
the blood descendant

Photophobia, bloodthirsty, immortality… Colin, who passed through, found that he seemed to be in line with the characteristics of the vampires. But the problem is, there is no record of vampires in this world! Am I the first vampire in this world? There is no predecessor’s guidance, and there is no system to help. To clarify the setting of kinship in this world, Colin had to treat himself as an experimental subject. [Under direct sunlight, the strength is reduced by about 30%], [The throat, heart, and brain are no longer fatal weaknesses], [Ordinary food cannot satisfy hunger, only blood can restore physical strength]. Holy water…Huh? Who gave me holy water! kufsten translation

Kufsten · Fantasy
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85 Chs

Marquis of Charles

On the seventh day after Colin woke up, the Black Cavalry finally set out again.

However, the speed of the army was very slow.

It was so slow that it did not seem like an elite cavalry at all.

This speed was very suitable for Colin. After all, he had not fully recovered from his injuries.

He didn't know where Raymond had gotten his hands on a flatbed trailer, but he had covered it with some straw to cushion it. Colin felt quite comfortable lying on it.

The spring sun was warm and gentle, making people sleepy.

Even though Colin, as a vampire, didn't like the sun, he slowly began to doze off under the sun.

Although he was in the most elite army on the Northern Frontier, Colin still felt like he was on a vacation.

Vera was not nearby.

After all, she was the adopted daughter of the Dukes Of The North. Even if she had a good impression of Colin, she would not stay by his side all the time.

Otherwise, wouldn't he be a bootlicker?

Even if he wanted to bootlick, Colin should be the one taking the initiative.

After all, Vera's identity was much nobler than Colin's.

However, looking at Colin's expression, it was obvious that he did not intend to strike while the iron was hot.

Flirting with a girl was a must.

This was the painful lesson that Colin had learned from his failed bootlicker career in his previous life.

Just like that, the army leisurely marched north.

As they gradually approached the Mirror Lake Camp, they encountered more and more defeated soldiers.

Marquis García did not refuse any of them. He gathered all of them and arranged them to be auxiliary soldiers at the rear of the army.

From these defeated soldiers, Colin slowly learned more about the details of Marquis Charles' defeat.

This war had actually started last year.

At the beginning of May last year, under the leadership of the Troll Prince Gambik Vulkin, an army of 300,000 Trolls gathered at the border and were ready to move south.

On the Northern Frontier, Marquis Charles led an army of 200,000 to fight against the Trolls.

Out of the 200,000 soldiers, 100,000 of them came from the House of Saint Hilde's personal army, the Golden Lion Legion. The other 100,000 were the private armies of the various lords of the Northern Frontier.

For example, Colin's father, Baron Angele, personally led 3,000 soldiers to the frontline after receiving the order from the Duke Of St. Hilde.

Although they were at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, the humans were not at a disadvantage in terms of momentum.

After all, in recent decades, the Northern Frontier had never lost a battle against the Trolls.

In particular, the commander of the troll army, Prince Gambique, was an old acquaintance of Marquis García who had beaten him to the ground in various postures.

Under such circumstances, it was inevitable for the Northern Frontier to lower their guard.

But most people didn't realize, or were unwilling to admit, that Marquis García and his Black Cavalry were the guarantee of victory on the Northern Frontier.

Now that this "guarantee of victory" had disappeared, could Marquis Charles alone bear the burden of guarding the border?

Obviously, things did not develop according to the Northern Frontier's expectations.

From the beginning of the confrontation, Marquis Charles seemed to be unable to do anything.

In the small scale probing battles, Marquis Charles was in dire straits and exhausted.

At this time, the troll commander, Prince Gambique, had already figured out the true situation of the Duke's son and understood that Marquis Charles' ability to command the battlefield could not be compared to the previous Marquis.

As a result, the trolls gradually strengthened their attacks, and in the winter of last year, they broke through the defensive line set up by the Northern Alliance and killed their way in.

Marquis Charles retreated until he was near Mirror Lake.

There, he issued an emergency conscription order and placed the recruited soldiers in the Mirror Lake camp as bait while he led the main army to ambush nearby.

Then, when the troll attacked the Mirror Lake camp, Marquis Charles led the army to attack from behind.

Unfortunately, he still failed.

Other than the two fatal errors in Colin's analysis, there was another important reason for Marquis Charles' defeat — his plan was seen through by the troll in advance!

It was not known if Prince Gambique really had great foresight, or if he had discovered the tracks of Marquis Charles' army, or if someone had leaked military secrets …

In short, when the troll attacked the Mirror Lake camp, they did not attack with the whole army. Instead, they arranged the main forces at the back and waited for Marquis Charles to enter the trap.

Thus, Marquis Charles was defeated again.

The two hundred thousand strong army was almost wiped out in this series of defeats.

Even Marquis Charles himself was being chased by the troll and his whereabouts were unknown.

Oh, no.

Marquis Charles' whereabouts were soon clear.

On the thirteenth day after the Black Cavalry left the Rapids River, they met with a large scale defeated army.

This defeated army had about five thousand people, and the one leading this defeated army was Marquis Charles.

Behind them, there was a troll army of about eight thousand people chasing after them.

However, when this army saw the flag of the Black Cavalry from afar, they decisively turned around and gave up the chase.

They did not even have the courage to test the attack.

Marquis Charles was finally saved.

However, his tragic fate had just begun.

After knowing that Marquis Charles was in this defeated army, Colin also left the trailer and prepared to watch the show.

Colin definitely did not have a good impression of this Marquis Charles.

First of all, the death of his cheap father was most likely caused by this fellow's mistakes in command.

This also led to the death of his predecessor and the assassination of Knight Carter.

Furthermore, after he escaped from Graycastle Town, he was sent to the Mirror Lake camp by Marquis Charles' emergency conscription order to be bait. Then, there was this series of pursuit and near-death experience …

Therefore, when Colin saw Marquis Charles' current sorry state, he gloated.

"Uncle …"

At this moment, Marquis Charles was half-kneeling in front of Marquis García with a gloomy expression.

Although the two of them were both marquises, their status was worlds apart.

Furthermore, this series of defeats completely caused Marquis Charles to fall from his pedestal.

Furthermore, it also highlighted the importance of Marquis García.

"You fought a good battle!" Marquis García did not let Charles get up. Instead, he scolded him with a cold face.

"Uncle, I, I was careless …"


Under everyone's gaze, Marquis García directly whipped Charles, who was trying to find an excuse, to the ground.

The entire place was silent.

Some timid people even lowered their heads and did not dare to look again.

Although Marquis García was Marquis Charles' elder, he was still the first successor of the Duke and the future Lord of the Northern Frontier!

He had actually been whipped in front of so many people …

"Bastard! A loss is a loss. Other than being useless, what other reason do you have? "

When Charles heard this, his entire body trembled. He immediately crawled at the feet of Marquis García and shouted,

"Uncle, I was wrong! I was wrong …

I've let down the House of Saint Hilde, I've let down the dead soldiers, I've let down the people of the Northern Frontier, boohoo … "

A dignified Marquis, the future Lord of the Northern Frontier, actually in public —


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