
the blood descendant

Photophobia, bloodthirsty, immortality… Colin, who passed through, found that he seemed to be in line with the characteristics of the vampires. But the problem is, there is no record of vampires in this world! Am I the first vampire in this world? There is no predecessor’s guidance, and there is no system to help. To clarify the setting of kinship in this world, Colin had to treat himself as an experimental subject. [Under direct sunlight, the strength is reduced by about 30%], [The throat, heart, and brain are no longer fatal weaknesses], [Ordinary food cannot satisfy hunger, only blood can restore physical strength]. Holy water…Huh? Who gave me holy water! kufsten translation

Kufsten · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
85 Chs


Back to the present.

The air in Icestone City was filled with anxiety, unease, and excitement.

The ignorant commoners didn't know what was going on, but all the nobles knew that it was time for them to fire their arrows.

The Duke Of St. Hilde's rejection left the nobles with no way out.

Orders were passed down, and the army made the final preparations before the battle.

A somber atmosphere enveloped the entire city. Tonight, it would be hard to sleep.

Knight Kahn Sudo was one of those who couldn't sleep. He could only feel his heart beating so fast that it was frightening.

After tossing and turning for a long time, Kahn decided not to sleep.

After putting on his clothes and leaving the house, Kahn subconsciously walked towards his uncle's room.

"Good evening, Lady Penny!" Kahn hurriedly greeted the female housekeeper of the Oman family.

"Good evening, Knight Of Kahn. Are you looking for the Count as well?"

"No, no. I'm just looking around. "Kahn hurriedly denied.

He knew that Lady Penny was the housekeeper of the Oman family on the surface, but in reality, she was Count Oman's lover.

And she wasn't just any lover.

It was said that Count Oman had taken a liking to Penny not only because of her beauty, but also because of her wine-red pupils.

The pupils of humans in this world were usually blue, black, or green. Wine-Red pupils were rarely seen.

As for Count Oman himself, his eyes were of the same color.

To Count Oman, who didn't know much about genetics, although Penny was of low birth, for her to have pupils of the same color as his, she might be the descendant of some ancient bloodline.

Regardless of whether this rumor was true or not, Penny's position in the Oman family was very high. This was a fact.

Even the illegitimate child she gave birth to, Valla, was more important than other illegitimate children.

Not only did Count Oman allow him to be baptized as a knight, he also spent a great deal of effort to help him marry the daughter of a baron – Colin's sister, Caitlin.

That was why Kahn was so respectful to a housekeeper.

Moreover, he realized that Lady Penny was most likely going to the Count's room to …

Thus, Kahn tactfully chose not to disturb the Count's mood.

After bidding farewell to Kahn, Penny went to Earl Oman's room and entered.

When Count Oman saw Penny enter without even knocking, he didn't reprimand her.

"Has everything been arranged?"

"Yes," Penny answered casually.

Then, he stepped forward to help Count Oman undo the buttons on his shirt.

Earl Oman kissed the woman's forehead, and then began to help her undress.

The count's wife had been dead for many years, and he had never remarried.

Instead, he acted more like a couple with his lover, Penny.

If outsiders saw this scene, they would probably be very confused.

How could a count treat a lowly lover like this?

Even if Penny used to be a peerless beauty, now that she was over forty years old, it was impossible for her to still be so attractive to the Count, right?

Or were those wine-red pupils really that noble in the eyes of the Count?

If that was really the case, then all the commoner girls with wine-red pupils in the Northern Frontier would probably gather in Fallen Eagle City.

However, Count Aulmann did not seem to feel that there was anything wrong with his treatment of a commoner.

Penny also seemed to be taking it for granted.

"What are you worried about?" Count Oman saw the worry on Penny's face and suddenly asked.

"Nothing." Penny avoided the Count's eyes.

Count Oman reached out and pinched Penny's chin, turning her gaze to him. "You have to believe me. This is our best and only choice!"

