
The Blood of the Dragon {Quest for knowledge} Discontinued

David is a boy not like any other, born in a world where they're people who possess remarkable and unbelievable abilities. These people are called dragon warriors and are said to be part man part dragon. They may look human on the surface but they as so much more. David is one of these dragon warriors, a wind dragon warrior to be precise, at least that's what he believes he is. You see he can't recall his past, doesn't know who he is or where he came from. He lived in a small village with Abari, the closest person he had to a mother. He lived with Abari for as long as he could remember but David always yearned to see the world that lay out the village, driven by a burning desire to know more about the world he lived in and himself. And when the opportunity came knocking for David to explore the world beyond the small village he lived in, he took it but is he ready to face the true reality of who he is and the role he's meant to play in the world he was born in? When evil lurks just beyond the sight of what he can see, will he be ready to face it as well as the truth of who he really is? Read to find out

Sotonye_TomWest · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Is this goodbye?

Dragon warrior were not known only for their tremendous strength and power; they were also remarkable fast healers as fatal wounds that would take months to heal in a regular man would take a few days to heal in a dragon warrior because of this Binaru's wounds healed fast and he was able to recover in a matter of days.

It was now time for David to make a decision as Binaru, dress in his Golden Dragon Guard armor, stood at the door ready to leave, having been fully healed of all his injuries.

David and Abari stood before him to see him off.

David though, had his head bowed down as still hadn't decided yet and he knew he had a make up his mind fast before Binaru left.

"Here you go" said Abari as she gave him a bag filled with food.

"What's this for?" asked Binaru.

"Think of it as a thank you for fighting to keep our world safe from the threat of the dark dragon warrior" said Abari.

Binaru smiled upon hearing what Abari said before saying, "Thank you, honestly I don't know what I would have done if I couldn't eat some of your food before I go, you are not just an amazing healer you are also an incredible cook".

Abari smiled at Binaru upon hearing what he said about her.

Binaru then went to David.

"David, have you made a decision yet" asked Binaru.

"I…" was all David could say as he could not bring himself to answer because he still hadn't made his choice.

Binaru took David inability to answer him as a sign of rejection; feeling like David had refused his offer and would rather stay with Abari than leave with him.

"I understand child, you want to stay here with Abari and I don't blame after all despite not being your mother she treats and loves like her very own son. You are truly a remarkable boy, David and I wish I could take you to the Dragon Academy, I'm sure you would have been a truly incredible student" said Binaru.

Abari looked at both David and Binaru, shocked to hear what Binaru said about wanting to take David to the Dragon Academy.

David grew silent unable to speak as he didn't know what to say.

"Goodbye David, it was nice meeting you" said Binaru before he opened the door, summoned his fired dragon and rode it away.

David watched as Binaru flew way on his dragon and as he did tears began to fall down from his eyes because seeing Binaru leave was like seeing his one and only chance to leave that small village of Dugrunal and seeing a small glimpse of the world and his chance to learn more about the world.

David felt shattered having to watch this opportunity slip away from his hands, flying away further and further away from his reach on a dragon.

Abari upon seeing the tears falling down David's eyes felt her heart aching in pain.

Seeing David, the boy she had taken care of for some many year crying, with pain in his eyes was painful to watch.

All he wanted was to see the world even if it was a small glimpse of it, that's all he ever asked for and now the only opportunity he had to leave and see the world was riding away on a fire dragon warrior.

Abari could not stand seeing David in the state he was in, shattered and pain while watching the only chance he fulfill the dream he had of seeing the world slip away from his fingers.

Abari sighed deeply knowing what she had to do make David smile once again but it meant taking a massive risk that could endanger not just David but the entire world.

Abari grabbed David by the arm and then dragged him outside before taking a deep breath in, and then summoning an air dragon.

David was left speechless upon seeing the air dragon Abari summoned, never before seeing Abari's dragon as she had not summoned throughout the time he had been staying.

The dragon was truly breath taking, a magnificent beast covered head to toe with beautiful white scales and wings that were too beautiful to describe.

"Come on" said Abari as she climbed on to back of the dragon.

David then climbed on to the back of the dragon as well.

