
The Blood Luna: Mated.

A Luna, known for her Crimson eyes continues her journey. In the world of supernaturals, she's learned not everyone can be trusted. Dahlia's journey will take her down more twists and turns. In her journey, she will discover her mystery mate, uncover new enemies and makes new alliances. The continuation of; The Blood Luna.

Trublood_3 · Fantasy
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51 Chs


Tobias could sense, that the royal heir wasn't in the best mood. To walk into such a vital moment, where her family is suffering, may be the first time he has a regretful moment. Dahlia was silent and she walked out the pack gym and made her way down hallways and corridors. The complete silence made everything feel ominous and his arm hairs stood on their ends. Tobias thought that they would go to the main kitchen but she walked right pass the kitchen and swung the giant Brass Doors to Ravenwood open. "I hope you don't mind, I need fresh air and to clear my head" Dahlia said desperately. "I completely understand" Tobias said, grateful she finally spoke. Tobias was not expecting the next scene to unfold. Dahlia transformed into her celestial wolf. The howl that came from her could pierce your heart like knives. Tobias has never heard a howl so embedded with sorrow and pain. "Escort me if you like" Dahlia told Tobias through mindlink. Dahlia took off on all fours with lightning speed. It was a challenge even for the King of Vampires, to keep up. Dahlia headed for the tree line. With one swipe of her paw, ancient pines were severed from their life and roots. The commotion sounded like bombs going off and the ancient pines of Ravenwood came crashing down. Tobias could tell, this was a very important breaking point for Dahlia. The pain, anger, sorrow have finally cake to a tipping point and it was better for everyone, if she got it out of her system as quickly as possible. The fallen trees, weren't done getting her pent up violence and rage. Dahlia walked over to the fallen pines and kept crushing them with her giant jaws. Tobias couldn't help think that this is a wolf's temper tantrum. However, from the tears falling from her eyes and down her muzzle, he knew it was much more, than she let anyone to believe. For a royal heir and Luna, she has been hiding her emotions well. As Tobias is watching her, her royal guards, Jackson and Paige come rushing to where the events were unfolding. Jackson looked horrified and Paige had a sad but blank look on her face. Paige was holding a hoodie and pair of sweats in her hands. Dahlia turned to face them. Even in her giant wolf form, it was quite a pathetic sight. "Are you okay?" Jackson asked her. Dahlia sat there whimpering. Dahlia's emotions must have gone haywire because her eyes kept flashing from Crimson to Amethyst. Dahlia still didn't respond to her guards question. Paige walked over to Dahlia and whispered something in her ear. Dahlia's demeanor changed and she closed her giant wolf eyes and you could tell she was taking in large breathes of oxygen and letting it out slowly. This went on until she was changed back to human. Jackson and Paige blocked Tobias view. Tobias being the gentleman he really is was already turning around, so he couldn't see the Luna. Dahlia threw on her clothes and thanked her guards. "Thank you" Dahila said. Her guards bowed to her. "Is there anything else, we can do for you?" Jackson asked. "No, thank you, you've done enough. Tobias and I, have important things to discuss. I feel better now" Dahlia said. Her guards gave her a bow and headed back in the direction they came. "What did your guard say?" Tobias asked with curiosity. "Oh, Paige? she just said some helpful words" Dahlia said. Tobias only grew more curious. "What did she say? It seemed to bring you right out of the break down you were having" Tobias said. "She said that even the strong have their breaking point. That I was doing a wonderful job and the pack loves me. She also told me to remember my breathing exercises" Dahlia said. "I see, she must know you so well" Tobias said. "Over these last couple of years, we have grown really close. I trust her with my life" Dahlia said. Tobias wasn't suprised at Dahlia's conviction of her guard. "I have very few people I trust" Tobias