"But you are helping the House of Saint Hilde consolidate its rule." Penny's eyes were filled with reluctance.

"There's no choice. Back then, when Marquis García chose to pursue the Trolls in the north instead of going south to Winter Castle, our plan had already failed.

I don't know what agreement the two brothers reached, but Marquis García actually resisted the temptation of becoming the Lord of the Northern Frontier and was willing to be his brother's sword.

Moreover, it's that idiot Gombik's fault!

An army of three hundred thousand was wiped out by fifty thousand. What a disgrace!

In this situation, I have no choice but to follow the Duke Of Saint Hilde's secret order and cooperate with him to clean up the disobedient lords. "

Penny did not speak, only silently helping Count Oman unbutton his clothes.

Seeing this, Count Oman was unhappy and asked again, "Did someone come looking for you?"

Penny's hand paused, then she nodded lightly.

Count Oman's eyes flashed, and he said in a low voice, "Don't believe those Trolls! Remember, we are only using them, and they are also using us. Don't treat them as your own people! "

"It's not the Trolls." Penny shook her head, staring into Count Oman's eyes. "It's a letter from my brother."

Count Oman's eyes narrowed. "What did he say?"

"He said …" Penny's eyes flashed with a hint of scrutiny. "He said, you are betting on both sides …"

"Nonsense!" Count Oman snorted coldly, placing his hands on Penny's shoulders and pulling her in front of him. "Don't tell me you don't believe me either?"

Penny stared at her man for a long time before softly spitting out two words. "I believe you."

Count Aulman felt as if a heavy burden had been lifted from his shoulders as he hugged Penny tightly. "Don't worry, I will definitely do what I promised you!"

"Mm. Go to sleep. "

… …

The next morning.

The atmosphere in Icestone City had reached its peak.

Groups of soldiers passed through the streets and gathered outside the south gate.

At this time, even the slowest commoner realized that something was about to happen. They immediately ran home and shut their windows, not daring to go out again.

At the same time, five kilometers south of Icestone City, the silhouettes of an army appeared.

The golden lion flag shone brightly under the sunlight.

That was the House of Saint Hilde's direct army — Golden Lion Army!

And to the west of Icestone City was a black ocean.

There was also an army there — the Black Cavalry!

Dense killing intent filled the fields, causing the temperature in the air to drop.

Count Dawson stood in front of the Black Cavalry formation, looking at the Golden Lion Army and the Feudal Lord Alliance Army in the distance. No one knew what he was thinking.

At nine o 'clock in the morning, after the last round of negotiations had failed, an ear-piercing bugle sounded.

The vanguard of the Golden Lion Army and the Feudal Lord Alliance Army gradually approached each other.

Then, battle cries echoed through the fields.

Count Dawson looked at the two sides fighting in the distance with a calm expression.

He was waiting.

When the main forces of both sides were completely entangled, they would not be able to easily break away.

Finally, when it was almost noon, the battle between the Golden Lion Army and the Feudal Lord Alliance Army had reached its climax.

Overall, the Feudal Lord Alliance Army had the upper hand.

After all, they had the advantage in numbers.

And at this time, Count Dawson, who had been watching coldly from the sidelines, finally gave the order to attack.

The wildly galloping warhorses caused the earth to shake.

The thunderous sound of horse hooves struck everyone's hearts, causing them to involuntarily turn to look at the cavalry that had suddenly entered the battlefield!

Those who had never faced the charge of the Black Cavalry would never be able to imagine what kind of scene it was.

In the past, the Black Cavalry's targets had always been the Trolls, but this time, there were finally humans blocking their path.

When the soldiers of the Feudal Lord Alliance Army saw this scene, they immediately shouted in excitement.

Because the Black Cavalry was charging towards the Golden Lion Army's formation!

However, before they could be happy for long.

They saw the Black Cavalry's path suddenly turn, and then, like a flood breaking through a dam, they charged towards the right wing of the Feudal Lord Alliance Army!


The situation was instantly reversed!