
The Blacksmith System

Wol Chu Jin, the second son in a black smithing family, awakens The Blacksmith System. With the help of such a system, can he forge the perfect weapon?

Alt_SPACE · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Signs of invasion

Upon the item being crafted, Chu Jin calculated his gains.

He bought two iron ore, a gold ore and a silver ore for 12 Craft points, while he made 20 Craft points from making the item itself.

A net positive of 8 was much higher than what he earned from making iron swords, but he didn't earn any money from this, as he wouldn't dare sell such a weapon to the nearby towns.

Then, a man walked in.

He was taller than Chu Jin by about an inch, but weighed around 50 more pounds.

He seemed skinny on the outside, but he was a glutton in reality.

His ginger hair that was the specialty of the Wol clan shined in the sunlight, and his eyes were blue as the sea.

Although the Wol clan was famous for their ginger hair, Chu Jin didn't possess it, which led to him being talked about behind his back by other towns.

"What's that?" Wol Ying asked, taking a closer look at the weapon in Chu Jin's hands.

"Ah!" Wol Ying screamed.

As a blacksmith, he could clearly tell that the item Chu Jin had made was incredible.

"How did you!" Wol Ying asked, although it was more of a scream.

"Hehehe. Brother, what if I told you I designed this myself?" Chu Jin asked, holding his dagger up for the world to see.

"What? Impossible, you don't have such a talent."

Wol Ying was visibly sweating, who would've thought that his brother would surpass him so quickly.

It seemed like just yesterday when they worked on a weapon together, no, it was yesterday!

"Brother, teach me how to make it!"


Chu Jin pointed his finger upwards and said, "2 gold coins."

A gold coin was worth 100 silver coins or 10,000 bronze, the ordinary household made about a gold coin annually.

"Brother that's not fair…" Wol Ying said.

"Ok then, guess the deal is off."

"Wait! I'll pay."

After making two gold coins, Chu Jin now had around 6 gold coins in savings, now it was time to go hunting.

The majority of people in this world got stronger by cultivating their mana aura, but only richer families had the techniques to do so.

Although the Wol clan had almost 1,000 gold coins in savings, it was nowhere near enough to buy the mana aura manuals.

So Chu Jin had to rely on old-fashioned methods: hunting.

While humans could cultivate mana aura, some of them would be naturally gifted and become stronger through the mana in the air, the same was true for beasts.

A beast that could absorb mana was called a demon, as the mana increased their ferocious nature.

With his dagger dealing so much damage, Chu Jin was confident that he could kill the most basic demons.

It was now dark, but Chu Jin hadn't found any demons yet, only normal creatures.

"Crack!" The sound of a branch breaking was heard from a distance away.

Then, Chu Jin saw about 6 men, all wearing Wol clan chainmail sit down at a clearing and start talking.

"We haven't found any demons in 3 days, it seems the army is safe to move."

"Guess so, if we aren't attacked during the raid we get double the pay though."

"True I don't wish to risk anything."

"Better safe than sorry, let's wait another week."

Chu Jin who was staking them, made a few deductions, and they all led to the same point.

Wol clan would be attacked.

Although It had been doing so for generations, it was always very risky to sell weapons to your neighbors.

As the Wol clan weapons were considered decent in value, they could go for a couple of silver coins.

When towns had thousands of gold, it was a very good investment, but this town wanted more.

If they could take the recipes for the Wol clan items, couldn't they produce blacksmiths themselves?

And if the town had blacksmiths, wouldn't they have the highest military strength?

With this in mind, the enemies had started their campaign against Wol clan.