
the blood saint's journey

when the magic awakening happens most people fear for their lives but what would happen if you can't lose yours? this story follows our MC on his path to becoming a Saint not just in name but also in spirit and mind (mostly) is he good because he has to be or is he actually a good person? I have no idea! warning swearing, gore, Minor cannibalism, other mature themes

_Jacky_writer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

the spar and a promotion

Mary was so happy when the apocalypse started while everyone else around her was crying due to the sudden change to their life or receiving a bad ability she was prancing and celebrating her luck and the chance to shine she was the commander of the fire leaf academy second only to Ryanna before the schools got United now that she was in ryanna's elite group Mary is the squad leader in charge of looking out.

but in all her sixteen years of life she had never seen a crazier pervert than the person running towards the gate to the gym he had short straight dark brown hair and weirdly coloured eyes he wasn't muscular and definitely wasn't handsome but was instead average in everything except his eyes but what Mary was so scared of was the fact he was running completely naked and his facial expression oozed with annoyance and hints of wanting to be somewhere in a rush as if nothing could stop him.


I was pissed at first i started running to warn the camp because i was scared but now instead of fear i felt seething rage at the way i died and needed back up to completely annihilate any and all goblins I was also extremely angry at the embarrassment I was about to go through i know damn well that no one had spare clothes especially underpants maybe I could ask Taylor volt to copy a pair of clothes but I would still have to walk through the camp naked and before I knew it I was at the gate.

"let me the fuck inside Please I am kai Sanctus from night patrol 5."

"then why the hell are you naked?"

"well if you need verification that much go get luke varri he knows me and I swear to any god above that if you don't let me in I will destroy everything you care about!"

ryanna really did not like how this creepy lunatic talked to her but relented and went to go see Luke varri about it.

i nearly sat down but decided not to because of my circumstances and instead decided to check my status.


name: kai Sanctus


titles: the strongest weakling, sacrificial saint

abilities: eternal life regeneration SS-3, strongest weakling aura A(special), effigy healing B(special)

ability description: eternal life regeneration= slowed ageing then eternal youth also hyper regeneration and  the inability to die, strongest weakling aura is a title ability which gives user the ordinary aura ability but also reflects any auras that are directed at the host back to the caster/source,

effigy healing is a very unique healing ability where in the user or consenting party can be used as an effigy and transfer the damage of an injured to themselves it is mostly used as a last resort/ultimate sacrifice.


Strength 13 normal

Speed 8 human

Stamina 9 human

Perception 20 intermediate

Endurance 49 intermediate

the apocalypse advice tag: listen to your ruler


it was better than the last time I checked but very slightly after all it was pretty expected that after what I just went through that I would have increased endurance but I wonder what it did I still felt the same amount of pain and the damage didn't really decrease so what exactly did it do and was it a measure or was it because of the stat that i got better in the different areas of the stats?

but looking back up on the stone and metal enforced wall i could see Luke holding his unmistakable halberd and stupid but brave expression.

forgetting about everything around me i jumped and waved.



"who else would I be? of course I am!"

realising my situation I calmed down and tried my best to maintain my modesty and dignity and stopped jumping.

"but umm Luke can I please come in?"

Luke shouted for the gates to open and instead of opening like normal doors the metal moved out of the way.

"thanks Luke"

"no problem you look a bit more mature now though but it has been a few weeks so I suppose that changes can occur to this level."

"what are you talking about? haha but umm can I please get some clothes.

"sure MARY!"

"what the fuck do you want  you stupid oaf!"

"can you please go get Taylor volt tell him I sent you"

and just like that a very annoyed Mary went stomping off I and Luke made some small talk until we saw Taylor volt with surprise evident on his face.

"kai!? why are you naked?"

"umm I will explain that later for now can you get me some clothes?"


Taylor quickly copied lukes school uniform and gave some to me and I hurriedly put them on feeling less embarassed now I started explaining about all the things that had happened we talked to Jase and the other commanders and decided to keep the patrols within eyesight of the wall and before I knew it three days had passed with strengthening the defences and training with my "knives" and a new staff called Phoenix 2.0 it was just a simple metal staff like last time but this time it was much more intact and refined since some metal ability users improved on the school window bars.

some patrols have been spotting more goblins so the patrol teams were doubled in size meanwhile I have just kept training I think that I'm actually getting pretty good at using my staff and I asked Luke to spar with me and give me some advice around the back of the gym and I can just see him walking over so I sit up and grab my staff.

"Hey! kai are you ready?"

"yes I am let's get started right away!"

"okay kai you asked for it haha"

bracing myself I held out my staff and grounded myself but nothing could prepare me for the shear force of nature called Luke he somehow actually left after images of himself and the sickening feeling of suddenly stopping after going 120 kilometres an hour hit me and I felt my feet being pulled off the ground and I found myself at least one hundred metres away from where I was and if I wasn't immortal I probably would of died.

"how the fuck did you get that strong!?"

"haha I might of gone a bit overboard and as for the reason for my strength both my speed and strength went into advanced recently and that gives a pretty big boost to your overall strength but if you think that was strong you have to see Jase's status it looks like it belongs to a god haha.

"well anyway kai let's get to actually giving you some advice your block was excellent same with your posture but not your choices you knew that I was at least around two ranks in stats above you but you chose to try and block the entire force of my attack what you should of done is redirect and reflect my attack you know? you chose to rely on your weakness instead of your strengths you have great reflexes and intuition which is perfect for a redirection fighting style but you are trying to rely on strength that isn't there if you had redirected my attack instead of blocking you would of been able to keep fighting."

"thanks Luke I guess your right I think i just wanted to be a little cooler you know like being able to smash mountains and stuff you know like in books and games haha."


"i get that your immortal but do you really think of this as a game! this is real life people are dying and getting hurt and you want to feel cool? grow up!"

"I'm sorry Luke I..I will think that this is real life I guess I really was starting to think of this as a game."

"anyway kai you already are cool you still feel pain right? you have been through so much you even killed Suzan for the rest of us and redirection is a cool fighting style it lets you fight one on one and against multiple enemies as if it is the same thing just because you aren't strong enough to crush mountains doesn't mean that you can't be cool and kill an army of monsters single handedly let me show you some beginning techniques"

the hours passed and I can feel the improvement.

"Luke how do you know all these fighting techniques and styles?"

"well actually it is part of my command ability it grants me access to different techniques that are suited to each individual except myself"

"that is awesome Luke you could probably be able to be the best commander ever haha"

"well kai I am actually the weakest king I don't have a strong ability I have a title ability of a king and my two starters but command is a very circumstance based thing that improves my training of others and my enhanced constitution is a starting boost not really anything else it's only other properties are making me age a little slower and have better regeneration which is basically just better than normal immune system and my king title ability is a joke I can see peoples emotions when they lie and how just they have been since the start of the apocalypse I actually lost to Taylor volt in a fight he might not have a combat ability but the way he uses his two abilities is freaky good in a fight I'm not sure I can be a good commander if I am not the strongest soldier."

"Luke if I was strong enough I would smack you like you smacked me so what if you are the weakest king you are the best leader and stronger than a large amount of the people here"

"I know you are right kai but I think that we have gotten side tracked I am here to ask you something would you please be a temporary commander?"

"listen kai before you say anything please say yes it won't be permanent but I need someone I can trust and won't die easily and to be frank someone with brains to help me lead the combatants all other candidates are busy with important jobs most of the time you just have to train with them but when a big collisions  happen between us and monsters you will lead 20% of the soldiers please guy to guy? favour for a friend?

I would even s-"

"I get it you didn't have to continue I would of said yes anyway I will be a secondary temporary commander."