
The rogue beginning

10th December 2018

She sat on the beach, the water washing her feet and the stars all shining above her. She wondered if it was done, if the work was done. She got up, dusted all the sand from her pant and started walking towards the nearest convenience store.

"Welcome" an old lady greeted her with a smile

The girl looked at her without responding and directly went to the ice cream section and started rummaging through them.

"Are you looking for ice creams?" the lady asked her in a mild voice

"I obviously won't be looking for chips in the ice cream section" The girl replied coldly.

The lady was a bit taken aback by her words so she walked back to her counter. While she was walking back she said "rude little prick" under her breath but the girl heard it. The girl took out a chocco bar and proceeded to pay for it.

"How much is this?" the girl asked the lady behind the counter

"It's...umm....let me check" the lady wore her specs and started scrutinizing it. She was rotating and rotating the ice cream but couldn't find the price tag. The black haired girl got so irritated that she snatched the ice cream from her hand and placed a $20 bill on the counter.

"Child...the ice cream doesn't cost this much..."

"By the time you will find the price, Trump would be married for the fourth time" with that the girl left the store and started walking on the footpath while biting her ice cream. Suddenly the girl saw a crowd near the big LED screen on the other side of the road.

The girl stood there with her hands in the pocket and heard the news anchor speak.

"The son of the JOC workgroup met with a fatal accident today. The nearby locals immediately rushed him to the hospital, but we don't know if he's gonna make it." the girl stood there and took a deep breath and started walking once again. She then took out her phone and dialed a number.

"Good work Frank, it's all over the news" the girl said with a smirk on her face

"Those motherfuckers are probably so shocked right now" he said laughing from the other side

"Yes but alert all our people. This was a big blow, they won't just stay quiet"

"Don't worry Xu, we are prepared. Just you- you stay safe" he said softly

"Seriously.....whatever I'll talk to you later" Xu said scoffing at his words

"Hmm" and with that Xu started walking again smiling at the achievement she just made.