
The Blade's Caress

She looked like a rat caught in headlights, her big brown eyes looking innocently up at me, tears brimming. My little Miss Kindergarten turns me on without even doing anything. I wanted to hug her, but if I did, she would feel my manhood. "Tsk tsk, what happened, Miss Kindergarten?" I whispered. She stood up, the moonlight from the window making her curves more prominent. "Why are you here?" she sniffled. "I can come whenever I want, baby," I walked slowly towards her. She took a step back, and I took one more forward. She touched the wall behind her. Aawww "Uh huh, no escape, baby," I spoke, standing in front of her. Her head low, her toes fidgeting on her own. Nervous. Nervous. "What's so interesting in those cute feet today?" I asked, tugging at her chin to make her look up at me. "Go Away. Please" Her voice came out weak. "You should mind your business." "Oh, you are my business, Miss Kindergarten. Don't forget that," I growled in a low voice. Her breath hitched as she tried to look down, but I held her face up. "I'm not!" Her stubborn behavior as usual. "You are, baby, and if you deny it again, I'll bite that little tongue of yours." She sucked in a sharp breath, rolling her eyes at me. Her breath hitched as she tried to look down, but I held her face up. "I'm not!" she gritted out, her nose fuming in anger. "You can't tell me. You don't own me!" 'Only if she knew, she doesn't look scary at all. She's a pookie. MY POOKIE!' "You love challenging me, baby," I said, closing the distance between us and bending until my nose touched hers. "Let me taste that daring tongue of yours." I whispered, tilting my head to sniff her hair. Grabbing her arms from behind and pinned them above her head. "Hey, Miss Kindergarten, your hands are wet." She whimpered. I brought my other hand back to her chin and saw dark liquid dripping off my fingers. The metallic scent wafting up my nostrils. "I swear If this is blood, you're going to regret it. Baby."

JaveriaAwais0007 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs

Four players for the game

The silhouette POV

Music was busting and ramming into my chest, pounding so hard I could feel it in my bones. I could never get used to this high volume. 

The smell of cheap perfume, drinks, and sweat flared up my nostrils, making me gag. Young guys and girls danced like there was no tomorrow. 

Guys were grinding on random girls who didn't even look close to their age. 

Desperate Old hags!

I almost felt like burning down clubs like these that let kids under eighteen in with a fake ID. No one even bothers checking properly.

Elias was watching me through the camera. He had a knack for hacking into security systems and adjusting the footage to show whatever he wanted. 

Of course, he was that good—I was his mentor, after all. I trained over 200 employees working under my agency which even had offices outside of California.. 

Now, it has its branches outside of the state, other people working across the country, but their identities are never revealed.

Elias is the only one I need to speak to, to know what is going on. He is my Skivvy Sidekick.

The earpiece was hidden under my hood, ready for me to whisper orders to him if I needed my team on the spot.

"I can see you." Elias' voice came through my earpiece.

I looked directly into the camera above, giving a half-smirk from under my hood.

There was only one fucking camera and it barely covered the club. He knew damn well he would remove any footage of me entering or leaving the club. It would be like I was never here.

As I walked through the crowd, my dark aura seemed to part them like the Red Sea. People glanced my way, drawn by something they couldn't quite put their finger on. 

It was the way my hood cast shadows over my face, making my features seem sharper and more mysterious with a power that can make anyone go numb.

"Keep me updated if you need Backup," Elias murmured in my ear. I could barely hear him through the ear fucking music.

Knowing my voice would barely be heard over the thumping bass. "Shut up, Asshole!" I can take men down all by myself unless there are innocent people around who need my team's cover to ensure their safety.

I made my way to the bar, my eyes scanning the room. My sharp features hidden under the hood and intense gaze made people turn away quickly, as if they could sense I wasn't someone to mess with.

A girl bumped into me, giggling, clearly drunk. "Hey there, handsome," she slurred.

Her hands moved up my chest, reaching for my hood and I grabbed it gently before she could reach my 6'5 height.

I gave her a smirk which was not sweet, my dark eyes flashing dangerously. "Careful, sweetheart," My voice was deep enough to send chills. "You won't like it if I slice these manicured hands and feed it to my dogs."

She stumbled back, her smile faded away as her friends pulled her away. I continued my path, my mind focused on the task at hand.

I spotted the guys Victor and his goons. Jasper and Truman were enjoying drinking, enjoying the sight of ladies asses moving to the rhythm. 

Victor was practically eye-fucking a young girl sitting across the booth from him, hunger and lust plain in his gaze. 

His eyes gleamed with a predatory intensity as he zeroed in on her. My blood was boiling but I gotta keep cool. 

"Fucking creep psycho," I muttered under my breath. "Scum of the earth."

I looked at the girl he was staring at. She looked about eighteen, laughing and tipsy with her friends. 

One of her friends, equally drunk, slurred, "You know wha…utt, ugh, fuck him."

"Yeahhh, babe," another chimed in, "we will uhh… 'hiccup'… find you a betterrrr man. He was a cheaterrrrr." She raised her middle finger in the air like he was actually there to take it.

"You girls are right, he was cheappp," Victor's prey said, her voice slightly slurred. 

