

A pheasant was moving its feet, marching in the middle of its journey. It stopped when it sensed a food somewhere around the area where he stopped. Not knowing, his human predator was sitting on a thick branch of a tree, holding knot connected to the trap he set. He watched his target walking towards his trap, as it follows the feeling of what he sensed. Not long, the pheasant finally found its food and started pecking its prey on the wooden weaved basket. The lad felt the basket moving as the rope moved as well. He released the rope and let the basket move. Before giving a chance for the creature to react, the trap already caught him. He started to struggled, pushing the basket but it's no use. The young man placed a lock on his trap and only the lad himself could unlock it.

The boy jumped down with his joy and rushed towards his captured prey. He waited for the basket to stop moving so he could unlock the latch and lift the basket—to his thought that the bird had finally calm down, or went tired of struggling. Not long, the basket did stopped moving and thought the prey had finally calm down. He unlatched the straps slowly lifted the basket. As soon as it's wide open, the pheasant took this chance as an escape. He rushed outside the basket and soon reached a few distance away with just a second. The lad was stunned at its speed but didn't pacify. He didn't missed a millisecond to run and chase the pheasant while grabbing a slingshot from the belt behind his back. "There's no way to escape!" he chuckled, chasing the bird as it flapped its wings to force itself to fly—but all it could do is to run.

The lad took a stone from the land and placed it on his slingshot's rubber and pulled it towards him—targeting the bird. He focused his aim on the bird while running, waiting for the best chance. When the lad predicted where the pheasant will ran, he quickly switched the aim direction and let go of the stone. The stone flew with unaccountable speed towards its direction, coming to the pheasant who just turned direction where the stone was heading. It was late when the turned his head and noticed a stone incoming.

The young lad happily went back to the city, carrying his captured food on his shoulder while whistling a tune he just created. The young lad looks fine and wealthy, wearing a unique dress among the people around him. Wearing a black ninjutsu-hakama[1] and jikatabi[2] instead of straw slippers and  tabi socks. He also wears a navy-blue haori[3], but tied it up in a blue belt on his waist to look hit.


(Informations: 1.) A Japanese traditional trouser which usually worn by ninjas; 2.) Also a shoes worn by ninjas; 3.) Haori is a long jacket usually worn during Sengoku period).


Every woman who sells fruits he passes by, greets him with a delightful smile. The young male only gave them a wink but it meant big deal to the ladies.

The lad finally reached the mountain where his home lies. He's expectedly from the influencial family of Ryūsaka—a well-known daīmyo[4] around their region in Chugoku and other regions.


(Information: 4.) Daīmyo are the general official samurai-s who serve the shōgun-s).


The lad thought, if he would enter on the gate, the servants would notice his presence and will soon report this to the current clan master—his father. Thinking of another way, the male looked at the wall which suddenly gave him an idea and formed a smirk. The lad pressed his shoe on the wall, careful not to make any sound. Jump can be his option, but it's not a good idea. He will surely made the roof clang a sound which will attract everyone. Not too difficult for the young man, he finally reached went on top and jumped down since everything was clear. He turn his eyes left and right, carefully, scanning with his senses to feel if someone's coming. When everything is clear, he smiled and rushed towards the other side of their yard.

It's not the best but hope you still liked it

MitsuhitoAkarincreators' thoughts