
The Blood Reaper

17-year-old Cathyia takes the position of the Grim Reaper. Blood stains her path as enemies arise and her sense of humanity starts to fade...

Jas_mineZ · Fantasy
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7 Chs


"What?" That was all Cathyia could say.

"Why don't you sit down? We could talk this over without violence." Theo casually put his hands up. When he saw that Cathyia wasn't going to move. He sighed. "I can give you information about Reece Harrison, the police, and any other enemies you might have."

Cathyia's eyes widened. Even if he was telling the truth, how did he know all this? Some police guy showed up right at her front door, having supposedly figured out who she was, then provided information about people she wanted dead? She'll ask questions later. At that moment, though, she didn't really have another choice if this man was actually police. She put the knife down on the table and sat.

The man smiled.

"How did you find me?"

He tilted his head. "I was one of the first officers to start on this case, and the first Blood Reaper murder was obviously an amateur. It was still an unusual case, though. There were no footprints or fingerprints in the entire house. You made a great cut with that knife of yours, though. However, did you notice?"

He picked up the knife from the table and ran a gloved finger up and down the edge of the jagged blade. A piece of metal caught on his leather and snagged it.

"You found me because of a flaw in my blade?"

"I found you because I had seen the same type of knife before. The whole batch from that store had the defect. The owner told me you bought one."

He eyed the weapon on the living room table. "And that just confirms it for me."

"And, no one else knows?"

"Let's just say that the other three police officers weren't that bright." Theo paused to let Cathyia process everything he's said up till now.

"And, Officer Wilson, you're here now to make a deal with me, correct?"

"Please, it's Theo."

Time costs a lot, so she decided to get straight to the point. "I'm going to ask a few questions, if you don't mind."

"Go right ahead."

She still couldn't trust this man. "Who is Via Evans and what is her role in the police?"

"Ah, the genius. She's been causing problems for everyone. Thinks she can make captain within a few months."

"You don't like her?"

"Well, she's actually quite brilliant. All of the guys admire her smarts," he replied.

"That explains a lot," Cathyia whispered to herself. "What about you? What do you think of her?"

"I swear, that girl never sleeps or takes breaks anymore."

Cathyia let it process for a second. "She sounds perfect. Why are you trying to join forces with me?"

"Well," he responded, "We have the same goal. To make this place equal."

"And how do I know I can trust you?"

"The same reason why I would need to trust you. If I walk out that door right now, you could kill me. However, if I turn you into the police, your life would end."

Cathyia laughed sarcastically. "And why exactly would you betray the police to work with me? Do you realize how insane that sounds?"

Theo leaned back on the couch. "The world needs to change.."

"You think we can do that?"

"What is the point of living if we all aren't treated fairly?"

Cathyia looked at him. "So you betray people whenever it is convenient to your cause?"

Theo took a moment to think before he answered her. "Not necessarily." He stood up. "Let's take Harrison. He's murdered his wives, taken their fortunes, lived high while others suffered. His death isn't convenient. It's necessary."

"For revenge?"

"For justice," Theo paused. "From the information that I have, Harrison has exactly five people working for him inside the manor. There are constantly two guards placed at the front gate." Theo said.

"And where will Harrison be?" Cathyia eyed the sketch that Theo had drawn out earlier.

"The library. He had it built just a month ago and brings it up in every conversation, so chances are that he will probably be there before bed."

Cathyia nodded.

At 8:16 the next day, she walked up to the guards stationed at the gate, knocking them out. She picked the lock fast with a hairpin and knocked on the door of the manor five minutes later. Harrison's butler answered the door.

"I was invited to meet with Lord Harrison tonight?" Cathyia smiled. "May I come in?"

"Ma'am, no one was invited over to the manor tonight," the butler said emotionlessly, then looking over Cathyia's shoulder to where the guards were supposed to be standing. "What th-"

THUD. He fell to the ground.

Cathyia stepped over his lifeless body, "Well, excuse me."

Theo predicted, Harrison was found in his library.

"Ava! I specifically asked you to bring me tea!" A stern voice sounded behind a shelf of books. That had to be Harrison.

Black tentacles made of mist surrounded the man's feet, then reached up to his arms. Before he could react, he was pinned to the floor. Cathyia walked up towards him.

"Reece Harrison, you are hereby sentenced to death."

She raised her knife, and seconds later, blood splattered the books and wooden shelves all around.

She walked out of the manor. It was done, just as Cathyia and Theo had planned.