She wore a black leather blouse that revealed the smooth skin of her stomach, her long brown hair cascading down her shoulders.

Her dark brown eyes sparkled with every bat of her lashes, and the more she fluttered them, the more Victor's eyes seemed to light up with excitement.

Victor shifted in his seat, the obvious bulge forming in his pants. Gross is an understatement.

 His breathing grew heavier, his eyes never leaving the girl. She was clearly his next target.

Dennis and Truman exchanged sly glances, their expressions suggesting they knew exactly what Victor was thinking. 

Jasper, on the other hand, was busy ogling every girl in sight, licking his lips and smacking them like he was at an all-you-can-eat buffet. 

"What a Dick, his girlfriend went missing yet here he is enjoying it as if his dad spent money in this club," I thought, my stomach churning in disgust. 

Elias's voice crackled in my ear. "What's the situation?"

"Four players for the game," I coded my message. 

A recent report came in about a girl who had gone missing from the club. She knocked at the door when her boyfriend walked her home but as soon her father opened the door. There was nobody.

Jasper, along with her father, reported her disappearance to the police. It had been a week but still no sign of her. The police, as usual, were just running in circles, asking random questions to family and friends. 

Another missing girl case that would eventually go cold and be forgotten.

As soon as my team got wind of it, I did a detailed background check on the girl and her close connections. But something didn't sit right with Jasper. 

He was selling weed secretly and often gambled. He had a wife before, but he used to beat her, and she died mysteriously—labelled as an accident. 

Marrying a guy who is just 19 and unstable… not a smart move.

He would come home drunk and beat her for not taking off his shoes, believing that wives should polish their husband's shoes and worship them. Sick bastard.

This bastard must have sugar coated Clara too and now she is missing.

During my research, I stumbled upon a video on the dark web. It showed the missing girl sitting on a bed, naked except for her underwear, covering her bare chest with her arms. 

Her body was covered in bruises and cigarette burns, scarring her pale, petite frame. She was shivering and looking dead pale into something behind the camera. It was a five-second video, but it felt like an eternity. 

Rage boiled within me, and I knew that once I got my hands on the people behind this, they would wish for a quick death after meeting me. 

I couldn't stop myself from watching it over and over again. Something caught my eye. I paused the video, but it was too quick. 

I made a few adjustments to slow it down, and there it was—a hand with a scar and a metal ring with a scorpion on it. That was Jasper's. I could hear whispers in the background and I looked into what he was up to.

Him and his mates were involved in something sinister, that was confirmed. But What I wanted to know was, where had they committed the crimes. So I am here to follow them to their sick place. 

I made my way over to them, pretending not to see them standing there, and bumped into Jasper. His drink spilled, and he got up from his stool.

"Hey man, what ya doing?" he barked, his goons glaring at me.

I pretended as if I hadn't noticed what happened and apologised. My eyes, however, were far from apologetic beneath my hood. I had a character to play for now.

"Ahh shit, sorry man, didn't see ya." I tucked my hand into my pocket and took the stool right next to him.

"You spilled my drin—" Jasper began, but I cut him off.

"My bad but I got it," I called to the bartender. "Hey mate, Bring that one," I pointed to the direction of Mendis coconut brandy.

The bartender looked at me as if I was joking. "Sir, it's expensive."

"You sure?" My intense gaze was too intense that silenced him, and he complied.

Victor smirked. "Rich taste. I like it." He is a 37 year old man with black and silver hair and a cut on his eyebrow to try to make him appear cool, but it looked ugly.

I winked. "Can't settle for less." but Internally it was Your poor ass can't afford a sip of it. But let's give them the expensive taste of wine one last time before they die.

Dennis and Truman exchanged glances, their eyes filled with curiosity. Jasper's anger subsided, the bartender placed the bottle and glasses in front of us.

"So, what do you do mate ?" Victor asked, leaning in, his tone dripping with false camaraderie.

I leaned back, exuding confidence. "I don't do much, I gambled a few times but I'm still not good at it. Working in a tech company but what I earn I spend on gambling. It's either win or lose. I'm just newly rich."

Victor chuckled. "I know how that works, we can have a match in the future." His hand extended towards mine. "By the way, I am Victor."

"Call me Pea," I said, Shaking his hand.

I raised the glass, my eyes scanning them. "To new friends?"

As we clinked glasses, I could feel their eyes on me, trying to size me up. 

"He is Dennis and Truman.The guy you got bumped into is Jasper." Victor spoke and I nodded.

Dennis and Truman are 30 and Jasper is younger, he is 26.

"You know, I am looking to make things more exciting. I sipped my drink purposely looking at a girl's ass. Victor followed my gaze, licking his lips.

Victor chuckled. "I know what you mean. We know how to have fun." His eyes darted to the earlier girl again. 

"A lot of fun." Jasper winked and his mates smiled with a smirk I wanted to wipe off.

I forced a smile, masking my revulsion. "That's what I'm hoping for." 

As the night went on, I played my role perfectly, blending in with their group. But every moment spent with them fueled my anger, and every word they spoke revealed just how twisted they were. They had no idea who they were dealing with. 

