
Surviving The Moon's Curse

A group of high school friends stumble upon the secrets of vampires and wolves, completely by accident. Their discovery begins when they find a mysterious book called 'The Blood Moon'.

Moonlight_haruyuki · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 7: Echoes of Memories

Yoon Woo-jin's POV:

"Are you ready, Woo-jin?" my brother, Yoon Jin-woo, said, smiling.

"I am! I'm excited, hyung!" I nodded enthusiastically while looking at him. He held my hand as we headed to the park.

As we strolled along the park path, enjoying the day, a sudden shout broke the peaceful atmosphere. "Hey, look out!" someone yelled. Startled, we turned to see a car speeding towards us.

Instinctively, we dodged the oncoming vehicle, narrowly escaping a potential disaster. The screeching of tires and the loud crash of metal against a nearby pole filled the air.

"Hyung..." I uttered, my voice trembling with fear and shock at the close call.

Amidst the chaos of colliding cars and panicked voices, my brother enveloped me in a protective hug, comforting me in the midst of the unfolding turmoil.

"What's happening here...?" Yoon Jin-woo muttered, his gaze scanning the chaotic scene. Suddenly, a piercing scream pierced the air, drawing our attention. Through the commotion, he caught a glimpse of blood trickling from someone's neck, a sight too ghastly to comprehend in the moment.

"Why are there bloodstains on their necks?" his mind raced with questions, trying to make sense of the horrifying scene before him.

Curious and frightened, I turned to my brother, seeking answers. However, he swiftly covered my ears, shielding me from the gruesome reality unfolding around us.

"Don't look," he whispered, his smile strained but reassuring. I obediently closed my eyes, following his instructions as he lifted me in his arms and ran to safety. When he gently set me down, I cautiously opened my eyes to find myself hidden under a nearby counter.

"Stay here, don't make a sound," his words lingered in my mind as he hurriedly searched for a way to secure our hiding place. Yet, the sound of footsteps approaching our hiding spot sent a shiver down my spine.

A sudden thud echoed in the room as my brother engaged in a struggle with an unknown intruder. Peeking out cautiously, I witnessed a horrifying sight – a person sinking their teeth into my brother's neck.

"No way... n-no... brother," my eyes widened in disbelief, tears welling up as I watched in horror.

Remembering my brother's instructions, I stifled my cries, pressing a hand over my mouth to muffle the sobs that threatened to escape.


I jolted awake, my heart racing, reliving the traumatic memory that haunted my dreams.

3rd person POV:

Kijoon noticed the boy was already awake, his troubled expression not escaping her notice.

'Why does he always seek refuge at the counter?' Kijoon pondered to herself, a hint of concern in her eyes.

Approaching the boy, she observed his heavy breathing, a sign of distress. Without hesitation, she fetched a bottle of water and offered it to him.

"Here, drink this," Kijoon said gently, handing the bottle to the boy. Taking it gratefully, the boy drank thirstily, the cool water soothing his parched throat.

Once he had finished, he glanced up at Kijoon, gratitude shining in his eyes as he murmured his thanks.

"Thank you... ah...?" Woojin expressed his gratitude, curiosity flickering in his gaze as he inquired about her name.

"Kijoon," she replied succinctly, a soft smile playing on her lips.

"Thank you, Kijoon-ssi," the boy responded, a sense of relief evident in his voice.

Curious about the boy's story, Kijoon gently probed, "What's your name? How did you end up here?"

"I'm... Yoon Woo-jin..." the boy hesitated, his gaze averted, reluctance coloring his tone as he avoided delving into the details of his past.

Sensing his reticence, Kijoon sighed softly, rising to her feet with a reassuring smile.

"Come with me. The others are having a meal," she suggested, extending a welcoming hand to the boy. Together, they made their way to join the rest of the group, their presence not going unnoticed.

"Hey, kid, are you feeling better now?" Daehyun inquired, his concern evident as he addressed the boy. A nod was the boy's simple reply, his eyes reflecting a mix of emotions.

Ryu Min, moved by compassion, rose from his seat, fetching some food for the boy.

"Here, take this," Ryu Min offered, his warm smile conveying kindness and care as he handed the food to Woojin.

"Feel free to ask for more. Eat as much as you like, okay?" Ryu Min encouraged, his gesture filled with genuine warmth as he patted Woojin's head affectionately, offering a sense of comfort and belonging in their midst.

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