
the blood descendant

Photophobia, bloodthirsty, immortality… Colin, who passed through, found that he seemed to be in line with the characteristics of the vampires. But the problem is, there is no record of vampires in this world! Am I the first vampire in this world? There is no predecessor’s guidance, and there is no system to help. To clarify the setting of kinship in this world, Colin had to treat himself as an experimental subject. [Under direct sunlight, the strength is reduced by about 30%], [The throat, heart, and brain are no longer fatal weaknesses], [Ordinary food cannot satisfy hunger, only blood can restore physical strength]. Holy water…Huh? Who gave me holy water! kufsten translation

Kufsten · Fantasy
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85 Chs


[The blood of the troll warriors cannot be used to enhance one's strength.]

Colin was writing on the parchment under the faint morning light.

That's right, he had drunk all the troll warrior's blood last night, but he didn't see any strange reaction from his body.

Did it have to be the blood of a knight?

Colin was a little depressed as he looked around the camp.

Knight Raymond was sitting not far away from Colin, sipping water in small sips.

This is not good. After all, he is my loyal servant.

Knight Bliss was urging everyone to hurry up and get ready to leave.

This is not good either.

Maybe I can go to the Mirror Lake Battlefield to take a look …

However, the battle has been going on for so long. Even if the corpses were not eaten by the beasts, they would have already become dry corpses.

A familiar fragrance wafted over, interrupting Colin's wild thoughts.

"Good morning, Knight Colin."

"Good morning, Miss Vera."

Colin looked at the female wizard standing gracefully in front of him, a smile involuntarily appearing on his face.

"You look much better today. How do you feel? Do you need any help? "

"No, I should be able to do it myself today."

"Okay, if you need anything, just let me know."

During the conversation, Colin's eyes gradually shifted to Vera's white and slender neck. He suddenly thought of something. He did not know if the mage's blood would work …

Vera also noticed that Colin was staring at her neck. She immediately felt a little embarrassed and gave him a fierce glare. She said coquettishly, "Let's go quickly. Knight Bliss is already urging us."


Colin mounted his horse and moved to Vera's side, walking side by side with her.

Intimate physical contact was the best way to get closer to a man and a woman.

Of course, Colin was very clear about this.

After riding together yesterday, he was convinced that he had already occupied a place in Vera's heart.

Perhaps, even she herself was not aware of this point.

Vera was not really angry and she was talking and laughing with Colin again.

The group continued north, and as expected, the journey was much more peaceful. They didn't encounter any more troll armies.

There were only a few ignorant bandits and some reckless beasts, but they were all easily dealt with by Knight Bliss.

It seemed that Colin's plan was indeed effective. They had temporarily shaken off their pursuers.

In order to conserve horsepower, the team gradually slowed down.

Colin also took the opportunity to quickly familiarize himself with Vera.

However, he still couldn't find out the other party's true identity.

She only knew that she had just returned to the Northern Frontier from Yeville, and when she passed by Mirror Lake, she happened to meet a mercenary group that had received an emergency recruitment order from Marquis Charles, so she followed them to Mirror Lake Camp.

Yevel, also known as the Arcane City, was located between the eastern border of the Empire of Light and the Radiant Moon Forest. It used to be the territory of the elves, but after they retreated to the Radiant Moon Forest, it was occupied by the mages.

Nominally, Yevel belonged to the Empire of Light, but the highest authority in the city was the Parliament of Mages. Neither the Duke of the Eastern Region nor the Emperor of the Empire of Light had any actual control over the Arcane City.

Through the conversation, he learned that Vera had gone to Yevel to learn arcane magic when she was very young. So far, she had not returned to the Northern Frontier for more than ten years. Her familiarity with the city was even worse than Colin, who had received the memory of his predecessor.

Moreover, Vera took the initiative to go to Mirror Lake Camp to help when she saw the emergency recruitment order from Marquis Charles. It could be seen that she had a very close relationship with the House of Saint Hilde.

There were indeed some nobles who liked to find a mage to accompany them when they went to war. After all, although a mage was not good in a one-on-one battle, they were very useful on the battlefield.