And I was just getting started.

I kept a close eye on the girls sitting in the booth, I couldn't risk these jerks getting close to her. In my presence I wouldn't let anything happen to her.

As the girls got up, Victor'gaze followed and he finally stood up, adjusting his pants discreetly, and started making his way toward the girl's booth.

I gripped his hand and he turned to stare at me with a WTF look. "Why not let me try here?" I winked.

Dennis, Truman and Jasper were clearly surprised but their shocked look was replaced with dark desires in their eyes once I finished.

"Nah I think I wanna have that one," Victor said pointing at the girl in black, his eyes filled with excitement. I clenched my jaw, resisting the urge to step on his face.

"I don't mind sharing though." I casually spoke leaning back in the stool again with a smirk.

"Oh clearly, we all are gonna share. After all, I found a match of mine." Victor spoke to his mates and winked at me.

I am nowhere near you filthy cunt.

The girls made their way to the bar in their tipsy walk and I was just waiting for this moment. 

"Want me to buy you guys a drink?" Victor offered. They giggled, glancing at each other. "Sure, why not?" the girl in the red spoke. 

I clenched my jaw, fighting the urge to step in right then and there. 

The girl sat beside him on a stool and he was staring at her cleavage as if he had never seen a female body before. 

I really wanna scoop out his eyes from those futile sockets.

"What's your name sweetie?" I chirped in. 

"Jessica. And uhh thesee are my friends Kennedy and Amelia.'' They giggled at us but they were drunk. 

Poor girls don't know who they are dealing with, or where they are going to be. 

Jasper rose off from his stool and stood beside Amelia in a Tank top with shorts. 

"Hey wanna dance?, lady." Jasper offered out his hand asking her. 

What a true gentleman right here. 

As soon as she got up, she mindlessly stepped on his shoes and giggled.

"Oh I'm so sorry. I didn't mea-" 

"Bitch you know what you did?"

Jasper held her arm and steadied her. 

She looked confused and tipsy. "Hey, leave" hiccups "Leave me alone."

Before she could get herself out from his strong grip. 

I elbowed my glass and caused it to trip over from the counter, Jessica was sitting right next to it. 

"The fuck are you doing gurl!" I growled at her. 

She flinched back because she thought it was her mistake that the glass had tripped over. 

Victor and other mates turned to look over at us. The girls looked confused and tense.

Victor spoke, "These bitches need to be taught some manners actually."

The music was too loud for anyone to notice what was even happening here. 

"Clearly! She fucking spilled my drink. Man! I am not gonna let that go."

"Of course, you can take care of her." he pushed Jessica into my side as if she was nothing but a dirty pile of clothes. 

No camera here for the evidence and the bartender who went in the back sure would be sticking up his dick somewhere. 

No one takes that long in the wc unless the adult games are going on in there.

Dennis and Truman got up and Victor gave them a nod. 

Before the girls could even comprehend of what's coming next, Jasper took the syringe out and popped it into her thigh. 

A single gasp escaped and she was losing her balance. 

Jasper clung to her and put his arm over her shoulder to balance her. Whispering something into her ears. 

Making it look like they were a couple and he was talking some sinful activities into her ears to do once they reach home.

Romantic I mean. 

Victor looked at me and I didn't show any sign of me being affected by any of that. However, it was the opposite.

Dennis passed the syringe to me. "You take care of Jessica. I'll take Kennedy. It will numb their senses for a time. It's Morphine."

Motherfucker! I can't do it to these girls. 

"If they tell you to drug them up, you have to, otherwise they will know your cover and those girls might not get saved tonight! Listen to me." Elias' voice rang through my earpiece which was hidden in my hood. 

I am a tough one but I have no guts to do this. I never felt my hands would shake holding a syringe to a girl's leg this pathetically.

I made many bodies go headless with my own fucking hands and never for once have my eyes flinched in fact I enjoyed making them bleed, their screams were music to my ears.

"Yeah, for what she did, she ain't getting off easy." I spoke and Victor and the guys nodded.

I carefully poked the needle in her skin, her pleading eyes looking at me.

"We should take them out, we don't need unwanted attention."I got up and pulled the syringe behind me emptying it without them noticing.

I held her wrist in a hard grip. She whimpered but my hard stare and nod from my head paused her struggles.

"I will get the car ready." Victor spoke with an evil smirk on his face. 

He is a sick guy. 

All the girls were sedated except the one with me. I held her and waited for them to move out and I followed them behind.

"Don't do anything, just act drunk and I'll get you all out safely." I whispered in her ear as I left the bar from the backdoor and others in front.

"Hurry up man! We don't wanna get caught." Victor looked back at me.

"You think I wish?" I walked past him with Jessica in my hold safely as she closed her eyes.

We got them into the car, and that was the moment I had been waiting for. 

The moment they take me to their place, they would surely see hell on earth.

They settled the girls in the back and two guys came in the back seat with me. Victor and Dennis in the front. Their loud, obnoxious laughter filled the air. 

"I can't wait to try this one with bigger tits," Jasper said while squeezing Amelia's tits from over her blouse. 

Yeah you would, only if your hands are attached with your wrists.