
the bleeding soul

adebanjo_deborah · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Damon's world



Few hours later Damon and mageret sat on a king sized sofa to discuss and arrange Damon's schedule.

Mageret was staring daggers at him

"Did you bewitch everyone?


"How can you be a boss without owning the company?

"What is your name? Why are you at my work place?

"Slooow sweet love sloow"

"First I was the owner but I sold it ten years ago I decided to buy it again"

"My name is Damon"

"Why do you want to buy it again?

"I want to buy it for you"

He replied nonchallantly

Mageret is once again flabbergasted


"But you said you are here to protect your sister"

"Pfft hahaha protect!?

"Protect aloraaa?

"She is very strong so I don't need to protect her she is a demon princess?

"A demon what?

"Did she not tell you?

"No she didn't"

"She is gonna be mad if she finds out I told you about it"

He said looking alittle worried

"Back to business sweet love"

"I have a name don't call me sweet love"

"But you said not to call you with your name"

"Fine I will call you sweet heart"

"It's still the same "

"Call me megeret"


He said in deep voice looking into magerets big blue eyes he smiled when he saw magerets face go Red his gaze moved to her love shaped plumlips staring at it and looking into her eyes again as if asking for permission.

mageret sucked half her lower lip trying to control her self but Damon took it as a yes yes from her

The distance between them was closed in a matter of seconds mageret is now strandling him heavy breathing from both sides.

"Pffft hahahahahaha I should have knocked before entering ;I should leave now bye

Mageret jumped off his lap like it is made of brimstone her face red with embarrassment

Damon was alittle embarrassed too but it faded away when he saw magerets burning face he loves the sight of her red face

Alora was watching walking the slowest of the slowest slow motion to irritate her brother.

"Alora see the snail that came in before you is at the door already"

He said pointing to an imaginary snail

"Sorry brother but I am alittle bit curious;soo mageret wanna explain what's going on here hum sweetie

Alora said wiggling her eyebrows

she looked at Damon for help but he only gave her a questioning gaze .

[Haaaaaaaah!!! This is so embarrassing how could you do this to me you evilton

I sat on his lap; why did i sit on his lap in the first place am I attracted to him smitten or infactuated, allured; I can't tell her that she I'll make fun of me but come to think of it

it's not entirely my fault ]

"It's not entirely my fault"

She blurted out without thinking

"Then who's fault is it mageret"Damon said

"But you y_

"Accept it mageret you like me"

Damon said smarking

"You!! shut up!" Mageret exclaimed trying to cover her face which is very red with embarrassment.

"Is that how you talk to your boss?

"You almost rape me mageret"

Damon said in low voice almost shacking with fake fear covering his body trying to look like a victim.

Mageret mouth was agape eyes wide after seeing his perfect acting.

"No I did nooot!!!

"Now explain what's going on here"

Damon and alora said at the same time surprising each other.

"Ooooh brother u still got it"

"What ever"

Damon replied flatly

"You can't do this to me alora it not entirely my fault"

"Soo explain"

"You _Daaaaa_ fine

She explained it all just the way it happened but never the way she felt doing it

"I have a feeling you're not telling me some important part of it"

"Aloraaa! please stop it"

"Ok ok I promise not to ask anymore

brother you have to responsible for your actions by marrying her I don't want babies out of wedlock"

Once again mageret was speechless, flabbergasted few minutes later she found her voice after Damon said something even more shocking.

"Ok I accept my responsibility I will make sure I marry her before our baby start growing big making her stomach Big; It won't be a beautiful sight for a single lady; plus I don't want people to criticize my sweet love"

Alora looked at mageret with tears in her eyes smiling happily looking like a proud mother

"Aloraaa no no no don't cry it's all a lie"

Mageret said almost shouting

"You don't have to lie Maggie i won't judge you; I believe in you

you must really love him congratulations sweetie"

"Damoon!!! tell her the truth tell her it's all lies"

"Even though you have my baby in you but anything for you sweet love ; I was lying alora"

He looking serious when he was laughing internally

sorry for the late release

please support me your support is my strength Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

adebanjo_deborahcreators' thoughts