
The Blood-stained Lighter

A child was dropped off at our building later their parents jumped off a bridge leaving the child outside our door. My name is Doctor Levi and I am one of the scientists in this facility it seems like some little boy's parents just dropped him off thinking it was an orphanage...This is an Assasin Training Facility when I took a good look at the little boy he seemed to have black hair and green eyes and looked about 3 (people here range from 22 to 45 years ago) so we took him in it was extremely rare to have people this young and I gave him a room and started conducting experiments on him I injected him with three things: 40% was a fluid that makes his blood flammable, and because I accidentally put too much a single drop could destroy 3 a school, 10% of a stabilizer I made' and 50% of our newly made psychotic living organism or we gave him the name Leo. only 6 people with Leo exist due to the nature of this organism. When Leo is triggered not only does the personality change but the appearance too: the person's hair turns a snowy white color and the eyes become blood red (we thought it was cool). many things can trigger Leo and they all involve blood, for the boy whose name was revealed to be Loid if he were to see blood Leo would trigger. every Leo also has a different way and attraction of killing people depending on the host, Loid or Firebug as we'd call him is attracted to fire so we can make a guess that Leo would be a killer involved with only fire or an arsonist. we spent years training, electrocute and injecting him to make him qualified to become an assassin. finally, 11 years later he would be found by his family and taken away but he is still working for the organization we couldn't let a Leo holder get away like that.

ShadowBlobby_corp · Sci-fi
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8 Chs

Day 1

Loid opened his eyes to the glorious morning sun streaming through the window and warming his face. He sat up in bed, rubbed away the sleep from his eyes, and slowly stretched. His room was illuminated with a golden hue as he got up to start another day of adventures. He pushed back against his pillows before slipping off onto the cold floorboards. Then standing up on wobbly feet, Loid shuffled off to get ready for school; first pulling out a white shirt from its hanger followed by navy trousers that brushed against each other as they hung over one arm while carrying a pair of black sneakers in the other. He caught a glimpse of two people outside his window, Lana and Olive waiting impatiently near the sidewalk. "They must be here for me," he thought to himself, quickly slipping on his shoes before running out across the lawn in a mad dash toward them. He greeted them both with a bow before walking to Monika's car.

On the way, Ana and Lana told Loid a long story about what happened during summer break. While riding in the car, they talked about their teacher's favorite activities, the new project they had already started working on since school began, and some exciting field trips they planned to take. As Monika pulled up to school, Loid said his goodbyes as Lana and Olive walked him to the front gate. He thanked them as they waved goodbye before he walked inside the school building. arriving in his classroom, Loid was surprised to see all of his classmates gathered around a large table in the center of the room."Good morning everyone…" Loid scratched the back of his head as everyone cocked their head back to look at him. "who is he..?" one student said, "We weren't told we were getting a new student..". "He's not smiling…he looks weird.." another student said. Loid wondered why they were all looking at him like he was an alien. Then the teacher walked in and announced that Loid was their new student only to be interrupted by an "ew" from a male student. Another one said "Seriously?". Suddenly, Loid felt confused about why people didn't like him, usually, people liked how mature he was but here, he felt like an outcast. Then suddenly, Ana stepped into the class and explained to the teacher. "He's Loid, he's my brother, an orphan because my parents killed themselves. He is really cool and kind so please give him a chance and be nice to him". The teacher nodded and sat Loid next to a girl, coincidentally it was the same one he ran over with his bike. She smiled at him warmly and turned the other way. That was the first time someone accepted and treated him like he was part of the class. Loid scratched the back of his head, thankful for Ana's words. From that day onward, the way people looked at Loid changed, they would give him odd looks but not out of disgust anymore but out of curiosity. The day passed slowly for Loid. he went from classroom to classroom, met teacher to teacher, and found his place in a seat next to the girl in each class. he found out her name was Maria and she was his landmark in the classroom of ​​unfamiliar faces. After lunch, he went to art class, where he was assigned to make a house out of scraps of paper; he didn't break a sweat and made a rather simple three-story house but the same couldn't be said for Maria. the glue was not on her side and her paper house kept crumbling every time she tried to make it bigger. Loid stood up from his chair and offered his help, Maria thanked him but refused the offer. She said she wanted to do this all by herself but with a little prodding, eventually agreed to let him help. Together they were able to create a beautiful paper castle that got praise from the teacher. At last, the bell rang and the day had ended. Loid walked Maria to the bus stop at her request and went on his way. Monika had been waiting at the front along with everyone else and she waved at him with a little smirk, seeing him wave to the girl he had been helping. "So you two are friends now?" Monika teased him, but Loid simply looked over his shoulder and said: "Yeah, I guess we are." Monika just grinned and replied mischievously. "Well then! I'm gonna have to start calling her your girlfriend!" Loid couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the idea as he looked at the other girls to see if they agreed with this statement. All of them gave varying reactions.