
the blood saint's journey

when the magic awakening happens most people fear for their lives but what would happen if you can't lose yours? this story follows our MC on his path to becoming a Saint not just in name but also in spirit and mind (mostly) is he good because he has to be or is he actually a good person? I have no idea! warning swearing, gore, Minor cannibalism, other mature themes

_Jacky_writer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

the four schools 3

the arrow was being pushed out by some force I think was my power but I was still unable to move for some reason I think that it might be a ability however the arrow was being pushed out extremely slowly and it hurt like hell.

Luke knowing that I wasn't dead yet just lifted a impromptu halberd being a "direct subject" in the commander position he got to order a specific weapon instead of a simple choice of a short metal bar, a long metal bar, metal bat, wooden bat, chair leg, kitchen knife, pocket knife or a épée which was confiscated from the student from fire leaf academy we just broke off the Blunted tip.

more arrows came but Luke was already a great athlete before the apocalypse now with his absurd stats a few home made wooden arrows are useless against him he just dodged all of them then ran in their direction meanwhile the last of the arrow came out and I could move not well but I could move.

I saw a partially invisible person behind Luke but I could only just make out their outline so instead of warning Luke I just threw one of my make shift darts at the camouflaged person aiming at where I thought the leg might be.

a few moments later I heard a grunt and a slim boy in the SC uniform was on the floor with a bloody knee Luke didn't even turn back knowing that I was alive and he was probably able to perceive them with his instincts and perception.

I started to slowly walk towards the SC boy since whatever was holding me back is still affecting my movement and just because I hit his leg doesn't mean that he is out for the count as I approached I noticed that contrarily to my opinions he was passed out crying.

WHAT THE HELL I get my limbs ripped off and impaled through the chest but you pass out from a impaled knee?

realising that I have no rope I sit on his back and chicken wing both his arms and put a impromptu knife near his throat.

a few moments later Luke comes back carrying a short skinny boy with both of his legs crushed I don't even want to think about how Luke managed that because the legs were completely crushed like mince meat with bone shards in it.

we dragged them back to our camp to be interrogated by people who have mind abilities me and Luke parted ways and I headed towards the grave yard I made.

each board had a head stone made out of wood and a stone pile I wrote the name and age of each person on their board and I also kept a notebook of all their names and ages I also went back to AFMGS and took note of every single body and name and also recorded them there were definitely names I missed but I was taking testimonies of names and adding the missing names as morbid as it may be this was my hobby now.

sitting down I felt tears Welling up In my eye because I know that my parents were dead and I have no idea where my sister was.

my mother was in the hospital fighting final stage cancer and she had both her legs amputated due to a mistake some doctors made and my father was in a wheelchair because of a degenerative disease they were definitely dead and my sister has been missing for two months I was really alone I wasn't scared of living forever other people definitely got something like eternal youth or as a side effect of a ability but I am scared of truely being alone being unable to die was truly unique to me and eventually I will be alone and I'm scared that one day a really strong monster will appear and kill everyone else and I will be alone.

deciding that sitting around won't do anything I start walking to the meeting ground for the combatants and see if anyone needed any help.

people came to me I repaired the weapons and sewed their clothes I gave advice and inbetween request I practiced throwing and staff fighting but it wasn't enough I don't want to think I want to do something anything else but think.

'wait! my powers of course I can just train my powers my title skills require someone else so I need to train my main ability but how can I train immortality?'

realising a method I prick my finger with a throwing knife to see how long it takes to heal and when the blood clears it was already healed completely so I chopped off my left pinky finger and it took around 20 seconds to heal then I stabbed my hand holding back my screams I leave it in and watch it be forced out it took around 45 seconds so then I did it again but stabbed it into the ground beneath my hand and it didn't get forced out meaning I could get pinned or bound by something like a needle in my wrist and it wouldn't be pushed out by my ability.

{ding! due to increased understanding and constant use of your ability it has gained its first number it's effectiveness will be doubled! and five stat points will be given to the stat it most relates to!}

shocked I opened my status


name: Kai Sanctus


titles: the strongest weakling, sacrificial saint,

abilities: eternal life regeneration SS-2, strongest weakling aura A(special), effigy healing B(special)

ability description: eternal life regeneration= slowed ageing then eternal youth also hyper regeneration and  the inability to die,

strongest weakling aura is a title ability which gives user the ordinary aura ability but also reflects any auras that are directed at the host back to the caster,

effigy healing is a very unique healing ability where in the user or consenting party can be used as an effigy and transfer the damage of an injured to themselves it is mostly used as a last resort/ultimate sacrifice.


Strength 12 normal

Speed 7 human

Stamina 8 human

Perception 19 normal

Endurance 40 intermediate

the apocalypse advice tag: listen to your ruler


grinning happily I kept repairing and doing my other tasks while secretly experimenting with my ability.