
A friends vacation

Book finished, I stand up from the wooden chair I was sitting on. Then I lay it down on the table, so my mother can take it back to the library the next time she is working. I proceed to de-wrinkle my clothes, then write a new note, as the old one was gone.

After finishing it, I leave the castle for a second time today. It was a few hours later, so the weather is even warmer and even brighter. My way to Gus house seemed shorter than ever before, so I almost ended up running into a pole in front of it. Note to myself: Never look at pigeons while walking.

I knock on the door, this time I hear Gus shouting me to wait a second. Not knowing what do do in the time I step around in front of it, until Gus opens the door.

G:" Hey Cecil!"

C:" Hey! Was no one at home this morning?"

G:" I was, why?"

C:" Well, I knocked but no one opened..."

G:" Oh, I was still sleeping! I need to use my vacation after all."

C:" School has vacation now?"

G:" Not only school, but smithing aswell. With my father gone it is impossible to do anyway"

C:" Wait, so you are free for how long now?"

Gus seems to be thinking, why wouldn't he know how long it was?

G:" Around two weeks, so what are you doing here?"

C:" I thought we could play or swimming or anything"

G:" Sure! It is your break day this week right?"

C:" Yes, how did you know?"

G:" Dad told me, what else?"

We decide to go swimming, so we planned to meet in front of the swimming pool. In the meantime we both go and fetch clothing for it.

The pool is actually a pretty new invention, researchers my father funded produced magic stones that are able to clean the water and warm it up. Due to my father funding it, the price for entering is really low - even most commoners can afford to enter it three times a week.

I hurried back to my room, it was empty. My swimming shorts were easy to find, I prepared them yesterday before I slept. Still dragging half of my clothes with me, I rush back. Looking back, I scattered my clothes on the entire stairs, so I briefly picked them up on threw them onto my bed.

On my way to the pool I stumble on every stair I take, which was exactly three. The one from my room downwards, the stairs in front of the path to Gus house, then the stairs to the cities market.

My toes hurt a bit, but I keep rushing by the stands. It was crowded, so I had to slow down at least a little bit. Right after the market I spot Gus standing in front of the pool, already changed to shorts. Good idea, but I still had to change...

C:" Hey Gus! You can go in already, I have to change first."

Gus:" Okay! See you in, then!"

Changing my clothes quickly, I see adults around keep their underwear on, so I copy them. It has to have some point behind it.

The pool was filled with other students, which was to be expected in the vacation. The size of the pool was still beig enough to swim freely and play ball, it was enlarged several times after all.

We jump right in, make ourselves a challenge to reach the other side first, which was obstructed by me being blocked by other guests. Damn! As Gus laughs at me for losing, I splash a wave of water onto his face - his laughter was replaced by a gasp.

He then dives a little bit, comes up, then shoves a bigger pile of water to my face. I dive into the water before it reaches me, then pull his feet down. Even under water I was able to hear his surprised shout. The broken woah sounded funny!

Next note to myself, laughing underwater means pushing the air you need out. Bad idea if you don't want to suffocate. I rush up to catch a breath again, but right after I breathed in I get pulled down. The broken woah was my phrase now.

Repeating this, adding some new ideas to trick the other one we pass quite some time. Before we knew it, the sun was already going down. The sunny day was replaced by a rather cold night.

We rushed out together, I picked up my clothes whilst running past them, then said our goodbyes at his house.