
The Blood Luna: Mated.

A Luna, known for her Crimson eyes continues her journey. In the world of supernaturals, she's learned not everyone can be trusted. Dahlia's journey will take her down more twists and turns. In her journey, she will discover her mystery mate, uncover new enemies and makes new alliances. The continuation of; The Blood Luna.

Trublood_3 · Fantasy
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51 Chs

A Letter From Dahlia

Dahlia's letter, finally made it to it's destination with the help from Balthazar. Amelia untied the letter from the birds ankle and was anxiously awaiting its words.

"Dear Amelia,

I am so glad that you have chosen to join us, on our mission to dismantle the council and bring Lord Ulrich to proper justice. I am so sorry to hear your mother, and you have been used as tools for Ulrich's selfish ambitions. It leaves me with heavy sorrow. Know, we will do everything we can to get your mother's name cleared as well. Let's hold our meeting in 2 weeks time at Ravenwood. Tobias, speaks highly of you and I can't wait to meet you. Please take care and keep yourself safe. Lord Ulrich, has eyes everywhere.

The royal Ravenwood heir,


***Amelia's POV***

Amelia didn't realize that tears had left her face. Even on paper, Dahlia was so courageous and compassionate. Clear my mother's name? Amelia was shocked at this statement. Why, would Dahlia care? Dahlia was right, from this moment on she had to be cautious. Who knows what Ulrich would do, if he caught scent of this betrayal. Ulrich, needed to pay for his crimes, he's gotten away with too much, for far too long and Amelia knew of every piece of evidence and crime. Tobias spoke highly of me? We only talked for a few minutes, but I did feel safe and from harm in his presence. I wonder what that was about.

Dahlia seems like a wonderful person; can she really be that powerful? As Amelia was lost in thought, the trusty bird Balthazar spooked her a little. 'Caw, Caw' the bird called. Amelia put her attention on the bird. "All rested?" Amelia said to the bird. 'Caw, Caw' Balthazar sounded off again. Balthazar, bird hopped towards the window Amelia had used as his entrance. With his beak he pecked at the window. 'Tap, Tap'. "Leaving so soon? Did you get enough food and water? Amelia asked. As if the bird could every understand every word she said, the bird nodded his head yes. The birds conviction came as no surprise, his owner seeps the same confidence. "Be safe on your journey. It was nice to meet you" Amelia said. 'Caw, Caw' the bird said with excitement. Amelia went to the window and opened the door for Balthazar. "Safe travels" Amelia said as the bird took off from her windowsill. The giant bird gracefully flew straight up and out of sight.

Amelia closed her window and went back to her study chair. She hopes that the group can pull all this off. Lord Ulrich, doesn't take betrayal lightly. He will hunt down everyone of them, if their plan is not successful. In deep thought, Amelia wonders what Ravenwood would be like. Light rain begins to Tap off her window. Amelia doesn't even realize that she drifted off to sleep.