
The Blood Luna: Mated.

A Luna, known for her Crimson eyes continues her journey. In the world of supernaturals, she's learned not everyone can be trusted. Dahlia's journey will take her down more twists and turns. In her journey, she will discover her mystery mate, uncover new enemies and makes new alliances. The continuation of; The Blood Luna.

Trublood_3 · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Class In Session

It's been a week since Dahlia visited Ethel and Mary. Now it was time to get into the rules and traditions of wolf mating. Being almost a 20 year old virgin, the last thing Dahlia wants is to be put in an embarrassing situation. It's not that Dahlia's never thought of sex, or a males touch, she just always felt she was too young and wasn't ready. The year her mother died, when she was getting to know that pack. Pack elders had informed her, that some wolves mated as early as 16! That's way too young! Nervous about the day ahead of her, she wakes and doesn't waste any time getting ready for her lessons. Dahlia, knew all too well, how much Ethel and Mary hated when someone was late. Dahlia didn't hesitate to throw her covers off and to rush her closet and put on a pair of her favorite sweats and hoodie. It's not the most glamorous look, but it's comfortable and you never know what you'll be forced to do, when taking lessons from Mary and Ethel. Dahlia hurries out her bedroom door and makes way to the kitchen. The kitchen is empty. Her father still must be locked away in his study. He works so hard, to make sure everything will be alright. I grab an apple from the fruit bowl that's on the kitchen Island and I head towards the giant Brass Doors of Ravenwood mansion. I'd rather not receive punishment from them if I'm late. I swing the doors open and rush towards the water mirror. I wonder what they will have in-store for me. I'm in too much if a rush to play in the ocean breeze as it teases my face and hair. It's such a nice day today, maybe I can go for a run after the lesson. I reach the water mirror and I walk through it. The pack is busy with it's hussle and bustle of normal day life. I exchange some pleasantries as I hurry towards the tea house. I can see Mary standing outside awaiting my arrival. Mary locks her eyes with me and looks down at her watch. "Cutting it close my dear" She states impatiently. "I'm so sorry, but I'm right in time" Dahlia says looking at her watch. "Yes, dear you have arrived before our appointment but a Luna must be early" Mary states. "Head inside, Ethel is waiting for you" Mary stated with a smile. I open the front door of the tea house and that familiar bell chimes. "Good to see you dear, come on in" Ethel says waving Dahlia over. "I'm so sorry I wasn't earlier" Dahlia said flustered. "Oh dear, it's okay, but we must try to always arrive early, please relax" Ethel stated reassuring Dahlia. "The first thing we are going to go over today is; Sex Education" Ethel stated. "Wait, What!" Dahlia said with her cheeks burning red hot. "My dear girl, sex is a very normal thing between two married people" Ethel stated. "Marriage?!" Dahlia shrieked. "Yes, once you find your mate and you complete the mating ritual, you will forever bound to one another, a supernatural marriage." Ethel stated. "Continuing on, sex between wolves is different then if you were just human. Scent is everything. You will be able to sniff your mate out and he will be able to sniff you out. Being a wolf, your wolves will want to mate as soon as possible. Your wolves will want to complete the ritual as soon as possible. Sex between wolves can be violent and passionate" Ethel stated. Ethel paused to see if Dahlia was paying attention. Dahlia looks mortified and her cheeks burned red. Ethel tried to reassure her "Dahlia is everything okay?" Ethel asked concerned. "Ethel...I'm still a virgin" Dahlia whimpered with embarrassment. "Yes, my dear girl I already know, but you need to know, so that you're prepared" Ethel stated. Dahlia looked afraid. "Will...Will my mate force himself on me?" Dahlia couldn't hold back the tears that she was choking back. Ethel has grown very fond of Dahlia and she couldn't lie to her Luna. "My dear girl, it's quite possible, your mate could force himself on you. However, that doesn't mean all male wolves are like that. You'd be surprised to know, some are real Gentlemen" Ethel said trying to reassure her. This made Dahlia relax a little. "Are you okay to continue?" Ethel asked with care. Dahlia nodded her head yes. "Now, after the mating ritual, you will fall into heat. Heat means when your body is preparing to be fertile and to carry your mates pup. A she wolf's heat, comes at different times. Being you're of royal blood and a Luna, your heat will draw in more than just your mate. Not mating during your heat, will cause you great pain" Ethel stated. Dahlia thought she was going to be sick. Having to find a mate, complete a mating ritual and then a pup? "How do you complete the mating ritual?" Dahlia asked. Ethel was happy to she Dahlia was asking questions. "To complete the mating ritual, you have sex, and then you will mark each other, once you're marked you can mindlink your mate" Ethel stated. "Mark each other?" Dahlia asked confused. "Yes, you will bite each other, just above the collarbone and then your mate will bare Ravenwood's crest and you will bare your mates Fang marks. The marks will carry his scent and alert all nearby males that your are his" Ethel stated. "What about about having pups? What is that like?" Dahlia asked. "Compared to a human, wolves are pregnant for a shorter span of time. We have pups in 6 months time, when a humans pregnancy last for 40-42 weeks" Ethel stated. "With rapid growth of a pup, it will be very uncomfortable and more so if it's more than one pup" Ethel said. "More than one?" Dahlia asked afraid. "My dear girl, being of royal blood, it's quite likely you will have multiples" Ethel stated. "How will I know, if I'm with a pup?" Dahlia asked. "It's the same as if you were human, you will miss your monthly, and you'd have to go see Lockhart to confirm" Ethel stated. "Lockhart!" Dahlia shrieked. "He has been delivering pups for quite some time, I assure you, you will not care, if it's a male or female doctor, when birthing begins" Ethel stated. "Is every pregnancy successful? I remember my mom Emma, had lost her pup" Dahlia said. Ethel was saddened to think of Emma, her pup dying and how too common it was to loose a pup. "It's a common occurrence, that pups can be lost. Growing at such a fast speed can cause complications" Ethel stated. "That's awful" Dahlia said. "It's apart of life and in the world of wolf, only the strongest survive unfortunately" Ethel stated. Ethel grabbed out an anatomy chart, and started to show Dahlia how sex was preformed, where fertility happened and where a pup would be housed for its pregnancy and how to feed your pup afterwards. Dahlia was quite embarrassed that she didn't already know all this stuff. "That's the end of our Sex Education class" Ethel stated. "That's a lot of stuff to remember" Dahlia said. "Yes I know, but now you have a general idea and instinct usually guides you on what to do" Ethel stated. "I really appreciate you taking the time to go over this with me" Dahlia said to Ethel. "Your father felt it important, that a woman talk to you about such things. It can be quite embarrassing for a father to tell his little girl about the birds and the bees" Ethel said chuckling. "Yeah it would have been awkward for me, for my dad to talk to me about these things" Dahlia said laughing. "Hold tight dear, Mary has some lessons for you today as well. Before that we will have some tea and sandwiches. We have you learning lessons until, about dinner time" Ethel said. "Okay, that sounds great. My dad was locked away in his study today" Dahlia said. "He's been going through a lot my dear, it's not easy to put you through all this" Ethel stated. "I know, but I just wish he spent more time with me these days, especially before I become anothers" Dahlia stated. "Your father loves you and he will come around" Ethel said. I always enjoyed the company of Ethel and Mary. They are like the grandma's I never had and they always comfort me, when I least expect it.