
the blood descendant

Photophobia, bloodthirsty, immortality… Colin, who passed through, found that he seemed to be in line with the characteristics of the vampires. But the problem is, there is no record of vampires in this world! Am I the first vampire in this world? There is no predecessor’s guidance, and there is no system to help. To clarify the setting of kinship in this world, Colin had to treat himself as an experimental subject. [Under direct sunlight, the strength is reduced by about 30%], [The throat, heart, and brain are no longer fatal weaknesses], [Ordinary food cannot satisfy hunger, only blood can restore physical strength]. Holy water…Huh? Who gave me holy water! kufsten translation

Kufsten · Fantasy
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85 Chs


Following the departure of the Duke Of St. Hilde, the rest of the lords of the Northern Frontier also left one after another.

Icestone City also became deserted.

Of course, this kind of desertion was only relative.

Compared to the Angele family's former fief, Graycastle Town, Icestone City was clearly much more lively.

The lives of the citizens of the city seemed to have returned to their original trajectory. Although the lord of the city had changed, it didn't seem to affect them much.

Compared to who was the lord of Icestone City, these citizens were more concerned about whether they had enough food to eat and whether they had enough clothes to wear.

However, for some people, this was an earth-shattering change.

These people were, of course, the former lords of this city — the Su Duo family.

After being stripped of their title and fief, the Su Duo family could only choose to leave quietly.

Colin didn't plan on killing the people of the Su Duo family. After all, the unspoken rule of this world was to be lenient towards the losers.

Of course, these losers had to be nobles.

No one cared about the lives of the commoners.

These failed nobles would become wandering knights, using their strength and loyalty in exchange for the lord's shelter.

They looked forward to the day when they could use their military exploits to regain their fief and title, restoring their family's glory.

This was the world's leniency towards nobles who had lost their power.

Because in the eyes of the people of this world, failure was only temporary, but bloodlines were passed down from generation to generation.

Only noble bloodlines could give birth to great heroes.

And these heroes who could turn the tide were the foundation of the human race in this world.

Today, a family was exterminated and the legacy of a noble bloodline was severed. Perhaps, because of this, a hero who could save the human race in the future was killed.

Of course, this was not allowed.

Therefore, even if it was the Duke Of St. Hilde, after executing the rebellious lords, he could only strip them of their titles and fief, but he wouldn't exterminate their family members.

Colin obviously didn't dare to break this unspoken rule, unless he didn't want to continue living in the Radiant Empire.

However, although he wouldn't exterminate the Su Duo family, there was one person among them that Colin didn't plan on letting go so easily.

This person was, of course, the crazy woman who had caused trouble for him time and time again — Cynthia Su Duo.

"Still can't find them?"

"Yes, Lord Viscounts."

Obviously, Cynthia seemed to have expected that Colin would not let her off. Once the ceremony was over, she ran away without a trace.

Colin frowned. He also felt that it was a little tricky.

If a tier-3 knight wanted to escape, it would be hard for him to catch him.

"What about that Su Duo Family servant called Sarre?"

"I'm sorry, my Lord. I didn't find it either."

Colin snorted, feeling somewhat helpless.

However, he didn't blame Knight Raymond too much.

After all, the Angele family had only recently taken over Icestone City and could be considered a standard external force. In addition, Raymond didn't bring many soldiers with him from Graycastle, so sealing off the entire city was simply unrealistic.

"Forget it, let's not look for it for now. Send someone to Fallen Eagle City to investigate, perhaps Cynthia and Sarre will appear there. Don't act recklessly after you find them. Just send someone to keep an eye on them. "

"Yes, Lord!"

Colin felt that the most likely lord for the Su Duo Family to rely on was Count Oman. After all, they were related by marriage.

As for how to get them from Count Oman, Colin couldn't think of a way at the moment.

Speaking of Count Oman, Colin still hadn't forgotten about the suspect who tried to kill him back then. Even now, he still hadn't figured out who it was.

However, the biggest suspect right now was still Count Oman.

As for his sister Caitlin.

After interacting with her for a few days, Colin felt that she was less suspicious.

After all, no one could act so realistically.

Moreover, there was still no news of Caitlin's husband, Knight Valla.

In Colin's opinion, that guy might have really died in some unknown corner of the battlefield.

However, Caitlin obviously wasn't willing to accept this fact. She continued to inquire about Valla from every caravan that came back from the Icefield. She even personally made a few trips to the Icefield to look for her husband.

This was like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Colin couldn't persuade her, so he could only let her do as she wished.

He was also very busy right now. There were a lot of things in the new territory that he had to deal with.

At this time, the person Colin looked forward to the most was the old butler of the Angele family — — Eamon.

If he was in Icestone City, he would definitely be able to help Colin take care of these things in an orderly manner.

"Where are Eamon and the others now? When will they reach Icestone City? "

Colin asked this question almost every day.

"Soon. Probably tomorrow, at the latest the day after tomorrow." Knight Raymond was also somewhat helpless.

With this world's communication methods, he couldn't grasp Eamon's exact location in real time.

"Got it. Go do your work." Colin sighed and didn't make things difficult for Raymond.


After Raymond left, Colin once again buried his head in the pile of documents on the table.

After an unknown amount of time, the candles on the table had almost burned out. Colin rubbed his sore eyes and ordered loudly, "Change the candles for me!"

However, the servant outside the door didn't respond.

Colin waited for a moment and called out again, but still didn't receive a response.

He frowned, thinking that the guy outside was dozing off again, so he got up and walked towards the door.


The moment he pulled open the door, Colin suddenly realized that something was wrong.

But just as he was about to quickly retreat, a longsword suddenly pierced through the door, stabbing towards his heart!


In the blink of an eye, Colin immediately leaned back and fell to the ground, dodging the sword.

The dazzling holy light surged like a tide, and the wooden door exploded with a bang, sending wood shavings everywhere.

Colin hurriedly rolled and quickly got up from the ground. Without looking back, he rushed towards the [Blade of Judgement] hanging on the wall.

However, the assassin was even faster.

Before Colin could touch his weapon, a sharp pain came from his back.


The injured Colin fell to the ground.

However, there wasn't much panic on his face.

He struggled to turn his head, leaning against the wall to look at the intruder.

It was indeed that crazy woman, Cynthia!

"Cough cough, did you come to kill me yourself? Or did someone order you to come? "Colin asked seriously.

"Ha, do I need someone to order me to kill you?" Cynthia slowly approached Colin, gritting her teeth.

Colin was a little disappointed, as if hoping that she was ordered by someone.

But he didn't expect that this woman was really a lunatic who didn't care about the consequences.

"If you kill me, you won't live either."

Cynthia laughed coldly, not caring about Colin's threat.


The longsword pierced through Colin's chest.

"Cough cough …" Colin's face was twisted in pain, but he still didn't give up and asked, "Is there really no one who ordered you to kill me? Not even Earl Oman? "

Cynthia obviously didn't expect Colin to be concerned about this before he died. She shook her head and laughed coldly, "No!"

"Crazy woman." Colin laughed coldly and scolded.

Faced with Colin's scolding, Cynthia actually laughed excitedly.

Cynthia, who was immersed in the thrill of revenge, didn't notice that Colin's eyes were gradually becoming fierce and bloodthirsty.

He completely ignored the longsword that pierced through his chest and rushed forward, grabbing Cynthia's neck.

Then, he bit her!