said. Dahlia wasn't suprised. "I'm sure, you haven't had an easy life" Dahlia said. "Enough talk about that. Let's talk about Rome" Tobias said. Tobias and Dahlia decided to have their conversation on the beach. The mansion has become stuffy and in Dahlia's mood, she'd rather not be around the pack. With her emotions all over the place, it's safer if she stays away. "You said that, Amelia is Belladonna's daughter?" Dahlia said puzzled. Tobias nodded his head yes and spoke. "According to Amelia, the only leverage Lord Ulrich has over her is her mother, and the situation is vise versa with Belladonna. Belladonna was exiled for helping Lord Ulrich in the past" Tobias said. Dahlia stopped in her tracks. "He's done this sort of thing before?" Dahlia asked. "It appears so, yet Amelia didn't tell me the specifics" Tobias said. Dahlia still had a puzzled look on her face. "Amelia, did agree to meet at Ravenwood. I may have let it slip that you have a general idea of where your mate is" Tobias said running a hand through his hair. Dahlia took in his demeanor. "You like her" Dahlia said teasing. Tobias, the mighty King of Vampires, blushed. "It was the strangest thing. I think she may be my mate" Tobias said uneasy. "You can find another one so soon?" Dahlia gently. Tobias looked puzzled as well. "I have no idea, it's never happened so quickly after my mate has fallen" Tobias said. "With Lord Ulrich, uo to no good, I'd keep it a secret for now" Dahlia said with reason. "That's what I plan to do. Put this all behind us and then maybe approach her" Tobias said. Dahlia was amused at Tobias school yard antics. "I'm sure she will embrace you and I'm happy for you" Dahila replied. Tobias gave Dahlia a big smile. "Right, back to Amelia. I will send the Ravens to give her a message, on when and where for the meet" Dahlia said. "Will you be okay?" Tobias asked. Dahlia knew exactly what he was talking about; her father. "I'll visit him in a few days, I can't see him right now. I know it's not my fault but my Luna nature is telling me I'm at fault for not noticing sooner" Dahlia said. "Hey, your father pulled a fast one on all of us. It's not your fault about what happened. I am sorry, I had a hand in all your pain" Tobias exclaimed. Dahlia needed to hear that. Dahlia doesn't expect Tobias to apologize for the rest of his life, but it makes things easier knowing that he's willing to take responsibility for all the blood shed and chaos. "It's okay, both of our families were played. I am sorry about Caroline" Dahlia said. Dahlia was caught off guard by Tobias burst of laughter. "I'm not too upset about Caroline. We only used each other for a common goal. Caroline always hated the fact her sister was my mate. She hated me even more, after I agreed to turn her sister" Tobias said. Dahlia looked shocked. "I didn't know that the relationship between you two was so strained" Dahlia said. "Caroline changed her tune once Tynan died" Tobias said. "I'm so sorry to hear that" Dahlia said. "Don't be, she wasn't a very nice person" Tobias said. "Yeah, but she surely didn't deserve a death like that" Dahlia said. "Maybe not, bit I'm sure if you had control and she didn't attack your mom like that, it would be a different story. Stop beating yourself up over her death" Tobias said. "Anyways, that's all the news I have, I gotta get back to the hive. Underlings, only play nice for so long. Don't want any stragglers having a free for all" Tobias proclaimed. Dahlia nodded her head and replied, "Yes, go take care of that. I'm gonna go get clean and head to bed early. It's been quite an eventful day. Thanks again, for going to Rome" Dahlia said. "It was my pleasure. Please take care of yourself. I'll visit soon" Tobias said, as he took off into the sky and vanished. Watching Tobias leave will never get old. Dahlia waved as he disappeared and with gloom still plaguing her heart, she made her way back inside Ravenwood. Dahlia opened tha giant Brass Doors and made her way straight to her room, with no detours. Dahlia, turned on the hot water to her tub and added some bath salts. Dahlia just wanted this day to be a bad nightmare. The water ran for a few minutes before she shut it off. Dahlia got into the soaking tub and let the hot water caress her worries away.