
Chapter 142: Into the Tempest Forest

"So why are you guys still up? I told you we would leave early in the morning because, you know what? I'm freaking the hell out of here. People just vanished like that, so yeah, go to sleep," Gretel heard voices like the boys next door were fighting. 

"We are about to sleep, Ma'am," Jonas told her. 

"Good, because if you guys didn't wake up exactly at six in the morning, I'm leaving you," Gretel told them and was about to leave the room when Jonas called her name. 

"Yeah? What do you want, messy hair boy?" she asked him. 

Jonas, when he heard that pet name, he remembered her mother back then always saying no matter how she combed his hair, it always ended up messy. 

"D-do you have a family?" 

Gretel stopped for a bit and smiled.