"Hold on tight" said Abari before dragon stretched out its massive wings and took to the sky, flying as fast as the wind, David even had to hold on to Abari tight just to avoid flying off the dragon due to its tremendous speed.

The quickly left the village, moving at unimaginable speeds.

"Where are we going?" asked David.

"I not going anywhere, you on the other hand" said Abari before she making the dragon increased its speed.

David then looked out to the horizon to see where they were flying to.

His eyes then widened with shock upon seeing where they were going.

The dragon they rode on was chasing after the fire dragon Binaru was riding on which greatly shocked and surprised David who wondered why Abari was chasing after Binaru on her dragon.

Abari then made her dragon move so fast that it surpassed the speed of Binaru's dragon, flying right passed it.

Binaru, upon seeing Abari's dragon fly past his stopped his dragon.

Abari, seeing the Binaru had seen them and her stopped his dragon stopped her dragon from moving so fast and then went to Binaru.

"Where are you two going in such a hurry?" asked Binaru.

"I'll explain everything but let's land our dragon's first" said Abari.

Binaru and Abari then rode their dragons down, landing gentle on the forest floor below.

Once on ground Abari sighed deeply before turning to David.

"David, you know I care about you right" said Abari.

"Yes" David unsure as to why she was asking him if he knew she cared for him.

"Good, I just wanted to make sure I said goodbye" said Abari.

"Goodbye?" said David confused as to why Abari would want to say goodbye.

David then turned to Binaru who just stood there just as shocked and confused as him.

David's eyes then widened upon realizing what Abari was trying to say.

David then turned back to Abari and then said with small droplets of tears falling down from his eyes, "are you sure".

"I am; it was wrong of me to expect to you stay here with me in that small village when there is a whole world out there. I just wanted to keep you safe because in my eyes you are still the scared and confused little boy you were when we first met but now I can see you aren't that boy anymore. Besides the Dragon Academy is one of the safest places you can possibly go to" said Abari.

More tears fell down from David's eyes as he heard what Abari said.

David then rushed to her and then embraced her in a warm hug.

"I loved Abari, you are the closest thing I have to a mother and a friend" said David.

Upon hearing David's word Abari could not stop herself from cry.

She had raise and cared for him for so long and now she was letting him go even though doing so brought her tremendous pain.

Binaru just stood there with a warm smile on his face while he watched David and Abari hug, feeling pleased to see such a warm and loving display love and affection between David and Abari.

Soon David and Abari stopped hugging and then turned to Binaru.

Abari looked at Binaru while trying her best to stop herself from crying even more.

"If he gets as much a stretch on him I will haunt you down and do far worse to you than the dark dragon warriors could ever do" said Abari with an extremely serious face that sent chills down his spine.

"I promise you, no harm shall come to him, you have my word as a Golden Dragon Guard" said Binaru.

Abari upon hearing what Binaru smiled at him, now reassured by him that he would make sure David was safe.

Abari then turned to David with a smiled on her face before saying, "I'm not really good at saying goodbyes".

"It's okay, neither am I" said David with small smile on his face.

Abari and David then hugged one last time.

"Thank you Abari, for everything" said David before they pulled away from the hug.

"Don't thank me yet, remember the Dragon Academy is school so I expect you to make good grades and stay out of trouble" said Abari.

"I'll try my best but I'm keeping any promises" said David.

Abari just smiled at David before kissing him softly on his forehead.

"Be safe David" said Abari before handed David over to Binaru.

"Make sure he stays safe" said Binaru.

"Don't worry I will, you have my word" said Binaru.

Binaru and David then climbed on to the fire dragon.

David turned to look at Abari, waving goodbye before he and Binaru rode away on the dragon.

Abari smiled with a small tear falling down from her face as she watched David ride away on Binaru's dragon.

Abari then remembered what the night the air dragon warrior brought David to her.

The kind of power she felt from him was unlike anything she had ever felt before but also felt a power coming from with David that resemble that of the Dark Dragon Lord.

She had managed to seal that dark power within David all those years away but if somehow that power sealed within him managed to reawaken it may spell nothing but doom and disaster for both David and the entire world.

Abari hoped that she had not made a mistake by allowing David to leave her side as she feared that if the seal she placed on the great power within him breaks, David may loss himself to the darkness and become a monster just like the Dark Dragon Lord.