
the blood descendant

Photophobia, bloodthirsty, immortality… Colin, who passed through, found that he seemed to be in line with the characteristics of the vampires. But the problem is, there is no record of vampires in this world! Am I the first vampire in this world? There is no predecessor’s guidance, and there is no system to help. To clarify the setting of kinship in this world, Colin had to treat himself as an experimental subject. [Under direct sunlight, the strength is reduced by about 30%], [The throat, heart, and brain are no longer fatal weaknesses], [Ordinary food cannot satisfy hunger, only blood can restore physical strength]. Holy water…Huh? Who gave me holy water! kufsten translation

Kufsten · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
85 Chs


"Thump … Thump …"

A round head rolled onto the ground.

The spurting blood dyed the marble floor with a layer of gorgeous color.

The entire place was silent.

No one would have thought that a proper knighthood bestowment ceremony would turn out like this.

The Duke Of St. Hilde's order was very abrupt.

And, Colin's execution was even more abrupt.

In reality, Colin had already expected the Duke Of St. Hilde's order.

Because, the Angele family's new fief had the name Icestone City!

Since the Su Duo family's fief had already been bestowed to the Angele family, Colin naturally wouldn't be surprised that the Duke would settle the score with Kahn at this time.

But in the eyes of outsiders, the Duke and Colin seemed to have discussed this beforehand.

It was a sudden attack on Kahn.

Even when Kahn's head rolled onto the ground, the confusion in his eyes didn't even have time to turn into fear.


A shrill cry broke the silence in the arena.

Cynthia Su Duo charged forward like a madwoman, as if she wanted to avenge her brother.

After Colin swung his sword, he immediately knelt on one knee towards the Duke Of St. Hilde. At the same time, he raised the longsword high above his head with both hands.

Colin completely ignored Cynthia who was charging at him from behind.

As expected, before Cynthia could reach Colin, she was stopped by a group of guards.

"Why! Why! Your Grace, why? Colin! I'll kill you, I'll kill you … "

After the crazy woman was carried out of the hall by the guards, the Duke Of St. Hilde smiled at Colin and said, "Very good, Knight Colin. I like your interpretation of loyalty.

This sword's name is [Blade of Judgement].

Five years ago, I used it to cut off the head of the last Troll Emperor.

Now, I'm giving it to you.

I hope you treat it well and live up to its name and the glory it represents. "

Colin's heart shook. He put away the longsword in his hand and said loudly, "Thank you, Your Grace, for your reward! I hereby swear that where your will points, is where I swing my sword! "

The Duke Of St. Hilde nodded in satisfaction and indicated that Colin could leave.

Then, the knighthood bestowment ceremony continued.

However, everyone's gaze was intentionally or unintentionally glancing in Colin's direction.

If Colin was promoted to Viscounts, at most, he would receive some envious gazes.

Now, when he was given the [Blade of Judgement] by the Duke, everyone looked at him with unconcealable jealousy.

Who would have thought that Duke Sankt Hilde would place such importance on a newly promoted viscount?

Only Marquis Garcia, who had been silent all this while, furrowed his brows slightly when he saw the longsword in Colin's hand.

… …

When the last batch of new Barons received their titles, the knighthood bestowment ceremony finally came to an end.

However, the Duke Of St. Hilde did not seem to have any intention of ending the ceremony immediately.

Everyone present was not surprised. They were all holding their breaths as they waited for something.


Finally, the Duke Of St. Hilde read out his eldest son's name.

Charles, who had been hiding in the back, trembled slightly when he heard this. Then, he walked to the center of the hall as if he was going to the execution ground and knelt down on one knee in front of his father.

"I heard that you want to atone for the two hundred thousand soldiers who died in battle?" The Duke Of St. Hilde's voice was emotionless.

Charles lowered his head and sobbed, "Yes, Father! I, I have let down your expectations, and I have let down the people of the Northern Frontier and the two hundred thousand soldiers!

Therefore, I am willing to give up my title as a Marquis to atone for my mistakes! "

The Duke Of St. Hilde did not speak. He only looked at his eldest son with a cold gaze.

Charles did not raise his head, but he seemed to have understood his father's intentions. He slowly took off his marquis ring and removed his belt. Finally, he took off his ceremonial robes, folded them, and placed them in front of him.

"Father, please forgive me for my sins!"

Charles prostrated himself on the ground, waiting for his father's judgment.

After a long silence, the Duke Of St. Hilde finally spoke.

"Charles, from today onwards, the glory of the House of Saint Hilde has nothing to do with you.

You will head to the Northern Frontier as an ordinary soldier and fight on the frontlines against the trolls for the rest of your life.

Until the day the trolls' city is captured! "

"Yes, Father …"

Charles kowtowed in a daze and stumbled as he retreated.

The former first in line to the throne of the Northern Frontier left dejectedly.

The nobles observing the ceremony continued to remain silent. They did not dare to do anything to attract the Duke's attention.

Although the Duke's expression was calm, those who were familiar with him knew that the Duke must be full of anger at this time.

No one would feel good if they were forced to abolish their chosen successor, not to mention the Duke of the Northern Region, who was a man of his word.

Obviously, this matter was a great provocation to his authority.

However, he could only grit his teeth and swallow it.

The atmosphere in the hall gradually became heavy.

The ceremony was not over yet.

The Lord of the Northern Frontier could not be without an heir. Since Charles had been deprived of his title, naturally, someone had to inherit the title of Marquis.

And this person …

Who could it be?

Colin quietly raised his head and glanced in the direction of Marquis García.

When they were hunting outside the city, Marquis García had already told Colin about his deal with the Duke Of St. Hilde.

Therefore, he was very clear that the person who would inherit the title of Marquis should be Vera!

Although according to the law, Vera should be ranked after the other two sons of the Duke, if the Duke insisted on making Vera the first in line of succession, no one would dare to object.

Oh no, the only one who dared and was qualified to object was Marquis García.

However, Marquis García obviously would not object.

As for the Imperial Aristocratic Senate …

Perhaps they could have a strong binding force on ordinary nobles, but they did not dare to interfere with the succession of the House of Saint Hilde.

Even if Vera's succession was not legal, as long as the Duke Of St. Hilde gave a reasonable reason, they would definitely accept it.

This reason was very easy to find. For example, the second son was too weak and the third son was too young …

In short, when the Duke Of St. Hilde and Marquis García reached an agreement, there was nothing in the Northern Frontier that they could not decide.

However, just as Colin was looking forward to hearing Vera's name, another name came out of the Duke's mouth.


Colin suddenly raised his head and looked at the figure in the middle of the hall in shock.

What is going on?

Shouldn't it be Vera?

When the Duke's second son, Adams St. Hilde, heard his father's call, he suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and strode forward, kneeling down on one knee in front of the Duke.

"In the name of the Duke Of St. Hilde, I hereby confer upon you the title of Marquis. I hope that you will not disappoint …"

Colin was not interested in listening to the rest of the words. He quickly looked in the direction of Marquis García.

Then, he saw Marquis García's cold eyes.


This was the betrayal of Luo Luo!

Marquis García had faced many temptations, but in the end, he kept his loyalty to his brother.

However, he did not expect that he would be betrayed by his brother!

The nobles who did not know anything were still celebrating for Marquis Adams. Even the ignorant Vera was happy for her brother.

However, only Colin quietly lowered his head.

The chaos in the Northern Frontier was far from over.