "Maybe."

They walked in silence for a while longer, the weight of the unspoken truth hanging heavy between them. Lucy was too young to understand the complexities of Alaric's life, too innocent to be burdened with the knowledge that he wasn't like other kids her age.

As they approached their modest home on the outskirts of town, Alaric's thoughts turned to Maria and Thomas waiting for them inside. They had given him a second chance at a normal life, unaware of the darkness that threatened to engulf him.

That night, as Alaric lay in bed staring at the ceiling, he felt a shift in the air—a subtle tremor that spoke of impending change. His dreams came to him once more, the ethereal entity calling his name with increasing urgency.

This time, when Alaric reached out, his fingers brushed against something solid—a glimmer of power that pulsed beneath his touch. He held his breath, heart pounding in his chest, as he dared to grasp the elusive truth that had eluded him for so long.