
the blood descendant

Photophobia, bloodthirsty, immortality… Colin, who passed through, found that he seemed to be in line with the characteristics of the vampires. But the problem is, there is no record of vampires in this world! Am I the first vampire in this world? There is no predecessor’s guidance, and there is no system to help. To clarify the setting of kinship in this world, Colin had to treat himself as an experimental subject. [Under direct sunlight, the strength is reduced by about 30%], [The throat, heart, and brain are no longer fatal weaknesses], [Ordinary food cannot satisfy hunger, only blood can restore physical strength]. Holy water…Huh? Who gave me holy water! kufsten translation

Kufsten · Fantasy
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85 Chs

Holy water

Colin had a dream.

It was a very long dream.

In the dream, he was entangled by a huge silver python.

Moreover, it was getting tighter and tighter.

The terrifying pressure crushed his bones and internal organs, and even his blood was being squeezed out.

He felt like an orange that had been thrown into a juicer. He was afraid that becoming a dried corpse was his unavoidable fate.

Of course, Colin was unwilling to give in.

But his limbs were tightly entangled, and he could not move at all.

So, he could only bite the python's body.

And suck crazily.

If you squeeze me, then I'll suck you too!

This was Colin's plan.

However, he found a serious problem — he couldn't suck anything.

The python's body seemed to be empty, and there was nothing in it.

As time passed, Colin's consciousness gradually blurred.

The python's body gradually tightened, and Colin was getting closer and closer to the dried corpse.

He didn't know how much time had passed.

Just when Colin was about to give up resisting, he suddenly found that he could suck blood from the snake's body!

It was as if a long drought suddenly fell on the earth.

That mouthful was sweet.

It was the taste of vitality!

However, there was only one mouthful.

Colin tried his best to drink milk, but he couldn't suck any more.


Under extreme anger, Colin woke up.

"Great! Colin, you're finally awake! "

"…" Colin opened his eyes, but he could only see a blurry shadow.

He could vaguely recognize that it should be Vera's voice just now.

"I … what … am I drinking …" Colin opened his mouth, wanting to drink more.

"You're drinking holy water."

Holy water?!

Colin was stunned.

You're giving a vampire holy water to drink???

Before he could breathe, Colin fainted again …

"Colin? Colin? "Vera was a little anxious and looked at Archbishop Raven for help.

The archbishop calmly opened Colin's mouth and poured a few drops of holy water into it.

Then, there was no reaction …

The archbishop refused to believe it and poured a few more drops into his mouth.

There was still no reaction …

The archbishop gritted his teeth and gulped down the entire bottle. He then looked at the empty bottle with a pained expression.

After all, the water he gave Colin was pure holy water. Normally, the holy water used by the Church for treatment was diluted a thousand times with water.

Although he only had a small bottle in his hand, after dilution, it was enough for a parish to use for a whole year.

But even so, there was still no reaction.

The archbishop checked Colin's breathing, then pried open Colin's eyelids to take a look … After fiddling with it for a while, he said in an uncertain tone:

"His injuries seem to have stabilized. He should be fine after some rest."

Vera heaved a sigh of relief and quickly thanked him.

When Marquis García and the others saw this, they left the tent and let Colin rest.

Vera was the only one who stayed behind.

When Marquis García saw this, he did not say anything, but he frowned slightly.

After leaving the tent, he asked Knight Bliss, "Tell me about Knight Colin."

"Yes, sir." Bliss followed behind Marquis García and explained, "He is the son of Baron Angelo, the Lord of Graycastle Town. He was on the way to Eagle City with a mercenary group when he was sent to Mirror Lake Camp by Marquis Charles …"

"Mercenary group?" Marquis García was a little confused, "He is the son of a baron, why would he follow a mercenary group to Eagle City?"

"It should be to hide his identity. I asked the son of the leader of the mercenary group, and he said that Knight Colin used the false identity of the son of the Su Duo Viscounts to sneak into the mercenary group. "

Bliss had indeed checked Colin's identity and origin, and the filial son Sarre obviously would not help Colin hide anything, so he told him everything truthfully.

