
the blood descendant

Photophobia, bloodthirsty, immortality… Colin, who passed through, found that he seemed to be in line with the characteristics of the vampires. But the problem is, there is no record of vampires in this world! Am I the first vampire in this world? There is no predecessor’s guidance, and there is no system to help. To clarify the setting of kinship in this world, Colin had to treat himself as an experimental subject. [Under direct sunlight, the strength is reduced by about 30%], [The throat, heart, and brain are no longer fatal weaknesses], [Ordinary food cannot satisfy hunger, only blood can restore physical strength]. Holy water…Huh? Who gave me holy water! kufsten translation

Kufsten · Fantasy
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85 Chs

Banquet (Part 1)

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

The Su Duo Family's banquet arrived as scheduled.

As night fell, the front of the castle in the center of Icestone City was bustling with activity. Many nobles had gathered to attend the banquet.

It had to be said that Cynthia Su Duo's timing was ingenious.

Originally, with the Su Duo Family's influence, it was impossible to invite such a large number of nobles to attend the banquet.

However, at this time, the troll army had retreated from the Northern Frontier, and the lost castles were easily recovered. Although it was somewhat self-deceiving, it could still be considered a victory.

Moreover, the only two marquises in the Northern Frontier were coincidentally in Icestone City.

Under these circumstances, unless the Duke Of St. Hilde personally hosted the banquet in Coldwinter, Icestone City was destined to become the focal point of the Northern Frontier tonight.

The banquet started at six, and Colin arrived at half past five.

He had come alone.

This was a high-class banquet for nobles, so it was naturally impossible for the guests to bring in commoner attendants.

The Knight Raymond originally had the qualifications to attend, but he had already been sent back to Graycastle Town by Colin to report the news.

Colin felt that he was now someone who could establish a relationship with the two heirs of the House of Saint Hilde, so Count Auldmann wouldn't dare to be too presumptuous.

Therefore, he didn't need to cower in the dark anymore.

Thus, he sent Raymond back to report to prevent the family from thinking that he was dead and causing trouble.

"Apologies, sir, please show me your invitation."

When the guard at the castle's entrance saw Colin, his expression immediately became very interesting, and he hurriedly stopped him to ask.

Colin took out his invitation and handed it to the guard.

The guard hurriedly took it and carefully checked it. After confirming that there was no mistake, he could only let him go, "Apologies, Sir Knight Colin, for the trouble. Welcome to the banquet! Please enter! "

Only then did Colin slowly enter the castle.

Along the way, when everyone saw him, they all looked at him with astonishment. Many even secretly pointed at him and whispered about something.

Colin didn't care about these gazes at all, and continued to walk towards the banquet hall with his head held high.

"Sir Knight, please wait a moment!"

Unfortunately, he was still stopped by the Su Duo Family's steward at the entrance of the hall.

The butler recognized the badge of the Angele family at a glance, so he smiled and said, "You must be Knight Colin, right?"

"Yes." Colin crossed his arms in front of his chest, wondering if he should smash the fake smile on the butler's face with a punch.

Perhaps the butler had heard of Colin's reputation, or perhaps he sensed danger, but the butler took a step back and said, "I'm sorry, Knight Colin, but you can't wear your armor to this banquet."

Yes, Colin couldn't find any formal attire, so he simply wore the armor that he had just bought.

Logically speaking, this was indeed quite rude.

However, Colin was already prepared.

He calmly asked, "Then what should I wear?"

"Of course you should wear formal attire." The butler looked at her as if she was looking at a fool.

He even began to use his eyes to signal the guards next to him, preparing to chase this rude knight out of the castle.

"Formal attire?" Colin sneered. Suddenly, he smashed his fist on his breastplate and shouted, "The Northern Territory has just suffered a great humiliation. The troll army has just retreated, and they're returning unscathed with a bountiful harvest!

You all still have the mood to dress up and sing and dance?

What about our counterattack?

What about our revenge?

What about our courage?

Why didn't we do anything?

I'm just a small knight, I don't have the right to question your decisions!


I feel sorry for my father, Baron Angele, who died in the frontlines!

As his only son, I swear that I won't take off my armor if I don't take revenge! "

The whole hall was silent!

Colin's righteous words seemed to have pressed the pause button on the scene.

Everyone stared at this strange person who came to the banquet in armor, dumbfounded.

Especially the old butler of the Su Duo Family.

Until now, his brain was still buzzing.

He didn't know if he was shocked by Colin's loud voice, or shocked by what he said.

At this time, he also knew that he couldn't chase this rude knight out of the castle according to his original plan.

Colin was indeed rude, but he had the moral high ground!

Strictly speaking, this banquet did have the taste of whitewashing the peace.

But this wasn't because the previous defeat was too sudden, and the Giant Demon Army's retreat was too unexpected.

So, those lords and nobles who easily recovered their lost land, urgently needed a chance to cover up their previous failures and announce their current "victory".

So, this banquet to celebrate the "victory" was promoted by all parties.

But they didn't expect that now, someone would stand up and ruthlessly tear this false mask of "victory", and smash it heavily on the faces of the nobles.

Cynthia Su Duo was also in the crowd.

She wanted to see the ugly state of Colin, this annoying guy, being chased out of the castle, but she didn't expect that she would see this scene.

Cynthia almost clenched her silver teeth, but at the same time, a trace of regret appeared in her heart.

This banquet was originally an excellent opportunity for the Su Duo Family to become famous, but now, it seemed to have become a joke.

It was all because of one person.

A person who was originally insignificant.

A person she wanted to humiliate with some small tricks.

Perhaps, she shouldn't have done so …

Colin didn't know that the crazy woman Cynthia was also watching him, and he still had that awe-inspiring righteousness.

He ignored the gazes from the surroundings and strode forward as if no one was around.


The old butler, who was still in a daze, was knocked down by Colin.

But he didn't dare to stop him.

He watched as Colin, wearing the pure white armor, walked into the banquet hall.

Many nobles who were attending the banquet had already gathered in the hall. When they saw Colin's figure walking into the hall, everyone had different expressions, whispering to each other, and discussing.

Obviously, Colin's loud voice had already spread those "bold words" into the banquet hall.

So, he naturally became the temporary focus of the banquet.

However, no one came forward to greet him.

Obviously, Colin was isolated.

But he didn't care at all.

His heart was even filled with joy.

After all, this was the banquet that that crazy woman had tried every means to plan. She wanted to make a name for the Su Duo Family, but now, it seemed to have been completely destroyed by Colin's words.

There was still some time before the banquet officially began.

Therefore, the nobles attending the banquet were still arriving one after another.

The newcomers clearly felt that the atmosphere in the hall seemed to be a little wrong. After asking around, they found out that it was Colin's doing.

Therefore, more and more gazes were cast at Colin.

Colin also felt a little annoyed and simply closed his eyes.

As time passed, the status of the newcomers became higher and higher.

Until Marquis Charles appeared at the entrance of the hall.

Then, the banquet suddenly fell silent again.

This wasn't because Marquis Charles had a high prestige among the nobles. On the contrary, due to the series of previous defeats, his reputation among the nobles of the Northern Frontier was very bad.

But his appearance still made the entire hall fall silent again.

Because he was also wearing a suit of armor!

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