However, considering the contradiction between the nobles and the mages, most of the arrogant mages would ignore the nobles.

Even if there were a few mages who were willing to accept the employment of the nobles, they would generally offer a very high price. It was simply unheard of for a mage like Vera to take the initiative to help when she saw the recruitment order.

In the evening, the team set up camp again to rest.

However, it did not take long for the scouts to come back and report the situation.

"Sir Bliss, we have found traces of a small group of humans in front of us. We suspect that they are the defeated soldiers who escaped from the Mirror Lake battlefield!"

"Defeated soldiers? Bring them over. "

When they heard that there were defeated soldiers who escaped from the Mirror Lake battlefield in front of them, Colin and Vera hurriedly followed them.

Now, they urgently needed to know the situation at the Mirror Lake battlefield and whether Marquis Charles' plan had succeeded or not.

When the suspected defeated soldiers were brought to the camp, Colin discovered that there was actually an old acquaintance among them!

"Respected knight, do you still remember me? I am Sarre from the Firefox Mercenaries. You were the one who personally handed me the emergency recruitment order from Marquis Charles! "

Bliss looked at Sarre who was in a sorry state among the defeated soldiers and immediately remembered who this person was.

There was nothing he could do about it. After all, this "filial son" had killed his father and joined the army, leaving a deep impression on him.

"How is the situation at Mirror Lake Camp?"

"Terrible! It's too terrible! " Sarre immediately burst into tears. "There are too many trolls in the mountains. They are killing everyone they see. We can't fight them at all! Many of our brothers have died … sob sob … if I hadn't jumped into the lake when I saw the situation, I am afraid that I would have died … "

"Did you see the army led by Marquis Charles?"

"Marquis Charles?" Sarre thought for a moment before he said, "Yes, yes, we did see a golden lion flag appear behind the troll army, but …"

"But what? Stop hemming and hawing! "Bliss scolded impatiently.

"Yes, yes!" Sarre did not dare to hesitate anymore. He had no choice but to tell the truth. "But the army led by Marquis Charles seems … seems to have retreated …"

Everyone fell silent immediately.


This was obviously Sarre's way of saying it.

The real situation was that they had retreated.

This bad news made everyone a little confused for a while.

They did not expect that they would have to face an even more terrifying troll army right after they got rid of their pursuers.

Just as everyone was still digesting this bad news, Bliss suddenly asked, "Are there any pursuers behind you?"

Sarre quickly replied, "No. There was indeed a small troll army chasing after us in the first few days, but they gradually disappeared. Maybe they don't think that we are important anymore. "

Bliss was relieved. He turned around and looked at Vera: "Miss, what should we do next?"

Vera hesitated for a moment before she subconsciously turned to look at Colin.

Colin had gradually become the person she relied on because he had successfully helped everyone get rid of their pursuers.

Colin glanced at the group of defeated soldiers and lowered his voice: "We still have to find out the whereabouts of the troll army before we can make further plans. However, the first thing we have to do now is to get rid of this group of defeated soldiers! "

"Why? They're also humans! "Vera cried out in alarm.

Colin rolled his eyes and patiently explained in a low voice, "The reason we were able to shake off the pursuers before was because we are all cavalry and have high mobility. Now, if we don't abandon these two-legged soldiers …"

"Sir Knight! The Firefox Mercenaries were almost wiped out in the battle at the Mirror Lake. However, I am still willing to follow you and avenge our brothers who have died! "Sarre seemed to have realized something and he immediately shouted loudly.

Moreover, under his incitement, many of the defeated soldiers also began to shout.

"That's right! Avenge our brothers! "

"Sir, please lead us back!"

"Don't abandon us!"

"Revenge! Revenge! "

Seeing that many of the cavalry soldiers were also incited, Colin had no choice but to shut up. He then looked at Vera with a serious expression, hoping that she would make the right choice.

However, Vera looked at Colin and said: "They are also my companions. I will not abandon them!"

After that, she turned around and calmed down the excited soldiers.

Colin sighed helplessly and frowned as he looked at the filial son.

Sarre also looked at him.

As soon as the two of them met each other's eyes, they immediately looked away.

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