
the blood saint's journey

when the magic awakening happens most people fear for their lives but what would happen if you can't lose yours? this story follows our MC on his path to becoming a Saint not just in name but also in spirit and mind (mostly) is he good because he has to be or is he actually a good person? I have no idea! warning swearing, gore, Minor cannibalism, other mature themes

_Jacky_writer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

the four schools 4

'I'm so tired 3 days of non stop work I think that I would be dead if I could die'

deciding to take a break I head to the gym i found a small stair way a few days ago and it was perfect since all the corners and soft places where taken once I reached the staircase I instantly went under them and slept like it was a soft bed.





forcing my eyes open I saw Luke standing there shaking my shoulder

"kai! hurry up were under attack!"

grabbing my staff I get up quickly and I start walking behind Luke who's leading the way on the way we gathered as many combatants and healers as possible and gathered up in front of the entrance we made for the wall.

we walked out battle ready but to our suprise a young girl wearing a frilly red dress and black gloves was the only person standing there and from her lips came a calm soothing voice but words so vicious it hurt the soul.

"anyone that doesn't want to be castrated and killed or beaten to death bow down within the next ten seconds!"

nearly all the people with the insight ability bowed including Taylor volt and then several dozen others followed only leaving the combatants and supports Jase moanoa included of course.

during the ten seconds everyone attacked her but all of the attacks were somehow deflected by an invisible force.

the girl then let out an audible count down

"3, 2, 1!  too late now here I come!"

she started running towards us a few big guys first tried to attack her but in the next moment were lying on the ground with missing limbs.

'what the fuck is this girls ability?'

so I decided to find out preparing myself I started to run towards her but before I knew it I was decapitated at least I know what her ability is now it was a thread like power it wasn't an invisible force that deflected our attacks it was many small nearly invisible threads but what disturbed me was how my head was growing tentacle like protrusions and reconnecting with my body it looked like something out of an esoteric Eldritch horror movie.

but I was now in the perfect spot to hit her especially now that I can see the threads around her so throwing one of my knives it hit her directly on the shoulder and she turned around and death stared me but that single action was a mistake it left her open and distracted to get hit by others and in a matter of seconds she was kneeling Infront of Jase swearing fealty.

{ding! all remaining settlements have been United under Jase moanoa he shall now choose both a name for his settlement and his ruling class.}

{ding! choices have been made name of settlement is now * four schools coalition* secondary name has been made * 4 school holy empire* ruling path chosen *holy royal emperor* (hereditary path ruling) sub ruling path *Royal council* (commanders, knight commanders, ministers, Knights, advisors).}

there was silence as people read the message Jase then let out a command

"gather Infront of me in your school lines!"

feeling the force to follow everyone did, it took 10 minutes exactly from left to right it was fire leaf with at least a thousand people then SC with maybe three thousand then AFMGS with around 1300 but what shocked fire leaf and SC was that there were only two students left from last chance and one of them was their new leader.

"kings and queen come here!"

so four people lined up infront all kneeling

Jase spoke once more

"Luke varri is the commander from AFMGS and his title is the justice king I hereby give him the task of training and leading any future knights and combatants.

Taylor volt Is from last chance and the assistance king I hereby give him the task of running administration and being my second in command.

Tyson veel from suburbia central highschool the king of knowledge I hereby give him the task of gathering the information and utilising the information for betterment of the settlement of everyone once the tutorial has ended he also must work together with the other king's to work out suitable punishments for crimes committed by people of our settlement and then he shall enforce them.

ryanna stone from fire leaf academy the queen of the spiders her task will be defence of the settlement and when the time comes espionage and counter intelligence."

it was a grand moment but the crowds silence made it have a more depressing and stoic aura.

"that is not all! as my level grows I can instate people into nobility and various other castes and I forgot to tell you my title I am Jase monaoa from last chance and the emperor of the 4 schools holy empire!."

the silence didn't end but the feeling of the crowd did Improve a bit looking around I saw some people fidgeting obviously nervous and some crying from the loss of their family members and friends but some very few people looked excited me included.

but it was Jases next order that made me feel confident in the fact that he was our leader.

"now! everyone go kill all the zobs you can see every single last one before some real Monsters show up! I would recommend staying in groups but if you really want to you can go solo meet back here once the sun goes down what are you still doing here? go kill some zobs!."

some people didn't know what he meant when he said zobs but word spread quickly between the groups of young people and many were trying to find groups when I was already running towards the exit.