
the blood saint's journey

when the magic awakening happens most people fear for their lives but what would happen if you can't lose yours? this story follows our MC on his path to becoming a Saint not just in name but also in spirit and mind (mostly) is he good because he has to be or is he actually a good person? I have no idea! warning swearing, gore, Minor cannibalism, other mature themes

_Jacky_writer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

stormy calm then deathly storm

BANG! then I started hearing even more banging against the walls Suzan redfall ordered everyone to gather in the centre of the room and so everyone did fighters up the front and noncombatants in the middle then a hoard of minotaurs barged into the gym i was next to Luke and holding nick my bat.

Then the first wave hit many of the weaker fighters were injured or died infact I was completely Impaled at this moment but seeing how the minotaur was so close I started gouging out it's eyes and pushing my entire hand through the socket by breaking my hand then I ripped apart it's brain from the inside.

I started to get up after falling along with the minotaur coughing up bloody flem because of getting stabbed in a lung and I decided on how to fight the minotaurs I just had to get close enough to reach their face I ended up killing two more minotaurs one where I reached it's brain through its nose and one that I broke the horn and proceeded to stab in the head with its own horn.

there isn't a ending in sight and the front lines were starting to break down so he just kept fighting like he had been however once the attack was over only 2,000 of the original 2879 students that made it to the gym human and minotaur bodies littered the ground.

my bat nick had been completely destroyed in the minotaur invasion and I was too weak to use the minotaurs weapons so I just picked up a few heavy metal shards from broken minotaur weapons and two minotaur horns that I know won't last a while so sorry but you two will be getting no names.

after that day we were attacked by many smaller hoards but in mostly spent my time tending to the wounded plus one upside by being attacked so much is that we could eat I did occasionally forfeit a meal or two towards someone else but I can't die so who cares?

when our hopes were down and about one month had passed a true monster appeared contrarily to my first thought Suzan redfall didn't run in to fight the winged monster but instead hid behind the rest of us.

for the next hour was a massacre the strongest fighters lasted about 2 minutes but the weaker ones lasted less than a second on average only a handful of fighters were left Luke, me, and Suzan's group Luke started walking forward but I stopped him.

'i thought i probably was going to have a better chance at at least surviving'

so I started walking towards the monster and for the first time it spoke.

" I know what your powers are you think that you are actually immortal? you sad fool"

he then closed his eyes and started chanting a spell then he opened them but for some reason nothing happened to me instead the demon started screaming and writhing on the ground about the the pain and how this was supposed to happen to me the demon was then seperated into seven pieces and set alight in black flames.

I shuddered realising the the demon was going to do that to me I also realised what had happened the ability he tried to use on me was actually an aura ability if that actually worked on me every time I even partly regenerated I would of been burnt instantly practically making me dead thanking my suprisingly useful title skill I walked back towards the group since the demon was dead.

murmurs started breaking out about me being a saviour and how I was a saint.

{ding! new title acquired requirements for attaining

kill at least one B class or above devil

be called saviour/saint by at a least a hundred humans.

have the power of S class or above.

be a descendant of a biblical figure starting with Noah of the arc ending with the second generation disciples.

this title's skill needs to synchronise with passed actions and decisions this title also unlocks the possibility of attaining a select few other titles of the biblical branch taking into account whatever ability awakens.}

{synchronisation complete the title ability you get is effigy healing. titles name decided "sacrificial saint"}

I was surprised that I got a new skill but something else was happening through the recent hole made in the roof I saw the barrier surrounding the school was dissipating cheers rung out until we heard the next message.

{attention all humans second tutorial is beginning please choose a ruler to guide your group through the second tutorial will consist of monster invasions of a small area increasing in number and difficulty untill humans either kill 10'000 humans or 100'000 monsters. if a human leader is killed by monsters a new vote will held if a human leader submits or is killed by another human that humans group will be at the mercy of the victors leader}

then a vote ballot appeared in everyones hand but then another demon appeared but this demon was very different it had messy uncleaned green hair was six foot was 100 kilograms of pure muscle had a deep voice with more timbre than a wooden house and everyone cowered when it talked.

"give me your votes or I'll just kill as painfully as possible you so your vote is invalid"

everyone without a moment of hesitation gave their votes to the devil named Suzan.

that was probably the worst mistake anyone made in the second tutorial because Suzan redfall was a a sadistic narcissistic sociopath about to get full control of 1'500 humans with abilities unable to refuse a command.

The very first words to come out of Suzan's mouth were

" now bow to me you useless peasants"

and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't not bow infact the more I try the harder I bow and at that moment I knew I should of just been beaten to death a hundred times over before giving her my vote.