
The Blood of Royalty

An abandoned castle at the top of the mountains is said to have been left and deserted for over 100 years now. The townspeople never go there for the things that haunt those woods and castle no one has ever come back from. The priest and nuns have blessed the nearby town to keep the darkness away, but it only takes one person to have that darkness spread like wildfire. Staring a young teenage boy, who gets pressured into entering these woods by his “friends” and forced to knock on the castle doors to see what evil awaits him in the darkness.

Elise_Escobedo · Horror
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1 Chs

The Castle

Love can change both the future and the past but can also bring pain and suffering. The moment I read of the past it changed my future, will I ever find love? Will I know if I am with the right person? These questions became irrelevant to me, I wanted to know her more. Wanted to know more about the story she wrote so many years ago. The story of the beautiful Vampire queen. We were told about the Castle in the mountains through the woods, but no one ever told us about the people who lived inside. Those who knew of this most radiant woman. It was said over 100 years ago the castle was built for the royal family. A father and his wife took their people and made a home in the castle. For the castle still stands in one piece the villagers do not go there for the woods are said to be haunted and the castle even more so, for the past is never talked about. The priest had blessed our town and told everyone he will keep us safe in God's light if we never go to the castle. The town has forever listened to this rule. Those who do not follow will be killed for sinning against God. A small woman's footsteps could be heard down the hallway. "Ed hurry up you're going to be late for school!" Ed quickly stood up from his bed putting the history book down. "I am coming mother." He quickly gets dressed and runs out of his bedroom. He sits down at the dining table and pours himself a bowl of cereal. His mother puts her coffee cups down staring at Ed. "Were you reading that stupid old history book again!?" She said with a cold voice. Ed eats his cereal faster ignoring the question. He finishes as quickly as he can, stands up, grabs his bag and coat, and runs out the door. His mother runs to the door yelling "We are going to talk about this when you get home, young man!" Ed sighs walking down the street heading towards his school. Standing in the front of the school were three boys. Ed stops noticing them, then jumps behind a tree, covering his mouth to not be heard. He hears the faint noise of the school bell, slowly looking around the tree the three boys were gone. He runs inside to his first class. As he takes his seat the teacher calls his name. "Ed would you please come to the front of the class and tell us about the history of the Regale Sanguis." As Ed slowly stands the laughter in the room grew echoing in his head. He hears from behind him "What a freak! Of course, he is the one called on; I didn't read the stupid book anyways." Ed walks to the front and turns around to face the class. The teacher's voice cut through the whole room "Now class everyone be quiet, Ed can you please tell us what we read yesterday?" Ed quickly looks down at his feet "Yes, we were discussing the castle and how we never go there because it is dangerous." The teacher smiled "Thank you, Ed you may take your seat." Ed sits down and listens to the lecture. He feels a tap on his shoulder, turning slowly around a girl quickly hands him a note. He looks around the room unfolding the piece of paper. Written in the most elegant handwriting the note read "Meet me by the side of the school near the forest once school is over. – Lynn" He put the note in his backpack making a soft smile. The last bell of school rang Ed made his way to the side of the school and sat on the bench waiting. Moments pass and everyone from school slowly one by one faded away. Tapping his fingers together he starts to get up when he hears Lynn's voice from behind him. "Ed over here!" Ed turns around facing the forest he sees Lynn standing by the tree line. She waves for him to come to her; Ed nervously walks to her stopping at the beginning of the forest. Lynn grabs Ed's hand "You do not have to be nervous Ed. Come on I want to show you something." Lynn pulls on Ed's arm not moving he looks up. He said, "Aren't you scared of these woods after all of the stories we were told?" Lynn smiles grabbing his other arm and pulling once again. "Come on silly, those stories are told to scare little kids into doing what their parents want them to do." Ed taking a step forward began walking with Lynn deep into the forest. Lynn then suddenly stops and turns to Ed "We are here. I have a question for you Ed. What is it like being a freak?" Ed confused by the question goes to turn around when he sees one of the boys from this morning standing there. The boy says, "Where are you going, Ed? We just want to play." Ed turns to his right then his left noticing he is surrounded. The boy from behind him quickly grabs his arms as the others hit him in the face and chest. "Bradly, Vincent, Chris I think that's enough," Lynn said. Bradly turned around pushing over Lynn "Shut your mouth Lynn, you helped us you are just as responsible for this as we are. Now grab a leg." The 4 of them all picked up Ed walking