
The Blood Luna

***Prologue*** A royal Ravenwood pup, born under a celestial blood moon is abandoned at birth. Dahila an orphan, who spends majority of her life alone bouncing from foster family to foster family, is finally saved by the Johnson's. Little did she know that her whole life would change forever and enter the world of the supernatural. With her friends and family in tow, they band together and help her overcome the challenges she must face in her new life, which seems to be nothing short of a hellish nightmare. Thanks in advance for giving my book your attention and support. -Tru

Trublood_3 · Fantasy
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81 Chs

Celestial Blood Moon: Part 2

With the sky taking on a hue of red, it's befitting of the horrors that are taking place around me. I see dead underlings and some dead pack mates. I'm stuck inside the protection circle unable to do anything. The pain...The pain. I've never felt anything like thus before. I'm not to help my family and friends but besides pain, I haven't changed into a wolf yet. "Raven Star, why haven't I changed yet!" I yell at my spirit wolf. "Please have patience, the moon must be in it's final stage for you to transform" My wolf replied. "The pain! It's almost unbearable" Dahlia whimpers. "I'm afraid that's just the beginning" my wolf replied. "Oh my goddess, please help me through it" Dahlia said. "Stay calm, it will help ease some of the pain" My wolf said. "Now, you must focus on your shift, we will be one soon" my wold replied. "I'll...I'll do as you say, I just can't stand watching all the death and fighting" Dahlia said. "There's nothing, we can do to help right now. Your vulnerability, only makes you more of a liability" my wolf replied. "I know, I just want to do more" I said. "Focus on staying safe and completing your shift" my wolf said once again. My wolf goes quiet. My parents fighting grabs my attention, they're not even in wolf form. You can tell previous battles and wars have them the experience they have now. I see, the underlings try to take them down. It makes great anxiety build within me and a sense of urgency. I feel like time is standing still, while I'm trapped in this ward. I see my parents faces, they have a calm serious demeanor. Their faces are covered in splatters of blood. I'm glad they took the time to prepare because it was too easy to catch us off guard, almost like it was planned. The underlings, just keep coming after my pack, their relentless has certainly given them the reputation to be so feared. As I watch what looks like the battle of good versus evil unfold, I can see the Vampire King and his witch come into view. Is that Caroline? I watch as they make their way towards my protection circle. Everyone around them doesn't even seem to realize they're headed my way. What the hell is Caroline doing with Tobias the king of Vampires? Caroline starts shooting strange orbs at the protection circle, all they do is ricochet right off. "It's a very powerful protection ward, designed specifically for witch magic. It will take time but I'll be able to break it" Caroline said to Tobias. "You'd better hurry from the looks of it, she's just starting to transform" Tobias said to Caroline. I watch as they grow even closer to the protection circle. Tobias has his eyes fixated on me. Caroline is too busy throwing her strange energy orbs at me. In the background I can continually see the underlings relentlessly attacking my pack. I look to the sky and the eclipse is almost dead center of the moon. "Ravenwood today you die" Caroline yells at me. "I'm sorry I broke your arm in grade school, I don't know what came over me. Come on we were kids Caroline!" Dahlia said sobbing. "You're a real idiot you know that! My broken arm was healed the next day. It isn't about my arm" Caroline seethed at me. "Then why are you doing this! My pack is innocent!" Dahlia screamed. "Stupid child, you aren't the Luna yet" Tobias said coldly. "Why are you doing this!" Dahlia yelled. "I vowed to kill every last Ravenwood. It's just your bad luck your were born from those monsters!" Tobias yelled. "It's not my fault what happened! I'm not like them!" Dahlia replied in a panic. "There's no way you're not like them!" Caroline yelled in a rage. I watched as Caroline and Tobias stood before me. They were crazed what does Caroline even have to do with this? "Caroline, why are you so invested in this?" Dahlia said just above a whisper. "Why does it matter, I made the same vow" Caroline spat. "It matter to me" Dahlia said. "Because those sadistic parents of yours killed my twin sister!" Caroline yelled and crashed another orb onto the ward this time, cracking it. Dahlia stood in silence as she was processing the information she just learned. "I'm so sorry Caroline" Dahlia said. "I don't want your apology, I just want you to pay with your death!" Caroline seethed. Dahlia started to realize, that there was no reasoning with them. Would sacrificing herself be the reason she stood before them today? Remembering, how hard the loss of Jackson's twin was on him, she actually starts to feel sorry for Tobias and Caroline. Dahlia decides she has a choice before her. "If my death will bring you peace, I'm ready to sacrifice myself" Dahila said coldly. "You never had a choice!" Caroline yelled. Caroline mustered up all the strength she had left and sent one last blast of energy at the protection ward that was my only saving grace. The ward shatters to pieces and I'm sent thrashing through the mansion garden. My mom must have heard the commotion. I can hear her yell. "Dahlia No!". Right before I loose consciousness.