"Is the Angele family close to the Su Duo family?"

"As far as I know, the two families do not have much contact. However, recently, the territory of the Su Duo Viscounts has been occupied by the trolls, so Colin probably thought that pretending to be a knight of this family would not be easy to be seen through, and he would not be investigated. "

Marquis García nodded and made his own judgment, "Yes. Pretending to be an identity, and no one from the Angele family following him … I am afraid that something has happened to the Angele family. "

Bliss thought for a moment, and then he provided another piece of information, "Sir, Baron Angelo unfortunately died in battle when he was following Marquis Charles."

"That's right." Marquis García smiled indifferently, "I guess it is a matter of the inheritance of the baron, haha, there is nothing else new."

Obviously, the fight for the baron's title would not attract Marquis García's attention, so he mentioned it lightly, but did not ask any more questions. Instead, he let Bliss continue his story.

"Miss Vera also happened to be on the way back to the Northern Frontier when she received the conscription order, and she also came to the Mirror Lake camp …"

As Bliss spoke, he observed Marquis García's reaction.

Especially when he mentioned that Marquis Charles used all the urgently recruited soldiers as bait, Bliss looked at Marquis García with a slightly nervous look.

Marquis García was expressionless.

"… We fled all the way to the south, but we could not get rid of the Wolf Cavalry behind us … Knight Colin suggested that we turn around and go to the north, in the direction where the Wolf Cavalry least expected to break through … On the way to the north, we encountered the defeated soldiers who escaped from the Mirror Lake battlefield … After gathering the defeated soldiers, we were gradually caught up with …

Colin suggested that we hide in the bay of the Rapids River and arrange some soldiers … In the end, we had no choice but to fight back … and we won! "

After Bliss finished speaking, he stood quietly aside, waiting for Marquis García's instructions.

Marquis García looked at the turbulent Rapids River in front of him, but he did not speak.

After a long time, he asked, "What kind of person do you think Knight Colin is?"

Bliss was stunned, but he quickly said bluntly, "Brave, loyal, intelligent, and a person who was born to be on the battlefield."

García smiled noncommittally, "It seems that you have a high opinion of him!"

Bliss nodded solemnly.

If it was before the battle at the bay of the Rapids River, Bliss's impression of Colin was not very good.

This was because although Colin showed a very high sense of the battlefield, after all, he had lied and wanted to abandon the defeated soldiers.

However, after the battle at the bay of the Rapids River, Bliss's impression of Colin had completely changed.

Whether it was giving up the last chance to escape and choosing to stay, or fighting in the front row of the battlefield, or risking his life to block a bullet for Vera, the glorious image that he had shown made the previous small flaws seem insignificant.

Therefore, Bliss was willing to put in a few good words for Colin in front of Marquis García.

He could see that the Marquis also had some appreciation for Colin.

"He is indeed a talented general!" Marquis García nodded, but he frowned slightly, "However, he is a little bit off track … Fortunately, he is still young …"

Looking at the puzzled Bliss, the Marquis did not explain too much. Instead, he changed the topic.

"Well, let's not talk about him. This time, I am here to clean up Charles's mess. So, I need you to do something for me. "

"Please tell me!"

"I will give you a team of cavalry. Go to Coldwinter City immediately to meet my brother and ask him for a military order for me."

"What military order?"

"Send troops to support them. The Trolls are already at home. How can I sit back and do nothing? "

"Send troops?" Bliss was a little puzzled, but he immediately reacted and his face turned pale in an instant, "You … didn't you receive the Duke's order to send troops to support them?"

"No." Marquis García looked at Bliss with interest, "I sent troops without permission."

Bliss only felt a chill run down his spine, and a terrible thought emerged in his mind uncontrollably.

However, he still lowered his head and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Marquis! I will set off now! "

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