further into the forest. Ed too tired to fight lays there until they all drop him onto the ground. Bradly and Vincent then help Ed to his feet. "Now freak one last thing and we will leave you alone." Bradly smiled pointing behind Ed. He turns around to see a black castle behind him covered in green leaves. Ed falls to the ground "We can not be here if we get caught, we will all die!" Ed pushed himself back on the ground. Bradly laughed and said, "You have two choices right now Ed, you can either go up to the castle or every day for the rest of your putrid existence we will keep beating the shit out of you until you eventually die!" Bradly is so close to Ed's face he can feel his breath. Ed gets to his feet and looks at Bradly then back at the castle. Ed then grabs his bag and walks in the direction of the castle he doesn't turn around. He keeps walking until he gets to the doors of the castle. He slowly picks up his hand and knocks on the castle door the small echo runs through him like ice. He picks up his hand again to knock but then the doors to the castle open, and a gust of cold wind comes rushing out of the door moving him back. Once the wind stopped Ed opened his eyes and, in his mind, he expected to see someone standing at the door, but no one was there. He opens the door bringing in the light from the outside. He slowly enters looking around in sadness to see the beautiful walls and furniture covered in filth and dirt. The floors cracked and the huge chandelier was covered in cobwebs and dust so thick it could be felt in the air. "How sad, who would let such a beautiful place turn into this?" Once those words left his lips, another big gust of wind came blowing the doors of the castle shut. Standing in the darkness he reaches out to find the candles he once saw, he lights the candles and lights a few more around him. Holding the candelabra in his hand, he turns around to see an old man standing directly behind him. Ed falls to the floor and lets out a scream. The old man bends down staring at Ed's face then disappears like mist with not a word spoken. Ed stood up grabbed the candle and looked around. "I didn't mean to upset you. You just scared me. Do you live here?" Looking around nervously, the old man appeared again. "I have always lived here, this is the only home I have ever known, why did you come here? This place is not safe for a kid like yourself." Ed in shock said, "Are you a ghost?" The old man sneered at his comment. "Why does it matter what I am, and why should I answer your question when you so rudely ignored mine? And for the internal life I do have please wipe that stupid look off your face." Ed looked down at the floor "I am sorry, and I was forced to come here by some classmates of mine." The old man kept his stern look. "Well, I guess you will have to stay here for tonight, it is too dangerous for you out in these woods at night." The old man turned and started walking down the hallway. "Stay that night! I cannot do that; my mother will be worried sick about me." The old man did not stop walking, "Maybe you should have thought about that before coming into someone else's home unannounced and touching things that aren't yours to be touched! Now I do not have all day, either come with me or stand there looking stupid either way I do not care." Ed picked up his walking pace and caught up with the old man. "I will show you your room for tonight, and dinner will be served at six o'clock sharp." The old man leads Ed up the stairs and to his room, inside the room was a beautiful bed and fireplace covered in dust. The old man said, "I am sorry for the mess I will have housekeeping come clean this up while that happens would you like a tour?" Ed's face lit up with excitement "Yes, I would love a tour!" The old man smiled finally breaking his cold look "Good." He clapped and the castle slowly started to light up candles and fireplaces magically lit. Ed glared all around in awe for he has never seen something more beautiful. As he looks back at the old man, he noticed a woman now standing at his side. "Amy clean up our guest's room please." Amy nodded her head and entered the room closing the door behind her. Ed then made eye contact with the old man, "May I ask you what your name is?" The old man's face grew sad "I do not have a name, but you may call me R. What is your name?" Ed gave R a soft smile "My name is Ed, and it's a pleasure to meet you R." R's stern expression returned "Yes, yes all good, now let's begin with our tour." R walked him through most of the castle showing him the library, dining hall, kitchen, and ballroom. Each room is different covered in details of the hand's craftsmanship with black and red accents. Portraits hang on the walls until Ed stopped coming across one portrait covered up with a black cloth. "Hey, R why is this one all covered up?" R grabbed Ed's hand "Do not ask such stupid questions and do not ask about her." Confused Ed looked at R's face even on the darkest of nights you could see the fear on his face. "Why are you scared?" R pulled on Ed's arms whispering to him "You must not bring this up, you must not talk about her, if he hears our lives will be in danger. I understand you may not know, but it is better to not know. Now I say to you again do not ask such stupid questions." Ed was unable to take his eyes off the covered-up picture. Then he heard a deep voice from behind him. "She was beautiful, now who are you?"