

Lily, the second princess of Gultan Kingdom, lives in a royal court where she is constantly belittled and treated as a disappointment. She grows to resent her life and everyone around her, except for her stepsister Princess Fiona, whom she naively thought was protecting and supporting her. However, reality brings her back to her senses when her stepsister backstabs her. Now, the young Princess truly believes she is a disappointment, weak, fragile, stupid, and a loser who everyone steps on. But that is not all. She is given a second chance to show them that she is not what they think she is. She is tired of being belittled and it is time for her to play her own game or be played. Forced to marry Lord Ariston, the King of the 44 dark realms, Lily discovers that he only married her to cure himself of a curse, and she married him for the sake of the kingdom and the mission given to her by the goddess. As she develops feelings for Ariston, she also uncovers hidden truths. After a series of misunderstandings, revenge, adventure, mystery, sexual tension, and war, Lily learns that Ariston had been using her and was being drained to death by the curse. Despite this betrayal, their relationship transforms into a romance. Will Lily sacrifice herself for The Dark Lord, or will she allow him to suffer the consequences of using her?

Chainy19222 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

It Was All A Trap

As one of the guards sent by the queen was quietly leaving the tent, he inadvertently stepped on a tree branch. He paused and looked around to see if anyone had heard the noise, but he didn't think anyone had. He continued on until he reached a secluded clearing. The noise woke Grand guard Philip, who saw the tall man sneaking out.

He suspected he was plotting something, but he wasn't sure what. He followed the man and watched as he took out a small crystal stone and chanted a magical incantation. After finishing the incantation, a holographic image of the queen appeared before him.

He began to speak, "My queen, everything is done as you said, but how can we distract Grand Guard Philip to get to the princess? He's watching our every move."

"Curse you, Philip," she muttered, then instantly composed herself and smiled, but it was a dangerous smile. Unbeknownst to them, Guard Philip was behind them, using his level 5 dark veil skill to remain unnoticed and listen to their conversation.

"My queen, what should I do next?" the guard asked, ready to do as the queen said since she was going to pay him handsomely.

Queen Mica noticed that this was the kind of person she liked to use and then discard.

"Don't worry, you will be paid handsomely," she smiled broadly. The guard felt a warning of danger but ignored it.

"Yes, my queen, as you say, but alas..."

"Shh," the queen said, placing a finger to her lips. The guard immediately fell silent and looked at her with confusion.

"Someone is here," she whispered, signaling to the guard to use telepathy to alert the rest of their group.

Grand guard Philip, listening in on their conversation, knew he had to act quickly. As he prepared to retreat, a level 5 light-born guard used a skill called Fertile Soil to dispel his abilities, sent by the queen.

Realizing he was outmatched, Philip focused on his other skills and prepared to defend himself. As he dodged an attack from one side, he drew his sword and faced the five men sent by the queen.

Today wasn't his lucky day, he thought as he observed the people around him hiding their skills. He needed to hurry up and finish them. Just as he was about to attack his target, he heard a familiar voice.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Philip. Think again," she said with a smile. He could see the queen in the crystal stone.

"Something is not right," he said to himself. Why weren't his men coming? They should have heard some noises.

"Don't worry, your men are in good hands. Nothing will happen to them as long as you do as I say," she said with a smug look on her face.

"How can you be sure I would believe what you say?" he asked, trying to buy time for himself and think. Queen Mica saw through him and laughed, and the five men followed suit.

"Shut up, you fools," she commanded, and they all did. "I want your cooperation since you have already spoiled my plan," she continued.

Philip tried to use his shadow shift ability, which allowed him to teleport between shadows, but it didn't work. He tried again, but it remained the same. Queen Mica only laughed as she enjoyed seeing her prey try to escape.

"Sorry to inform you, dear, you can't use any spells. Can you guess why?" she asked with a smile.

This woman was incredibly cunning, planning everything meticulously. His only advantage was his skill in swordsmanship, but using it would require a lot of mana. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"You may proceed and kill them, Your Grace," Philip said, tilting his head and smiling. Her highness's smiling face turned into an angry one. This man had realized that she wouldn't kill them, as it would raise suspicion since the queen's men were alive while Philip's men were all dead.

"In that case, someone needs to face the consequences, don't you think?" she asked with a smirk.

"Don't you dare, you witch," he screamed at the top of his voice.

"What will happen to your dear sweet little daughter, hmm, what was her name?" she asked, pretending to think. "

Oh, I remember, your sweet little Nora," she answered. Philip froze, hiding his fear.

"And your wife, Arona, what will happen to both of them?" she continued.

"What do you want me to do, My Queen?" he asked. A lion must know when to bow its head and wait for the right time to strike its enemy, he thought.

"That's more like it. I will leave it to my men to explain everything to you," she said. The crystal stone cracked and turned to ashes, and the five queen's men took his sword and escorted him back to the tent.

Upon reaching the tent, his men were all unharmed, as if nothing had happened. It was all a trap; she had trapped him. All he could do was become the puppet she wanted him to be. He needed to find a way to expose this woman to the King, but not now, as his family was going to be killed due to his wrong move.

"What's your name, young man? Why are you going against the King?" he whispered to the man holding his sword on his right side.

"Great Grand Philip, the only grand Guard who gained favor with his Majesty, was defeated a while ago. My name is Alex Noman," he said, clearly happy to meet his idol but feeling ashamed nonetheless.

"I see. Are you happy working with her highness, who uses people's lives as a game? Don't tell me she promised you riches, boy," Philip said in a low voice, seeing the young man trying to hide his guilty expression.

"Who's that guy who was holding the crystal stone to talk to her highness?" he asked again.

"Him, he's our clan leader. His name is Alan. He's my brother. Anyway, we aren't guards, rather we're more like hired slayers."

"You're giving me information. Are you not afraid of what I might do with it?" he said sarcastically.

"Not afraid. At least you will be doing us a good favor. To some, he's a good man, but his love for money and riches will get my clan wiped out," he whispered while clenching his hands.

"What an irony. This makes my work simple, I guess. Can we both partner? I will help you to wipe his face out of the surface, then when I need you, I'll let you know," he said, feeling a bit of hope to unmask the queen before the king.