


The horses snort and paw at the ground as the group throw on saddles and tighten the girths, making sure the saddles fit well. Bits and bridles are fitted and soon eight horses and riders leave the safari camp, looking like something out of the old West. Heading off into the sunset, the only difference with this group is that they are moving out into the thick African bush in search of a ten-year-old girl and a blonde woman.

While the horses are made ready for the ride, Veronica has taken her samples, sealed them in an envelope and addressed it to Ben, back at Rhodes University in Grahamstown, South Africa, with instructions enclosed of what she’s looking for and asking him to phone her once the samples have been analyzed. She then gives the thick letter to one of the drivers to take into the town of Kafue, and send it via courier, stressing to him that this is very urgent. The driver leaves for Kafue before the mounted patrol is saddled up.