
the blood descendant

Photophobia, bloodthirsty, immortality… Colin, who passed through, found that he seemed to be in line with the characteristics of the vampires. But the problem is, there is no record of vampires in this world! Am I the first vampire in this world? There is no predecessor’s guidance, and there is no system to help. To clarify the setting of kinship in this world, Colin had to treat himself as an experimental subject. [Under direct sunlight, the strength is reduced by about 30%], [The throat, heart, and brain are no longer fatal weaknesses], [Ordinary food cannot satisfy hunger, only blood can restore physical strength]. Holy water…Huh? Who gave me holy water! kufsten translation

Kufsten · Fantasy
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85 Chs


  "Su Duo?" Sarroux stroked his large beard as a figure suddenly flashed through his mind, "Viscounts Su Duo of Icestone City are?"

"That's my father." Colin acknowledged his new father without batting an eyelid.

Ever since he realized that the leader of the Firefox Mercenaries in front of him wasn't easy to fool, Colin understood that if he were to lie again, he would have to be more skillful and not be as unreliable as the old mercenary he hired for twenty copper coins.

Kahn Su Duo was a real person.

Of course, Colin wasn't familiar with this guy at all. He had only learned of this name from a recent letter from his sister Caitlin, as well as his recent encounters.

The reason why Colin had chosen to impersonate this person was because of Kahn's recent tragic encounters. It made it very reasonable for him to appear in a place like the Bearded Tavern as a knight.

"I heard that three months ago, Icestone City was breached by trolls?" Sarroux naturally connected this to the news he had heard before.

"That's right." Colin nodded somewhat dejectedly. At the same time, his eyes were filled with unwillingness, hatred, anger … all sorts of emotions. The acting skills he displayed at this moment surprised even himself.

Sarroux seemed to have been fooled as well as he sighed, "I heard that your father would rather die than retreat and die with the city … He is indeed a knight worthy of respect!"

"Thank you." Colin seemed to be holding back his tears as he asked with reddened eyes, "You know my father?"

"Oh, no. I've only admired Viscounts Su Duo for a long time. "

Colin let out a huge sigh of relief.

One was a Viscounts, the other was a mercenary leader. These two people weren't even from the same world. If they could even know each other, then Colin felt that he was really unlucky.

"Then, Mr. Sarroux, can I follow your mercenary group to Fallen Eagle City?"

The reason why Colin wanted to go to Fallen Eagle City was because his sister Caitlin Angelo was there.

In this current situation where danger lurked everywhere, he could only trust relatives who were related by blood.

And because his father was still fighting on the frontlines, Colin could only seek help from his biological sister.

"Of course." Sarroux finally believed Colin's fabricated identity.

Furthermore, he even thought that he had guessed the reason Colin had gone to Fallen Eagle City. "I remember that the wife of the Lord of Fallen Eagle City, Earl Oman, is the elder sister of Viscounts Su Duo. So, you're going to seek refuge with your uncle, right?"

"That's right."

In fact, Colin had learned from his sister's letter that the real Kahn Su Duo had already arrived at Fallen Eagle City and became a knight under Earl Oman. He was currently discussing with the earl how to reclaim the Su Duo family's fief.

However, it was clear that Sarroux did not know about this.

He no longer doubted Colin's fabricated identity.

A downtrodden knight who had lost his fief and his family had been destroyed. With nowhere else to go, he wanted to head to Fallen Eagle City to seek help from his uncle.

That made sense.

"Tomorrow morning at eight o 'clock, the caravan that hired us will gather in front of the Bearded Tavern."

"Alright, I'll be there on time."

"Haha, then now, respected Knight Of Kahn, let me treat you to a cup of ale!"

"My pleasure."

— — —

The second day.

The weather was gloomy, and the gray fog made the roads in the wilderness even more difficult to traverse and even more dangerous.

This was the reason why Colin had to find a caravan to travel with. Otherwise, with his abilities as a knight apprentice, he would have been killed by bandits or wild beasts in the wilderness if he were to travel alone.

Perhaps it was because of the large number of people in the caravan, or because of the reputation of the Firefox Mercenaries, but in any case, there were no accidents on the first day.

At night, the experienced Sarroux found a place with a small hill and not far from a water source to set up camp.

Colin built a fire and boiled some water. Then, he soaked the hard bread until it was soft and stuffed it into his stomach.

Since he could not taste it now, it did not matter if the food was good or bad.

The kitten had long disappeared. It probably went to hunt for food by itself.

Sure enough, not long after, he saw it return with a mouse in its mouth.

At this time, Colin had already taken out the sheepskin scroll that he carried with him and added a sentence on it:

[Human blood can help you advance.]

Yes, Colin discovered that he had advanced from a knight apprentice to a first rank knight.

It must be known that from an apprentice to an official knight, Colin had been stuck at this hurdle for three whole years!

And the reason for his sudden advancement, Colin now suspected that it was because of the assassin's blood he drank the night before.

After drinking the blood that night, Colin noticed that his body had started to heat up, but because of the urgent situation at that time, he did not pay too much attention to it.

For the next two days, the fever persisted and only stopped at noon today.

Then, he discovered that he had advanced.

Because drinking deer blood did not cause such a fever, Colin guessed that it was because of the human blood.

Of course, he had another guess.

Assassin Carter, who was killed by Colin, was a first rank knight. Therefore, perhaps only the blood of a professional could help him advance.

In short, this guess needed to be further verified.

"Is this the elven language?"

Colin turned his head and saw a fat middle-aged man standing behind him, staring at the words on the sheepskin scroll and guessing.

"Yes." Colin put away the sheepskin scroll and said casually.

He recognized that the fat man was the owner of the merchant group, Oliver.

"I did not expect the Knight Of Kahn to be so knowledgeable, even proficient in the elven language!" Oliver immediately flattered, and then sat down beside Colin.

"I know a little." Colin frowned slightly, he did not have a good impression of merchants like Oliver.

From his point of view, these merchants who pursued profits were too purposeful. Now that they took the initiative to curry favor with him, they must have some ulterior motive.

"Is this your pet?" Oliver looked at the kitten that was fighting with the dead mouse and tried to find something to talk about.


"You are really interesting!" Oliver smiled like a chrysanthemum. "Does it have a name?"

Colin was stunned, as if he did not think that there was a need to name this "mobile blood bag," but then he said on the spot, "It's called Whitey."

"Whitey?" Oliver looked at the pure blue short-haired cat beside the fire, and the smile on his face froze. Then, he immediately returned to normal. "What a good name!"

"Mr. Oliver." Colin also smiled. "You are really hypocritical."

"Thank you very much for your compliment!" Oliver did not mind at all. The thickness of his skin was amazing.

The two of them then chatted casually. After they became more familiar with each other, Oliver suddenly lowered his voice and said, "That's right.

"Knight Of Kahn, if you want to take back the Su Duo family's fief, I might be able to provide you with some help!"

Colin, who was originally sleepy, su

ddenly became alert. He turned his head and looked at the fat merchant beside him with a faint smile.

"Do you know what you are saying?"


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