
The Blade of Destiny : Harbringer of Fate

A story about a guy named as Aaron Anderson, who's in high school and is etched with handsome features but as they say fate played a joke upon him and he had a fragile and weak body. He has a special interest in katanas and keeps quite a few of them as collection though unable to practice due to weakness. But one night a suspicious notification pops up in his phone as he was about to sleep. "Limited edition katana, Same day delivery, Order now" Will this change his life? Or is it just another joke played on him by someone?

Lost_YS · Urban
Not enough ratings
5 Chs


As the first light of dawn filtered through the trees, Aaron stood at the edge of the forest, his katana gripped tightly in his hand. Beside him, Miyuki offered him a reassuring smile, her presence a source of strength and comfort in the face of uncertainty.

Miyuki: "Take care, Aaron. And remember, I'm only a teleport away if you need me."

Aaron nodded, grateful for her words of encouragement. With a final wave, he activated the teleportation spell, disappearing in a flash of light as he returned to the safety of his own home.

Back in his room, Aaron quickly changed out of his training clothes and collapsed onto his bed, exhaustion weighing heavily on his limbs. The events of the day swirled through his mind like a whirlwind, leaving him feeling drained and depleted.

Despite his weariness, Aaron forced himself to his feet the next morning, the warm rays of the morning sun beckoning him outside. With his katana in hand, he practiced his swordsmanship under the watchful gaze of the rising sun. Trying harder every time he swinged his Morning Star (the katana).

After his morning training session, Aaron changed into his school uniform and grabbed a quick breakfast of bread and butter. He missed his mother's homemade breakfast but he also knew that his parents were working overseas to support his education.

Before heading off to Eastwood High School. As he walked, his thoughts drifted back to the previous day's events, his heart heavy with the memory of the bullies' taunts and jeers.

' I was so helpless against the wolf, and even at school I am helpless against the bullies. I have to stand up for myself sometime, always getting protected by someone, I am so pathetic,' He thought.

But today was different. Today, Aaron refused to cower in fear or bow his head in shame. Today, he would stand up for himself, no matter the cost.

Sure enough, as soon as he arrived at school, the bullies descended upon him like vultures, their cruel words cutting deep into his flesh. After a few seconds, the faces of his dear ones flashed in his minds, and he stood straight like an oak tree with moon as ita crown, though there was no moon as his crown but his newfound pride did the job.

Kyle: "What's the matter, Aaron? Can't handle a little teasing? You're just so pathetic, hiding behind girls "

Aaron squared his shoulders, his gaze steady and unwavering as he faced down his tormentors.

Aaron: "I'm done letting you push me around. From now on, I'm standing up for myself. Move out of my way Kyle, you're no more than a douché"

Kyle : "You weakling, you dare call me a douché?"

As Kyle finished speaking he pounced at Aaron, but he sidestepped to avoid him. Kyle got even more provoked by his actions and rushed at him blindly. However, this time was different instead of moving out of the way Aaron punched Kyle's gut with all his might but (there's always a but) his punch was not very effective. Kyle flinched at Aaron's actions which was enough time for Aaron to react as he kicked Kyle's legs and knocked him down.

Then the system displayed a new screen :-

**New skill unlocked : Swift judgment**

**Skill description : A skill that enables the user to make quick and accurate decisions in high-pressure situations. It encompasses a combination of intuition, situational awareness, and rapid analysis of available information. Users with this skill are able to assess the pros and cons of various options swiftly and effectively, allowing them to take decisive action without hesitation.**

**Morning start --> ?? || Progress - 14%

The bullies recoiled in surprise at Aaron's newfound confidence and strength. Their mocking laughter fading into uneasy silence. And as Aaron walked away, his head held high, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride swell within him.

As he made his way through the crowded halls, Aaron caught sight of Aoi watching from a distance, her eyes shining with admiration. He offered her a small smile in return, grateful for her silent support.

Aoi: "That was amazing, Aaron. I'm proud of you."

Aaron's heart swelled with gratitude at Aoi's words, his doubts and insecurities melting away in the warmth of her encouragement.

Aaron: "Thanks, Aoi. It means a lot."

With a renewed sense of purpose, Aaron continued on his way, his mind buzzing with possibilities for the future. Whatever challenges lay ahead, he knew that he could face them head-on, armed with nothing but his courage and the support of his friends.

And as he stepped out into the bright morning sunlight, Aaron couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within him. Today was the start of something new – a new chapter in his journey, filled with endless possibilities and untold adventures.

Any ideas as to what the Morning star will upgrade to?

Lost_YScreators' thoughts